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    View CommentsNew Forum Skin…Check!

    June 22nd, 2012 by

    As I’m sure most of you (the forum goers) have noticed by now that the forum looks a tad…brighter.   The new skin that has been in the works for some time was released today.  This is now the main forum skin as it matches the website.  This being said the old darker skin is still available.    You can always change it by going to the “Change Theme” (think its called that) button at the bottom left of the forum.

    Next on the list of upgrades to do is the Sea3on page.  In the future (I hope sooner then later but we shall see) it shall also match the website colour scheme.  As well as have a better navigation system.  I’m pretty sure we are going to stick with using comic press, but customize it a bit more for our needs.


    What else needs to get done?  Well a lot of the website’s info, facts, etc needs to be re written.  Most of it is out dated, or just hasn’t been changed in years.  Hell I think some of it still talks about Alison owning the website. And trust me, that was a LONG time ago…Well, like 5 years ago.  Maybe 6.   Problem there?  I suck at writing those things out.  I know what needs to be changed..How to write it out properly though and make it sound interesting…Nope.   So who knows how long that will take to get fixed.


    Anyway’s thanks for sticking with us, and look foreword to more changes (hopefully for the better).


    Also if you have any suggestions for the website please let us know and post so in this topic.  We do this for you guys so, might as well ask for your input from time to time.




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