went to the top of his Command Tower to see his ultimate creation.The mouth of
his Command Tower slid farther apart and a great massive cannon poked its way
out.It unhinged coming out farther and farther.Wires wrapped around it like snakes
and spikes stook out like unholy claws wrenching at the sky.Lightning came
crashing down upon Robotropolis in a violent storm forshadowing the alpha and
omega.Lightning struck the cannon and energy surged through it.Powered by the
Master Emerald and all the juice in New Robotropolis as backup he aimed it into
the sky.
isnt it Swat Superior #23562? WIth the flick of this switch I now hold I will
be able to send my will into Outer Space.I have created the end of Sonic the
Hedgehog.....THE ROBOTISIZER CANNON! I will be able to turn lifeless
moons,planets and galaxies into my mechanized empire! HAHAHAHA!"
softened his laugh and stared out at the horizen.
we all know this is only half of my glorious plan.....Sonic will see that when
he comes calling!"
moment of triumpth was interrupted by the sounds of alarms going off.
went back inside and turned on his main TV.A image flashed of Robotropolis
Freedon fighters!!!"
Doctor Robotnik,it is not one of them" one of his robots said.
image flashed of the real culpret.It was none other than Metal Sonic,risen from
the ashes of Snivelys tomb.His red eyes glowed with malice and lust for
revenge.White speed stripes on his metal spines and large metallic fists with a
flapping cape.
came alive as factories and buildings unfolded with great cannons and giant
gattling guns came out and began to fire upon him.Elegently he swerved past the
exploding blasts.He sent some lazer beams down cutting through metal like a hot
blade going through butter.The Swat Superiors took to the air and began their
assault.Thousands flew in from every direction.Metal Sonic lay still and with a
large kia sent them all shooting back by a invisible force.Robotnik activated
the barrier of his city between them and they went into standby attack
I am here for REVENGE.I am here to deliver the will of Snively and destroy
SNIVELY?! That little imp has brought him back!! that backstabbing
little....OPEN FIRE!!!!"
barrage of blasts bounced off a invisible force surrounding Metal Sonic.
I will show you true terror that comes from a machine and then I shall kill
Sonic the Hedgehog!"
waved his hand to the side with his cape flapping in the wind and his shield
tore open.He floated down where he met hand to hand combat with his
forces.Despite how fast,agile and intelligent the Swat Superiors were Metal
Sonic's moves were nigh instant and devastating.One punch from him shook down 3
oncoming ones.Robotnik gleefully smiled.
underestimate me Metal.I created you and I can destroy you!"
played his trump card.Robotnik had discovered that Mecha Shadow just wouldnt
cut it.Mecha Shadow was all speed and had the one thing he hated most in
robians.Free will.So in secret he began constructing a new bot.His greatest
robot.The one to lead the charge to lay waste of all Mobius.The front gates to
Inner Robotropolis opened.This challenge intruiged Metal Sonic and went to face
it.A giant foot stuck its foot out with a loud clang.A great black cape flung
out by its side brushing the doors.Metal Sonic stepped back as he looked up at
this monstrosity.It beamed down upon him with a evil green firey glow coming
from inside of its face piercing into his mechanical soul.His right arm was
great wires and cords wrapped abudant about eachother coming together at the
end to become a great claw that it dragged.It towered over Metal Sonic like a
great beast.
"I will crush you."
words escaped from inside its mechanical voicebox like a demon awaking from a
slumber.Metal Sonic stood his ground.
are slow and no match for Metal Sonic!"
storm above came down upon them.Metal Sonic grabbed a lightning bolt and became
a supercharged killing machine.A red aura of light surrounded him and his eyes
glow as bright as fire.His jet booster kicked in as he slammed into the
behemoth sending it through Robotniks buildings.Metal Sonic pummeled away on
its hard plating but not even scratching him.
may be strong Metal but you are no match for my great beast!" Robotnik
tables were turned suddenly as The Lord of Swatbots turned aside and slammed
Metal Sonic to the ground.Metal Sonic was being forced down by its weight.He
sent a shockwave of lightning through it to shortcircuit it but Robotnik
thought ahead and added shock absorbers into its hide.It raised its huge claw
and same down to strike like a scorpian.Metal Sonic did a spindash away and
came out with the great giant tearing after him.It walked all over him as all
Metal Sonic could do was get up.Then it fired up its cannon and hit him full
blast.Metal Sonic raised a shield to protect himself.
havnt seen the last of me Robotnik!"
ran barely escaping the Lord of Swatbots claw strike.
primary target:Sonic the Hedgehog."
went full blast on his boosters towards Knothole.Sonic was with Tails playing
dirt hockey.
Tails,think you can handle that new body of yours? Your going pretty
sloppy!" Sonic said taking the puck.
show you a new body!"
pounced on Sonic tackling him into the dirt.Sonic laughed and rolled with her.
fair! Against the rules!"
and Sonic got up and continued playing.Sonic had switched with Rotor to be
goalie for once.Then as Tails took the puck from Rotor she tripped on a rock
sticking up out of the dirt.Then something unexpected happend.As she fell
forward into Sonic their lips met.Accidentaly the had kissed both on the ground
still lips touching with a look of shock frozen on their faces.Tails snapped
out of her trance.
I'm sorry! Was an accident!"
got up with his eyes still huge.He didnt whipe her scent off his lips but just
disturbed by what ran through his mind just then.He had actually enjoyed that
and now was looking at Tails as he looked at Sally and Bunnie often.His heart
raced and he collapsed to the ground scraming inside to himself.
just isnt right!!!"
sorry it was an accident!" Tails pleaded.
felt horrible and ashamed of himself.Luckly Sally wasnt there to see that or so
he thought.He saw Sally staring at him with the same horrible look of shock
Sonic had.Sonic was about to speak but Sally rushed off sobbing.A sharp jolt of
inner pain from guilt hit Sonic in his stomach.He looked back at Tails who seemed to also be suffering.She was crying.
have I done? Aunt Sally hates me now and so do you!"
stepped in.
boy,you sure have done it this time Suga hog!"
was an accident Bunnie I swear it to you!"
believe you Sonic but right now Sally wont.I'll go talk to her to try and sort
things out okay?"
approached Tails who was still crying.
not in trouble Tails.Dont worry.It was an accident after all!"
settled while Bunnie went to sort things out.MEanwhile unkownset to them Metal
Sonic had found them.He stepped out of the shadows and two of his first victims
came.It was Amy Rose and Cheese (with her chao).
been so long" Metal Sonic hissed.
Sonic!!! But Sonic beat you!"
am back and am shiny and brand new."
do you want?" Cheeese asked.
blood spilled on the gound with a frozen look of fear on your faces!"
turned to run but Metal Sonic with ease cut them down.Their heads rolled
cleanly off their bodies with their mouths open for a scream and their eyes
filled with fear as Metal Sonic wanted.
noticed Creams Chao trying to scurry away but grabbed it and crushed it in his
hand as blood sprayed all over.He dropped the broken mess and took off.Sonic
was on a log chilling eating a chilli dog when Metal Sonic slammed into him
with full power ramming him through a tree.Sonic twirled and rolled along the
ground,having the wind knocked out of him.
back for that rematch you promised me remember,Sonic?"
W-why are you covered in blood...? WHAT DID YOU DO!!!"
this.If you mean your sweet Amy Rose and Cheese Rabbit they are no more."
killed them! YOU BASTARD!!!!"
twirled into a sonic spin and launched himself at Metal.He hit him and sent him
into a tree but bounced him off with a kia.Sonic went underground
spinning.Metal took quickly to the air looking for the hedgehog to come up.He
waited and waited.Then Sonic shot out of the dirt and managed to grab onto him
as he moved out of the way.Sonic grabbed onto his leg.
want to go for a ride,Sonic?!"
shot straight upward into the sky higher and higher.He shot past the clouds and
outer space was coming in quick.Sonics lungs tightened and he began to
suffocate.It began to grow very cold for him as Metal brushed through the last
clouds about to leave Mobius.Sonic let go and fell.He free felled for a good
ten minutes until he began to come close to the ground.Sonic was on the verge
on blacking out and couldnt summon the strength to soften his blow.But then
Metal Sonic teleported underneath him and caught him.But then he threw Sonic
down to earth.Sonics head stuck into the dirt as he quirmed to free himself.
At least you dont have your head in the clouds anymore!"
Sonic decided to get serious and came walking towards him charging up with
electricity crackling off him.But then Rotor came in front of him with a lazer
gun and began to shoot at him.
Sonic put up a shield to deflect the blasts.Rotors face turned to terror.Then
MEtal Sonic outstretched his arm and pointed to him like he was holding a
gun.Then his finger shot like a bullet off him hitting poor Rotor in the side.A
new finger slid in to take its place.
will all shall pay.........heh....but not right now....."
popped his head out and rushed to Rotor.
Somebody get him to the hospital!"
well Sonic...I am letting you go so that I shall crush you and Robotnik
together with my army!"
Sonic said no more and blasted a few houses with his lazer eyebeams and shot
off like a rocket.Inside those burning huts were the babysitting center as the
last of the children they had protected from Robotnik burned alive in the
horrible inferno.Antoine and Bunnie came with a hose of water but it was too
late.All that was left was they're disfigured ruins.Sonic had his fist
clenched.They were so tight that blood leaked.
"Metal will all die!"