Robed Sniv
Kragok's Christmas Cheer
Merry Christmas from Kragok and Sniv
Sonia has some advice for Sniv
Rouge hits on Snively
Lien-Da and Sniv realize they have a lot in common.
Sonia and Lien-Da compete for Sniv's attention
How sweet!
And I love you too.
Robotnik's yelling again...
Snively ala Austin Powers
Sniv visits the Snively Shrine
Lien-Da touches Sniv's nose
Lien-Da's rough on Sniv's nose!
Kidnapping of the Sniv
More Rouge and Snively!
Rouge touching the NOSE
Rouge and Snively
Bad Ass Sniv
Sniv's in the Dark Legion
Sniv has to do everything!
A Knuckles scorned.
Lien-Da thinks Sniv's cute.
Lien-Da's got his nose!
Sniv, sneaky and crafty
Lovin' the nose