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    View CommentsSpam! ..Not the food kind

    January 14th, 2012 by

    So if you are a forum user I’m sure you have noticed the increase in Spam posts over the last few days. Basically some smart bot found a way through our security questions and decided to share them with all of its bot friends. The jerk!    Regardless the last few days we have had something like 10 or 20 bots join up.

    So.. Our fix around this is 1) update the forum software.  We have delayed this long enough and hopefully by doing that that should solve the bot issues.  2) we are going to open up a validating forum again. Just a bit more added security, shouldn’t cause new members much delay either.  Seeing as FUS has a mod or admin on at almost any given point there should only be a few hours in delay between a new member signing up and us validating him.  Defiantly within a 24 hour period.


    Problems that might occur.. Well, I can only really see one issue come up and that’s the forum skin.  This update calls for us to redo the skin afterwords.  I’m not too sure if it will accept the current skin or if that means we need to make a bran new one.  Regardless its not too big of a issue, Ian is currently designing a new forum skin as we speak to match the rest of the website.  So worst comes to worst FUS might be stuck with some generic skin for a few weeks (hopefully not).


    Well I’m at it check out the new Sea3on page www.sonicsatam.com/sea3on    I have a short preview of our new artist in there (Don’t worry Saber is still doing the main comic).

    Ann Chovi, our new artist, will be covering the next short, as well as other works in the future. You can check out her dev art here: http://ann-chovi.deviantart.com/   Also make sure to wish her a Happy 25th birthday today.


    Also remember FUS has a paypal donation button on the main site. With your help we can fund more projects like hiring more artists, writers, or other things.






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