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    View CommentsConvention

    February 23rd, 2014 by

    Hey guys, I want to bring attention to a convention the Sonic  Revolution team is doing.    But instead of typing out a bunch of stuff I am just going to link you to the original post which you can find here.   And yes I just used the full sentence as a link because..Don’t want you missing it.


    As for plans to go..I might.   California takes a bit to get to from my neck of the woods, and if I fly all that way there Id rather it be longer then just a few days.  But hey, who knows.  Still plenty of time for me to make up my mind on the matter.   However all of those who can go I highly recommend going.  The bigger the turn out for the first convention just means all those after will be larger and continue to grow.


    I’m sure Ogilvie will continue to update us all on anything new regarding the convention so..Keep checking.



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