Disclaimer- I own nothing here, Dic Entertainment owns everything. As much as I hate to admit it. But hey, I can dream, can’t I? I mean, hope is the only thing some of us have to hold onto, right?

A/N- This is just my take on how Snively might’ve felt at the end of ‘The Doomsday Project’... though I’ve only seen the ending, to be honest. Please review and tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy it.

(Oh, and really try to imagine Snively’s voice in your head as you read this, as well as him actually doing all these things, just to get the full effect of the story.)

The Freedom Fighters were winning. They had the Deep Power Stones, and were using them to their full advantage. Robotnik didn’t have a Doomsday Pod left to his name. The Big Round Guy was all out of ideas. He was losing to the Hedgehog, and he knew it.

If only the fool had listened to me! I told him he was going about this whole thing all wrong! I told him Project Doomsday would be a failure! He brought this entirely on himself! The fool should’ve listened to me- but nooo! But does he ever listen to Snively? Does he ever take my advice? Nooo! I always knew he would one-day pay for his arrogant foolishness... and now he was. Dearly. Well, some people just never learn...

It served him right. I felt no pity for him. Why should I? After all the pain he’d put me through over the years... after the horrible way he treated me... always blaming me, always punishing me for his own failure. It was something I had learned to live with over the years, true, but I still hated him for it. Oh, when I first joined sides with him all those years ago, I foolishly believed that I would get my share of power, that he would treat me with respect, like an equal. Biggest mistake I ever made. Oh, yes, I learned of his intended place for me all too soon. He had made that clear right from the start.

As the Doomsday Building fell apart all around us, I watched my uncle helplessly spinning around in his chair from the great impact. “Sir?” I spoke up, well aware that it wasn’t the best time, but I didn’t care. I was terrified, worried about how we were ever going to get out of this one. I needed to know what he wished of me next, or what his next plan or move would be... even though I was sure it would be another extremely foolish move on his part, as usual. I knew one thing for certain though- we needed to get out of there, and fast!

Shut up, Snively!” Robotnik yelled impatiently, in response to my speaking up only a second ago. Suddenly, he leaps up from his chair and hurries over to the hanger-doors to where his personal hovercraft was parked, in the event of such an emergency. I was surprised that he even had the foresight to prepare an emergency getaway in advance. But what surprised me even more, at the moment, was that he was actually leaving me behind! No, I thought to myself, of all the unfair things he’s ever done to me in the past... no, surely he would never be so heartless as to abandon me like this, to leave me here to die- his own nephew... But alas, I had once again underestimated the selfish cretin’s true intentions, like the little fool I was. When would I learn?

“Sir,” I cried, hurrying after him as he got into the hovercraft, ready to take off, “wait for-”

Robotnik looked at me, and all at once I could read the ultimate betrayal in those cold, red eyes of his, even though it all happened so dreadfully fast, before I could even think. “Sorry, Snively, only room for one!” he quickly says, then slams the door. All I can do is helplessly stand there in shock and disbelief and the engine starts up and takes off, leaving me alone with the whole place falling to pieces around me.

I couldn’t believe it. How could he do this to me?! After all I ever did for him... THIS was my final reward for all my years of loyal service?! What did I ever do to derserve this?! I was going to die at any moment, but Julian could care less about what happened to me... he only cared about saving his own fat arse. I was nothing but a worthless piece of trash in his eyes, not even worth waiting a mere two seconds for. Like some old material object that you only keep around for a certain period of time- handy and useful up to a point, but then once you feel you don’t need it anymore, you dispose of it or just leave it to rot. Never, in all my life, had I ever felt so used... so abused... so neglected... so hurt inside... And believe me, I felt like that every single day... but this was, by far, the absolute worst thing he could ever have done to me. That treacherous snake! How dare he do this to me?!

But soon my feelings of hurt outrage evolved into pure rage and hate, more so than I had ever felt towards Robotnik before. It then occured to me that I shouldn’t feel so shocked after all... this was just like Robotnik to turn his back on me like the worthless, measly ‘thing’ he only saw me as. Like I said, I had foolishly underestimated him. I may be family, but Robotnik didn’t care about family. He didn’t care that we were of the same blood... if anything, he only deeply regretted it, as he always was saying to me.

“You don’t give me enough credit, Julian!” I snarled, my voice coming forth in a vicious hiss. Oh, yes, Robotnik had also underestimated me. There’s indeed far more to this so-called “loyal” little lackey than what meets the eye. He wasn’t the only one to plan ahead in the event of such an emergency... you see, over the months, when I wasn’t assisting Robotnik with his plans and work, I would usually be plotting and planning behind his back. I had always dreamed of the day when he would finally let the Hedgehog defeat him... then, I, Snively the Great, would finally recieve my long-deserved chance to rise to power. Over the months, I had secretly designed and built a secret underground elevator that I had planned on using just in case the time would ever arise, for whatever reason. I just knew it would serve me well sometime in the future.

I quickly hurried over to the computer pannel and, using the proper codes, activated my escape hatch. I hurried inside, tapping my foot impatiently, as the door closed and the elevator started going down. As the elevator went down, I breathed a sigh of relief. Little did the Big Round Guy know it, but his “stupid” little nephew had managed to cleverly escape after all. He would rue the day he ever made me into his slave... He would regret all those times he inflicted both emotional and physical pain onto me... Oh, yes, I had big plans, all right...

All of a sudden, before I even realized what was happening to me, a tear rolled down my cheek. This one tear alone stood for all the pain, suffering, sadness, and loneliness I had ever felt during my life. Then, I suddenly got this huge lump in my throat. I slumped down to the floor, burried my face into my arms, and started to sob. I cried a tear for each time that Robotnik had beaten me for something that wasn’t even my fault... I cried a tear for each time he had threatened to kill or roboticize me if I failed him... I cried a tear for each and every time I wished I had somebody in my life to love me and care for me, even just somebody to talk to and share all my hopes, dreams, and feelings with, a true friend... I cried a tear for each and every piece of deep-down, built-up, bottled-up hatred, anger, bitterness, and rage I ever felt and could never express... I cried a tear for each and every time I dreamed of living a better, happier life... I cried a tear for each and every time I ever felt used and unappreciated... and I cried ten oceans of tears for the present, for the pain of being left behind to die by my own relative, like some worthless piece of rubbish. Each tear I shed was accompanied by a past flashback/memory, though quick and somewhat fleeting, like a dream...

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator finally reached my secret underground retreat. Heaving a deep sigh, I stood up and wiped the tears away from my eyes and face. It took me about five minutes just to collect myself and my thoughts. Now is no time to wallow in self-pity! I firmly told myself as I quickly hardened my heart once again. Despite the years of wretched memories left behind to haunt me, the painful, regretful past was gone, behind me forever. Now was the dawning of a new and better life for me. I would never have to suffer again. I suddenly felt free... elavated... lifted to a new and great height! My evilness and hate gave me the courage and strength I needed to achieve my ultimate dream. Now that my emotional system was finally cleansed out after all those years- and, oh, did it feel wonderful- I felt no longer worried or frightened of anything.

I quickly left the elevator, and accessed the doorway that led to my hideout, giving the computer pannel the proper password: “Snively the Great rules, the Big Round Guy drools.” After a quick hand-print for certification, the doorway whooshed open. Grinning, I entered my private lair and hurried straight towards the monitors. I needed to know just what was happening outside, what with the Freedom Fighters and the Power Stones. I noticed, much to my interest, that the Hedgehog, Princess, and the others had managed to use the Stones to destroy Doomsday after all, and were celebrating their greatest victory and trumph ever. I also observed that the Hedgehog and the Princess were engaged in a most intimate kiss, much to great interest. It made me feel a tad wistful once again, as nobody had ever loved me before. Sadly, love was one of many positive emotions that never existed for me. But I quickly hardened my heart again and firmly pushed any thoughts of self-pity from my mind. For, they rendered me weak...

Well, I had suspected, from the very start, that the Hedgehog would emerge triumphant once again. But Robotnik had always underestimated him, even this time, when it was ever so much more crucial than ever before. It’s like he thought this whole thing was all one big game to him!

That led to me thinking about just how furious Robotnik would be once he found out that Sonic and the Freedom Fighters had defeated him yet again. This one was supposed to be his “greatest triumph of all”, and so I wished that I could see the look on his face when he found out that he had once again failed miserably. Only this time, I wouldn’t be around to get blamed for it...

Suddenly, I heard the Hedgehog exclaim, “Past cool! Robotnik’s gone!” My eyes widened, as it slowly sunk in... Robotnik was gone... as in, gone for good... gone permanently... dead?! Did I dare believe it?!

My mind was whirling. I was in shock. I couldn’t believe it... Sonic had finally, finally let that blue vermon defeat him, once-and-for!! My dream had finally come true! Now with Robotnik finally gone, I would finally fullfill my ultimate goal of taking over Robotropolis... and soon, all of Mobius. For once in my life, the gods were finally bestowing their good fortune onto me! My time had come! At long last, things were finally looking up for me!! I dared not pinch myself...

I was ectatic. Now was the dawning of a new era... a new ruler would rise to power. Now was the time of the order of Lord Snively... Snively the Great... Gone was the cowardly, spineless, used/abused little lackey I once was, laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed by all... Now I was actually somebody! And, oh yes, I would see that that miserable Hedgehog would pay for all he’s ever done to me, especially and including the loss of my beloved hair all those years ago.

Roaring with maniacal laughter that echoed off all sides of the room, I cast off my old green uniform- a symbol of my wretched past, as well as my former self- and clothed myself in a magnificent outfit worthy of a true evil dictator, perfectly-complete with black cape and gloves, that I had always saved up just for this day. I proudly viewed myself in the mirror. Indeed, I was a new man altogether.

As I made my way to the surface in my elevator shaft, I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that it was entirely Robotnik’s own plan that led to his downfall. How deliciously ironic, I thought to myself with an evil grin. Just as I always thought...

The elevator finally reached ground-level. I pushed a button, and the door opened with a whoosh! I set foot outside, as the dust cleared away, and looked all around my city, grinning from ear to ear. “YE-E-ES!!” I cried out triumphantly. I couldn’t help but cackle loud and long in sheer joy. I had never felt so happy in my life. I then cleared my throat, making a mental note to work on my evil laugh later. “The Big Round Guy,” I grinned with wicked pleasure, “finally let Sonic defeat him...” Even now, it was still hard for me to believe! “Well, don’t celebrate too soon, Hedgehog!” I said in a sweet, though sarcastic tone, my voice ending in a vicious snarl as I narrowed my eyes. “Now... it’s my turn...” I once again broke out into a fit of maniacal laughter, it almost turning into a bit of a coughing fit, and so I stopped short again. I really needed to work on that laugh of mine.

“...AND I AM NOT ALONE!!” I roared, going into yet another raspy, wheezy fit of evil laughter as I walked away, grinning.

As I walked away, I glanced behind me at my city that had so suddenly become mine, all in the same day. It was hard to believe that only a mere half-hour, I was little Snively- the snivelling, grovelling little nobody. Now I was a whole new man.

...Yet- yet, then why did I still feel so strangely empty inside... as if a part of me were missing...?

Sadly, I knew within my heart- as much as I hate to admit it- that... that deep down inside, I still wasn’t happy, even now. No, not truely happy at all.

Why even bother to lie to myself? No matter how much I denied it, I knew the sad truth in the depths of my heart. No matter what I did... I would always be alone.

I sighed sadly, wiping away a tear that had trickled down my cheek.

One more tear shed... for the loss of my remaining innocence.


This has been a Shychick Production!