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    View CommentsPromotion: Sonic Game

    January 21st, 2012 by

    FUS is now putting its self behind a Sonic Fan Game.   We have a few dedicated guys behind this project, 2 brothers, a sound guy, also Steven your lovely Sea3on artist is giving a hand in it.   The current game is not near completion yet, only about 10% of the level’s and design are done as well as Music production just started.  But to give you guys a quick glimpse of how the game will look:

    Note there is no sound in this video so don’t go checking to see if your speakers are properly plugged in.

    This game (once finished) will be available for free download on FUS.  I’ll be sure to keep you guys up to date on the project as well as let you know as soon as it is done.  Currently the game will only be available for the PC, although we are looking at ways to port it over to a Mac. So with any luck once we finish it we will have downloads for both PC and Mac users.


    As mentioned before, FUS is a free website and we pay for these projects out of our own pockets.  We do hope for your support as we venture into more and more projects.  Moral support,  help getting our news out there, or a buck or two in the donation bin is always welcome.












    Saber16 (Steven from Sea3on)

    Follow the discussion in progress