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    View CommentsNew Sonic Film In the Works?

    January 19th, 2012 by






    Earlier today, Yuji Naka, former head of Sonic Team and series co-creator, teased the possibility of a Sonic film in development. The tweet posted is in Japanese though, and many translators come up with all different kinds of results. Danny Russell, a japan based reporter helping out TSSZ News posted an accurate translation of Mr. Naka’s tweet.

    “Marza Animation Planet is made up of members from VE R&D (http://sega.jp/corp/saiyo/csjob/ve.shtml), which is a division he had a hand in creating. It looks like they’re working on a Sonic movie. Their offices seem nice, and they have a screening room / theatre there.” (Source: TSSZ)

    Who those who might have forgot, Marza Animation Studios (formerly Sega VE Animation Studio) is the same team that produced the Sonic: Night of the Werehog short and also helped out on the CGI work in Generations, Colors, and more. Many other translations also state that Mr. Naka is simply working on ‘Sonic-related footage’. So, do we have a film on its way to the big screen, another 15-minute short, or CGI work on the next Sonic title? Your guess is as good as mine.

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