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    View CommentsJamie Alimorad Album Kickstarter

    March 2nd, 2015 by

    Hey guys,

    Those of you who have been around here the past few years know we are trying to venture out into animating Sea3on.   Though that project has found its self on a bit of a hiatus do to certain things going on, plus funding for it, yadda yadda..We still are slowly puttering away on it.  But this post isn’t about Sea3on…

    One of the first guys who got on board with us right away when we first started looking for help was Jamie Alimorad.  A great up and coming artist with 2 albums already behind him.   Currently he has a kickstarter going to create another album with the help of Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and producer Gino Vannelli.   Which as a pair would make a amazing team.

    Jamie is a great guy so be sure to check out his kickstarter which you can find here.




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