--Dreams Of The Night--
I sit on the edge of my bed this morning, then I bent over, my old back threatening to hold still...but I was patient. I never thought I had to hurry...I never did, when I could help it. I never have told my nephew this, either...I'm getting so old now...it hurts to move sometimes. But, I'll survive, like my brother will survive. We all will survive these days of war. Though...I doubt if I will survive without him...--
No matter. I shall enjoy these few moments I have in the morning, before everyone else is awake.
I'm used to getting up at these odd hours now. He always made us get up, to start work and such. How I hated it, when he told me...made me to give up all nighters...
"Worker-Bot 3196! Get up and start your duties! AT THIS MINUTE!!"
His voice used to boom all over the building...I miss it at times. I know I am supposed to be loyal...but, at times, I feel alone in my thoughts. I start on some of my projects, imagening he just told me to start on my duties again.
I decide, after the 10th try, with this damned machine, to simply take a walk near by the lake, and watch the 3 am ring come up. I parry around in my thoughts, of grabbing this ring, and making a run for it...taking it to him...and pleasing him just one more time, and getting that well-deserved praise from his lips...
But no. I can't do that...They might have me imprisoned. I mean, they did it to my nephew once...why not me?
I push that thought out of my mind, and I leave the ring to fall back down again within the murky waters of the cold, icy waters.
How I would love to once again walk among those hallowed halls, of machinery and oil...listen to his rantings, as I worked on computers to my heart's content!! My old heart just SOARS thinking of that...I had purpose with him...a place with him...a -meaning- with him.
My nephew thinks I am alright, after my mind was "released" from his grasp...It is released, alright...but I still LONG for his companionship! His...certain friendship that only he could give me. I await the day, when I can meet my friend again, in peace, and away from unrelenting eyes...then we can help the world...with each of us...side by side, as we were before.
--I sit on the edge of my bed, a dream goes in passing...such a peaceful dream, of how it once was, before "it" happened... may I ever hold you dearly again?
My friend...my partner...my one and -only- love?? My truest compadre...Robotnik?
"You okay?"
"Yes...I'm fine...just had a bad dream is all..."
"Okay...hope you can get back to sleep."
--Squeek Shut--
"How can you...when your love is your enemy?? And you are his eternal fighter??"