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    View CommentsBeen a while eh?

    December 12th, 2012 by

    So…. I really haven’t updated much recently.  Mostly because there hasn’t been much to update on.  As sad as that sounds.


    I have somewhat fallen behind in everything I was involved in (Sonic related that is).  Life just got the better of me I suppose.  I’m a manager at my job and.. Although I have been a manager for some time I’m always doing and learning new stuff.  Basically I’m a n00b manager.  But I’m getting there.

    I should update on some stuff though so here we go… The Sonic Film that Jaleel White is in SHOULD be out early in the new year.  I actually got a email today confirming that myself and John’s names were right as we are funders of the film.  I KNOW we should have gotten more exclusive stuff from the film during its making as our deal was…And we didn’t.  Maybe that’s my fault for not pushing it enough in recent months, or perhaps too much political crap with the studio making the film.  Who knows.  But I do know we still hold the rights to a lot and FUS will be holding the video on the server after its creation.


    Games. Games. Games.   Okay so you may or may not know that a few of us have been designing a SatAM game.  Most of it has been under wraps but the demo is out to a select few (those of you who have it obviously know who you are).   What we tried to do was re design a Genesis type game for the PC based on SatAM.   I must say 2 things;

    1)  Game is awesome so far in its vintage style

    2) I suck ass at plat-formers these days apparently

    The big guys behind this game are RedAuthar, his brother Arek, and my left hand man (John is my right hand man) Bakuda.


    Speaking of John…Where in the world is he!?!??

    Ive gotten a few questions of this over a while..Some people thing he is still in Afghanistan.  Well, he isn’t there any more..However he really has no internet connection besides his cell phone.   However if all goes right his discharge papers should go through *soon*(only been waiting 5 months) and he should be out of the Australian Military and hooked up with a proper internet connection.


    Now of course I should mention Sea3on in this update (if you are reading this without knowing what Sea3on is… just go die [or check it out]).  We started chapter 5 Wooooo!  But with some delays.  Okay not so bad but we did have to change our Monday update to just a ‘weekly’ update.  Basically Stephen is still in college and the amount of  stuff he is doing is crazy.

    That being said Ch.5 actually started a winter break December 1st where we decided to try a 26 days of Christmas with our lovely Sea3on short artist Sami…Or Ann_Chovi on the forums.    We are 11 comics in and have hit a few snags along the way..Mostly do to her moving and lack of internet) but we still have 11 pages for 11 days.  Only.. 15 more pages to go.  Should all be up for boxing day.


    So….I guess that is my big ol’ website update for now.  Letting you all know what is up and what is going on.





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