Sonic Beyond: The ProphecySonic Beyond

The Prophecy

part 4

by Sonique



"Hedgehog priority one. Detain by order of Robotnik." Alison reached out to

capture Sonic.


Sonic backed away from Alison, "No way am I just gonna leave you here."


"Forget it, hedgehog!" Robotnik declared. "Shels my servant now." He ordered

Alison, "Get Sonic."


"Hedgehog priority one. Hedgehog priority one." Something made Alison stop in

her tracks.


"Huh?" Sonic asked.


Suddenly, Alison emitted a strange high-pitched noise, and sparks flew out of

her body as if she was short-circuiting.


"What is going on?" Robotnik yelled. "Snively!"


Snively shrugged in response.


Sonic watched as Alisonls body became engulfed in a wave of sparks and

lightning, then, she slowly began to change back to normal.


"This canlt be happening!" Robotnik exclaimed.


Alison fell to the floor and held her head as if she had a headache, "Oh man.."

She looked at her hands in surprise and realized she had changed back. "YES!"

She stood up and leaped happily into the air, "YES! In your face Ro-butt-nik!

Ilm immune to your stupid machines."


"Yes!" Sonic ran over, grabbed her arm, "Hold on this time." and with that,

raced out the room.


"There they are." Sally said while pointing to the blue streak coming at her.


"Do ylall think he got Ali-girl outta there?" Bunnie asked.


Sonic came dashing by grabbing the two girls arms. "Welve gotta juice, fast!"


"What all happened over there?" Bunnie asked then looked at Alison, "Ahlm glad

ylall are okay, sugah."


They darted through the street ways of Robotropolis, having no idea of what

would come next. Sonic came to a abrupt halt because a sea of SWaTbots came from

all directions surrounding them.


"Illl take care of this!" Alison said taking out her security card, but before

she could say another word a laser beam came destroying it in her hand, "Or

maybe not."


They looked up and saw Snively in a hovercraft.


"Letls see you get out of this one, you ignoramus!" He yelled at Alison as the

army of SWaTbots closed in on them.


Sonic held his arm out to Sally, "Sal, slap me some power."


"Um... Sonic, they took the power ring when they searched us."


Alison pulled a gold ring from her belt, "Is this what youl mean?"


"All right, Al!" Sonic exclaimed. He held out his hand, "Glow and go time!"


Sally held onto Sonic and Bunnie to Sally, "Ylall hold on, Ali-girl, cause we

ainlt cominl back for ya this tahm."


Alison wrapped her arms around Bunniels chest as if hugging her making sure

wouldnlt fall off.


Sonic held up the power ring and it began to glow brightly, "Outta here!" Sonic

remarked and blasted off toward the SWaTbots knocking them over and escaping.


Snively saw what happened and reacted, "Damn!" He banged his fist on the control

of his hovercraft accidentally hitting the acceleration button. The craft

sprinted forward heading toward the main headquarters of Robotnik. "AUGH!

Reverse course!" He shouted at the computer, but he spoke too late for the craft

banged into the building and crashed down onto the SWaTbots. His craft became

completely disabled and turned upside down. When he came to and realized what

happened, he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I hate that girl!"


Sonic stopped near a cliff in the forest. "Yeah! Last stop, Knothole Village."


The girls all let go and Alison said, "Thanks you guys."


"No, thanks you, Al. You really saved our butts back there." Sonic replied


"It was nothing at all." She smiled at them, "Well, I guess, Illl see you guys

later." She waved then turned around and began to walk away.


"Wait!" Sally called.


Alison turned around, "Yeah?"


"How would you like to come back to Knothole with us?"


Sonic and Bunnie gasped, "You feelinl all raht Sally-girl?"


"Do you trust me?" Alison asked.


"You saved our lives." Sonic replied.


"Well, at least our sanity." Sally said. "Weld love to have you aboard as our

newest Freedom Fighter."


Alison grew excited, "Really?"


"Sure thing, Al." Sonic replied.


Alison jumped with thrill, "All right!"


Sonic pulled a vine on a tree and a part of the tree moved to the side revealing

a cave. "Letls juice." Sonic darted into the cave followed by Bunnie and Sally.


Alison shrugged, walked over to the cave and peered inside. It wasnlt just a

cave, it was a twisty tunnel-slide. "Oh cool." She leaped inside after the

others and slid down, up, around and over through the tunnel. "Whoa! This is

great!" Then, after a big dip and sharp turn upward in the tunnel, it ended and

she went soaring into a big pile of hay. She looked around, "Oh cool!" She

replied again. Knothole appeared to be nothing but a small village with huts

made from hay and sticks. Trees surrounded it making it a good hiding place

though she sun still shined making the due on the grass shimmer; paths traveled

throughout the village as animals walked careless about. She also noticed behind

her a waterfall raced down into a pond, which glowed. "That must be where the

power rings are."


"Donlt be shy now, sugah, ylall come down from that hay pahl and say hello."


Alison looked down to Bunnie and replied, "Okay. Whatever you say." She slid

down the hay pile and brushed off the extra hay on her.


"Hi." Alison looked up to see a walrus staring at her with a smile.


"Oh, hello." She replied.


"My name is Rotor. You must be Alison." He remarked.


"Thatls me." Then she asked, "What did you say your name was?"


"Rotor... as in motor; Sonic sometimes calls me Rote as in boat."


Alison and Rotor started walking toward the villages together, "So, your Rotor

as in motor, but Sonic calls your Rote as in boat?"


"Thatls right."


"So, itls like motor and boat. I should call you motor boat." She joked.


Rotor stopped and thought, "Hey, I like that."






Alison giggled, "Okay, Illl call you Motor Boat."


They both laughed.


"Alison." Sally called white approaching her. "This is Tails." Sally brought a

cute, young, small, brown fox with her. The fox wore sneakers of red and white

colors and white gloves.


"Whatls up?" She said to the young fox.


"My names is Tails." He replied in a cute voice.


Alison then noticed why they called him that; he had two tails! "Oh, cool! You

have two tails."


"Yep, wanna see me fly?"


Alison chuckled thinking he had to be joking, "Thatls a good one."


"No, really, I can fly." Tails insisted.


Alison still didnlt believe him and wasnlt about to believe a fox could fly,

"Yeah right. See ya" She and Rotor walked away from him.


"You really should humor Tails, he..." Rotor began.


"Look at me!" Tails exclaimed from behind Alison.


Alison felt about fed up with him and remarked, "Not now, I... ARUGH!"


She turned and saw Tails in mid air approaching her. His tails! He could

actually fly by propelling his two tails!


Completely startled she yelled, "Hey! What are you? Some kind of freak?"


Tails landed and looked at her with big watery eyes.


Rotor gasped at her and Sally came running over, "Alison!"


Alison calmed down, "Oh, Ilm sorry. Ilm not used to you guys yet." She turned to

Tails, "Sorry about that, kid."


Tails smiled, "Itls cool. But Ilm not a kid."


"Oh, how old are you? Like fourteen or something?"


"Ilm ten."


"Okay, cool."


"What ezz thees overlander being doing in zee great foreest?" Some asked from

behind with the strongest French accent.


Alison looked and saw a coyote wearing a blue army suit coming up to her. "Ilm

living here now." She remarked then added, "What are you lbeing doingl?"


"There eez no room for a young overlander, like youself, in theez foreest." He



"Anotine," Rotor said to him, "Shels okay. She saved Sallyls life."


Antoine looked at Alison as if trying to figure her out then finally said, "I am

sorry my princess but I am not to be trusteeng anyone too soon. Do not forgeet

it was zee overlanders tryeeng to keel us in zee first place."


Sally came to Alisonls defense, "Relax Antoine. We can trust her."


"Hrmph. Perhaps there is beeing a first time for anytheeng." He held out his

hand to her, "I weel be giveeng you a fair chance then if my princees sez to do



They shook hands and Alison gave him a comfortable smile.


"Let me show you where youlll be staying." Sally took Alison over to a small hut

made of hay, sticks and wood.


Alison felt under-whelmed at first but the inside of the hut shined like a

palace. The place seemed almost too good to be true for her. On the right side

laid a double bed with two mattresses covered by royal purple sheets; to the

left behind the bed, a door lead to the kitchen with an stove top oven,

cupboards galore, a dishwasher and a king size refrigerator. On the other side

of the hut sat a couch, two chairs with foot stools to each, a large closet and,

of course, a large bathroom with a shower and all.


Alison couldnlt believe her eyes, "WOW! You want me to live here, all by



"Yes." Sally replied. "It was our guest hut but we can make another."


"Cool! All dumbass Robotnik gave me was a tiny room that I had to share with

that puny little runt Snively." She stopped for a moment then realizing all her

stuff had been left behind in Snivelyls room.


"Whatls the matter?" Sally asked noticing her expression change.


Alison moaned, "All my stuff is with Snively."


"Oooh, Ilm sorry." Sally put her hand on Alisonls shoulder, "Welll get it back,

but why donlt you go to sleep now? Itls late."


Alison shrugged, "Sure."


"Glnight." Sally left Alison alone with her thoughts.


Alison sat down on her bed and reached inside her shirt where she had a small

pocket. She pulled out a small heart-shaped locket of Snively that she had made

when she lived in Robotropolis with him. She felt a deep longing in her heart

for him and only wished sheld treated him with the gentle caring that she

originally intended to. She only wished sheld been kinder to him instead of

driving him crazy but it seemed to be the only way to catch his attention.


She sighed and lay down on her bed facing the ceiling. "At least Ilm safe in

Knothole." After a short while, she fell asleep.



Alison awoke the next morning to a knocking on her door. At first she ignored it

thinking it was probably Robotnik or Snively ready to yell at her for something,

but then she remembered where she no longer lived with them. She lived with the

friendly animals of Knothole.


She leaped out of bed and answered to door to find Tails standing there with her

backpack. "You left this outside." He handed it to her.


Now she grew confused because she knew she hadnlt taken her bag with her, "Where

did you get this?"


"It was outside." Tails put the bag down by her side then noticed her perplexed

expression, "Are you okay?"


"Yeah." Alison replied still confused; she picked up her backpack and put it on

her shoulders, "Well, thanks, Tails."


Alison headed away from her hut and found Sonic, Sally, Rotor and Bunnie sitting

at a picnic bench talking. She walked up to the bench and as she did, they

stopped and watched her like a zoo exhibit. That made her a tad uncomfortable

but, she put her backpack on top of it, "Did one of you guys get this for me?"


"What is it?" Sally asked.


"Itls my backpack with my stuff." She opened her backpack and peered inside

finding everything she had left at Snivelyls. "All my stuff is in here."


"Whereld you find it?" Sonic replied.


"Tails did actually." She dug through the bag wondering if maybe there would be

a clue left inside. "Hey!" She pulled out a scroll with a blue ribbon tied

around it. "This isnlt mine." She put it down on the table and continued

searching through her bag.


While Alison searched, Sally picked up the scroll, "Arenlt you wondering how

this got with your stuff?"


Alison gave a quick response, "No."


Sonic took the scroll from Sally and his curiosity got the best of him, "Wonder

what it says." He opened it up and took a short glance at both sides, "Blank."


As if getting the idea from nowhere, Alison asked, "Whatls the Floating Island?"


All surprised by this sudden question, everyone turned to her and stared for a

second then, Rotor asked, "What?"


"I said, whatls the Floating Island?"


"Whereld you hear about the Floating Island?" Sonic asked puzzled.


Alison rolled her eyes as if they were stupid, "It says lGo to the Floating

Islandl on that scroll."


At the same time, they all looked at the black scroll than back at Alison. Sally

remarked, "No, it doesnlt." She took the scroll from Sonic and showed it to

Alison, "Itls completely blank."


Now Alison became confused, "But, it says so right there." She pointed on the

scroll right where she could see the words written, but the Freedom Fighters

still couldnlt see it.


"You okay?" Sonic asked her in a concerned tone.


Alison went from confused to angry in about three seconds, "Give me that!" She

grabbed the scroll away from Sally, opened it up and read from it, "It says,

lAlison.l Weird, whoever wrote this knows who I am. lGo to the Floating Island.

Athair and Knuckles will help you with your quest.l" She looked up from the

scroll to the otherls puzzled faces.


"You sure youlre okay?" Sonic asked again.


Alison rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. "Okay, fine, screw you guys! Illl find

this lFloating Islandl myself."


"Alison," Sally replied, "the Floating Island doesnlt exist; itls a myth."


"So, youlve heard about it?"


Sally reached down and pulled Nicole our from a holder in her shoe, "Nicole,

show us any data you have on the Floating Island."


"Working, Sally." The small computer responded. There was a short pause followed

by blue lights coming out of Nicole showing a holographic display of an island

floating in mid air.


"Whoa! Cool!" Alison exclaimed. She reached out to the hologram and her arm went

right though it, "Nifty."


Nicole then explained, "According to an ancient legend, the Floating Island once

belonged to a race of rare sorcerers and sorceresses. Legend states that the

Floating Island has the capability to float above Mobius due to the power of the

Master Emerald and surrounding Chaos Emeralds. It is not know how the Master

Emerald or Chaos Emeralds work. Information on the Floating Island is limited."


"Okay." Alison responded. "Can I ask Nicole a question?"


"Sure you can." Sally pressed a button on Nicole making the hologram disappear;

she handed Nicole to Alison.


"Nicole.. how does one find the Floating Island?"


"There is no data on how to find the Floating Island."


Alison started at Nicole blankly trying to think of what to say. "But..." was

the only thing she ended up saying.


"Itls like I said, the island is just a myth."


"Sally, that island is no myth. Ilve been there." A small child-like voice said

from behind Alison.


Alison turned around expecting to see a kid behind her but instead, her eyes

widened with surprise as she saw a giant green dinosaur looking down at her. In

horror Alison screamed, dropped Nicole on the floor and quickly ran a few steps

in the opposite direction.


"Itls okay, Alison." Sally said with a slight giggle.


Alison started back at the beast in shock then realizing the monster had wings;

it was a dragon! Alison took a deep breath, "Ilm sorry. Ilm not used to seeing..



The dragon seemed to ignore Alisonls response and turned to Sally, "Sally, I

know that island is no myth. My mom took me there when I was a kid."


Sally thought for a moment, "Dulcy, are you sure?"


"I could take you there." Dulcy responded.


Alison quickly asked, "Can you take me there?"


"Sure, we can go right now. Illl give you a ride."


Of course, Alison felt nervous, for sheld never ridden on a dragon before.

"Okay." She said.


Rotor eagerly jumped up, "Illl go with you."


Both Dulcy and Alison turned to Rotor.


"If, thatls okay." He replied.


"Sure." Alison said.


"All aboard for Floating Island."


Alison leaped onto Dulcy back and Rotor did the same. Dulcy even had a straddle

on her back for them. Alison held onto it tight.


"Good luck you guys." Sonic said before they left.


With one flap of her wings, Dulcy became airborne and took off toward the skies.

Each flap of Dulcyls wings gave Alison a slight jolt a butterflies in her

stomach. Alison watched the Freedom Fighters become smaller and smaller as Dulcy

took them higher into the sky. Once the takeoff finished, Dulcy flew in a smooth

path straight forward. Alison felt herself calming down now that they were in

the air and flying relatively gently.


Alisonls thoughts were interrupted by Rotor speaking, "So, you know where welre

going now, right?"


"It shouldnlt be too hard to find." Dulcy replied. "Just look for an island

floating in the sky."


Rotor decided to take this time to get to know Alison a little better, "So,

where are you from, anyway?" He asked her.


"Well.." Alison began not knowing what exactly to tell him. She couldnlt just

tell him she came from another planet. "To be perfectly honest, Ilm not really

sure. I think.. I came from a totally different dimension."




"Yeah, you see, where I come from, there were no talking hedgehogs and flying

dragons. There were just humans living together."




"Oh yeah.. overlanders. We called them humans were I came from."


"Humans?" Rotor smiled, "I like it, but, you mean to say there were no other



"Well, there were animals... they just didnlt talk."


"Weird." Rotor replied after a short while.


Alison sighed, "I know you probably donlt believe me, but..."


Rotor interrupted, "Why wouldnlt I believe you?"


Alison was surprised at what he said, "So, you do believe me?"


"You seem so honest."


Alison smiled at him, "Thanks, that means a lot to me."


Rotor blushed and shyly replied, "Well.. I kinda.. figured yould been through a




After about an hour and a half of flying, they still hadnlt found the Floating

Island, and all three grew weary of traveling. Dulcyls eyelids became heavy and

she began to slowly close them and fall asleep.


Fortunately, Rotor caught her before she completely fell asleep, "Dulcy, wake



Dulcy woke up with a shock and rambled, "Five more minutes, Ma."


Alison sighed, "Welve been looking for over an hour. Dulcy, are you sure you

know where welre going?"


There was a slight pause then Dulcy said, "Well, actually, Ilve been trying to

find my way for the last thirty minutes now."


"What?! You mean welre lost?" Alison freaked.


"Donlt worry." Dulcy said. "We should be close now."


Alison rolled her eyes and folded her arms, "This was a mistake." She mumbled.

Then she looked off toward her right and gasped at what she saw. She pointed to

the small speck in the distance, "Hey, whatls that?" To get a closer look, she

carefully stood up on Dulcyls back trying her best to keep her balance.


"Here, use these." Rotor handed her an odd pair of binoculars.


Alison looked at them for a second then peered through them. "Whoa, everythingls

all red." She noticed. Though everything she saw had a reddish shade to it, she

was still capable of seeing through them fine.


She couldnlt believe her eyes; the speck she had seen before was actually a

floating piece of land! "Itls there!" She exclaimed.


"I see it too!" Rotor replied.


"I told you I knew where I was going." Dulcy said and with that, took a sharp

turn toward the Floating Island.


As they approached the island, they noticed how incredibly large and beautiful

it was. It was at least the size of a large city with sparkling blue rivers

flowing gently surrounded by luscious green grass, which surfaced the island.

Waterfalls descended gracfully into the clear ponds below them. The trees stood

high covered with plentiful green leaves; tall moutains sat upon the plains in

the distance with a small amount of snow covering the very tops.


Alison remarked, "My God. Itls beautiful."


Rotor wanted to make a compliment like, "Itls not as beautiful as you." but

didnlt want to sound too forward.


"Goinl down!" Dulcy exclaimed. With that, she began plunging at great speed

toward the island.


"Whoa!" Alison grabbed on tight to hang on.


"Take it easy, Dulcy." Rotor said.


"Thislll be perfect." Dulcy responded.


Rotor turned to Alison, "Oh, by the way, Dulcy canlt land very good."




Dulcy neared the final stretch and stuck her legs out in front of her. With a

thud her feet landed on the island, but Dulcy couldnlt keep her balance and

plummeted face first into the dirt.


Alison had held on tight so the impact didnlt effect her much. "Are you okay,



Dulcy replied, "Ilm fine, Ma."


Rotor and Alison leaped off Dulcyls back and began to look around the island.


"I donlt believe it." Rotor said in amazement. "It does exist."


Dulcy pushed herself off from the ground and stood up straight, "I knew Ild been

here before."


They slowly walked forward marveling at the beauty of the island.


"I wonder where this lAthairl is." Alison remarked.


"YEEEIIIAAAA!" Someone screamed ferociously from above.


The three Freedom Fighters gasped and turned in time to see a giant net plummet

onto them.


"Hey!" Rotor yelled.


Whoosh! From the heavens, a red muscular body plunged downward landing in front

of them with a intense glare. "You are trespassers." He growled.



All comments about this fic can be written to me, Sonique, at