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    February 21st, 2014 by

    As many of you know FUS costs a ton to run.  With life, other expenses, my dog blowing another ACL (cause that is only a 3 thousand dollar surgery..) and having a almost 7 year old daughter doesn’t make things much cheaper either.   Also with the Canadian dollar dropping again (yes I am Canadian) paying a US server bill hurts.  I almost cried when I paid this month off.
    Seeing as FUS really pulls in no money of its own besides the random donation here and there (and by one awesome guy who keeps tossing a bit my way each month..You know who you are) I just can’t stay on the same server.    Which.. Really isn’t a bad thing.. I just hate having to pull up the site and move it (by e I mean I have 2 guys Bakuda and Kef doing that for me) but still.  Horrible!

    Anyways I’m pretty sure I have found a nice host that offers basically everything FUS needs plus still a bit of room to grow.  I’m still not fully sold, but basically.. Its going to happen.   The new host offers a bit less of a processor but I am hoping that won’t make any noticeable difference to you guys.  I’m also still going to be keeping a VPS server configuration as there are a few sites that FUS members have and I’m just a nice guy who hosts those for free (You also know who you are)


    As the move goes on (between now and end of the month) you guys should probably not notice a thing.  The only noticeable part will be the forum going down…And I’m hoping that it will only be down for a few hours at tops.  Just enough time to shut it down on this server, download, then re upload it.  And of course do a quick check to make sure nothing buggered up in the process (nothing ever goes smoothly)   I’ll also be sure to give you guys a day or so warning on roughly when we will be shutting down.   Just so everyone knows whats what.



    On other news…I know S3 has been down for…months.  But I did announce Sami as our new artist a while back.  Well where is that new page?!!!  Well chatted with her recently and she has been practicing hard on the S3 characters and such.  As it has been some time since she has drawn them.  Also she said she has been working on a few pages at once just so updates can start picking up like normal.  Those pages are just taking a bit due to her trying to get use to the proper feel for things again.  So..I’ll keep you updated on that as well but I am hoping to start updating S3 again soon.



    If you do wish to donate there is a donate button on the main page.  It will link to my paypal and I will use that money to help server costs plus other additional costs.  Like S3 and yadda yadda.




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