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    View CommentsUgh…A Sonic Music Video..Wait? Its Good?!!

    February 24th, 2012 by

    I’ve been around the FUS for…Well 10 years now.  I have seen a lot of stuff in that time.  That includes WAY too many music videos.  You know those crapy music videos that people do over clips of SatAM because they have nothing better to do in their life?  Those videos that get 2 hits and a “meh…good work bud.”.


    Now every so often I did see a good one that I liked..I just never did anything cool about it.  Why?…Well I probably didn’t own FUS at that point…Or for that matter have any influence on you lot.  Which I do now of course so you will all love this or else your teeth will rot out. Take that!


    Okay onto my point here.  Few days ago a member called Songbird21 (Im sure her real name is different) signed up and posted a rather good Sonic Music Fan Video thing of a majig.





    I bet you are thinking at this moment.  But you would be wrong.  Its actually pretty good in its timing and..Well its just good.  So out to promote some much needed work..Here we go!


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