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    View CommentsFans United For SatAM Convention 2013

    February 11th, 2013 by


    Hello fellow FUSers. Most of you probably don’t know me, but that’s not what’s important here. What is important is that Chief asked me to inform you of all of a special event this year. Right now several of us, both myself and Chief included, plan on intending the ComicCon in San Diego. Why is that a big deal? Well FUS hasn’t had its own Con in quite some time, so we thought it would be fun to piggy back off an event that we could all get behind. I mean what is not to like about comics, movies, games, both babes, guys running around in costumes, swag, and free food. Nothing, that’s what.

    So all of that being said, any and all FUS members are welcome to join us for FUSCOMICCON 2013! Say it, it’s fun, I promise. If you want to attend let Chief or I know ASAP so we can keep a tally. If you want to go to the ComicCon itself, make sure to get tickets http://www.comic-con.org/. You need to register before the tickets go on sale in order to be able to purchase them. Tickets go on sale this coming Saturday (16th).  Also, it is our understanding that these tickets sell out almost immediately, so make sure you are ready to go 9:00 AM PST. Dates for the show are July 18th – 21st. Chief will be their longer, so feel free to make plans that involve harassing him during his vacation.

    Any questions, ask Chief because I am too lazy. Plus he made me type this up, so if I forgot something it is his fault anyway. Bother him in the forums here: http://sonicsatam.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4313

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