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    View CommentsJamie Alimorad Album Kickstarter

    March 2nd, 2015 by

    Hey guys,

    Those of you who have been around here the past few years know we are trying to venture out into animating Sea3on.   Though that project has found its self on a bit of a hiatus do to certain things going on, plus funding for it, yadda yadda..We still are slowly puttering away on it.  But this post isn’t about Sea3on…

    One of the first guys who got on board with us right away when we first started looking for help was Jamie Alimorad.  A great up and coming artist with 2 albums already behind him.   Currently he has a kickstarter going to create another album with the help of Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and producer Gino Vannelli.   Which as a pair would make a amazing team.

    Jamie is a great guy so be sure to check out his kickstarter which you can find here.




    View CommentsFUS is shutting down….

    October 2nd, 2014 by

    ….Well it will if I forget to prepay my next bill before going on vacation 😛

    I’ll be gone from October 8th to 22nd (ish) with no internet access.  Going to be hunting and well out of any cell phone signal.  So…Cool.    Why am I telling you guys this?  Well simply put RedAuthar is going to be running FUS.  Any issues, complaints, whatever..Go to him.  He can make rules and laws and so on.   Up till when I come back and I tell him he was being stupid.  But for 2 weeks ish he has the reign.   FurryKef will be running second to him.  Mostly for tech stuff…So if the board breaks or what not..go to him directly.   Emailing or PMing me will get you no where during this time.


    Sea3on will be going on a month break after this last page.. Which means you all sadly have to go a month without.  This was planned to give Tim and Stephen a drawing break, and as well give us time to figure out how ch4 goes..drawing wise.  Plan ahead stuff.



    Anyways I’ll be kicking around for another week so if you need anything catch me before then.   And no Ben I havent gotten anywhere with mass PMs.   Talk to Kef.


    View CommentsDowntime…Wasn’t us.

    April 19th, 2014 by

    Normally when the site breaks everyone looks at me.   Basically because I have been known to break things when I tinker around..Or de-admin myself..Or forget to re-register the domain.. Well the list kind of goes on.   Thankfully I have Kef and Bakuda who..generally know how to fix things.   This past Wednesday wasn’t anything I did..Nor any of my tech staff.   What happened was a massive downtime throughout our hosts VPS and Dedicated servers.   Because I still run FUS on a VPS configuration..  that included us.

    To quote

    a message from our CEO
    Dear Paul,
    On April 16 we experienced an outage that affected a portion of our customers. We want to sincerely apologize for any impact this may have had on your websites, email, and other online efforts.
    We traced the interruption back to a complex and undocumented firmware bug in one of our vendor’s hardware solutions, specifically some of our network routers. Once the problem was identified we immediately worked with the vendor to create and deploy a firmware update and custom configuration to fix it. We want to emphasize that none of your confidential information was ever compromised and that your account data remains safe and secure.



    So basically all is good now.  This isn’t a big news update but I figured I would inform the lot of you before people start thinking I broke something else.



    View CommentsLooking for artist!….again

    March 9th, 2014 by

    I know, I know.. I announced a new Sea3on artist some time ago as I had found one.  Sami as you all know has worked on shorts before in the past, plus her work has always just been amazing.   So, we (myself and her) were hoping for her to get back on her drawing path and become our main artist.
    Sadly over the course of the last month plus some her work life just became too hectic.  With working the next town over and working 6 day weeks (which currently show no sign of ending) she came to me this morning expressing that there is no possible way for her to get going as the main artist at this time.  We chatted about holding off on the comic a bit longer, maybe things will clear up come summer..But in the end we both decided that for now at least it is best to try finding a artist.

    So..I hope to end this artist curse that seems to be haunting Sea3on.

    So..Looking for artist(s).   I’m actually wiling to accept a team of people this time.  I know a lot of you last time wanted to try something and were waiting for a page for me to toss out…Anyways I have that page now.

    But be warned… Taking on this job apparently throws your personal life into absolute hell.  For it is the CURSE OF SEA3ON!!!


    So PM me on the forums with your work, email me Paul@Sonicsatam.com or jump into our IRC chat room and chat with me about this.  http://www.sonicsatam.com/sample-page/chat-room/

    As for a promo page to try out..


    Page One
    Plain white background. The Freedom Fighters are all standing, side by side, in the foreground and looking at the audience. From left to right: Antoine, looking bashful; Bunnie, giving a big wave and an even bigger smile; Sally, arms folded in font of her chest and a calm smile on her face; Sonic, winking and giving a flashy thumbs up; Rotor, arms folded behind his back, eyes closed, but a small smile on his face; and Tails, hopping up and waving with both his eyes with an enthusiastic grin.
    Everyone: HELLO!
    Close up of Sally, still smiling calmly at the audience.
    Sally: Welcome to the Audition! This little exercise is designed to-
    Same shot, but Sally is now being pushed aside by an eager-looking Sonic on the right side of the panel, much to her annoyance.
    Sonic: We wanna see how awesome you can be!
    Normal shot; we can see the characters from the waist up now. Sally is on the left, pushing Sonic away toward the right side of the panel. Sonic is stubbornly trying to get back to the center, flailing his arms at her, but it’s no use. Sally is glaring daggers at him, and he at her.
    Sally: That’s only part of it, Sonic! They’re not just here to show off, but to practice!
    Medium long-shot. Rotor is in the background, and has picked Sonic and Sally up by the scruffs of their necks; he is looking at Sally with a chiding expression. Sonic and Sally are both looking quite surprised.
    Rotor: C’mon, you two, settle down. What we’re trying to get at is…!
    Same shot, but we are now seeing it from the bottom of Rotor’s neck upwards. His hat has now been snatched by Tails, who is hovering over him in the upper portion of the panel with his tails spinning; he looks very amused with himself. Rotor looks befuddled.
    Tails: We’re trying to say, we’re here to have fun!

    Page Two
    Long shot. Bunnie is in the lower left corner of the panel with a cocky little grin, extending her robot arm up to Tails, who is in the upper right of the panel looking surprised, and grabbing on to Rotor’s hat; Rotor (still holding on to Sonic and Sally, both of whom look mildly annoyed) is in the center, still confused by all this.
    Bunnie: Now now, Sugah-Fox, don’t you get carried away up there.
    Medium close-up of Bunnie looking at the audience with a friendly smile; her robot arm is pulling back in from the upper right of the panel, with Rotor’s hat in its hand.
    Bunnie: Now then, why don’t we get back t’business ‘n’ introduce ourselves to…!
    Medium long-shot. Bunnie is on the left of the panel, looking up in shock at Rotor, who is looking pretty mad and has tossed a shocked Sonic and Sally aside into the lower right of the panel so that he can begin to try and tackle Bunnie. Tails, also looking annoyed, has begun diving toward Bunnie from the upper right of the panel.
    Rotor and Tails, simultaneously: GIMME THAT HAT BACK!!!
    Same shot, but everyone has fallen to the bottom of the panel in a big, messy heap, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris in the process.
    Same shot, but everyone is now lying down, looking mildly pained, at the bottom of the panel in a crumpled heap.
    Same shot, but Antoine, nervously twiddling his thumbs, looking at the audience with a sheepish smile and sweating a little, has side-stepped in front of the pile.
    Antoine: Eh-heh-heh…I am most apologizing for zis embarassing display, but…to get to ze very point….
    Medium close-up of Antoine, eyes closed and smiling awkwardly, waving at the audience.
    Antoine: …Goodbye!


    View CommentsConvention

    February 23rd, 2014 by

    Hey guys, I want to bring attention to a convention the Sonic  Revolution team is doing.    But instead of typing out a bunch of stuff I am just going to link you to the original post which you can find here.   And yes I just used the full sentence as a link because..Don’t want you missing it.


    As for plans to go..I might.   California takes a bit to get to from my neck of the woods, and if I fly all that way there Id rather it be longer then just a few days.  But hey, who knows.  Still plenty of time for me to make up my mind on the matter.   However all of those who can go I highly recommend going.  The bigger the turn out for the first convention just means all those after will be larger and continue to grow.


    I’m sure Ogilvie will continue to update us all on anything new regarding the convention so..Keep checking.



    View CommentsMoving

    February 21st, 2014 by

    As many of you know FUS costs a ton to run.  With life, other expenses, my dog blowing another ACL (cause that is only a 3 thousand dollar surgery..) and having a almost 7 year old daughter doesn’t make things much cheaper either.   Also with the Canadian dollar dropping again (yes I am Canadian) paying a US server bill hurts.  I almost cried when I paid this month off.
    Seeing as FUS really pulls in no money of its own besides the random donation here and there (and by one awesome guy who keeps tossing a bit my way each month..You know who you are) I just can’t stay on the same server.    Which.. Really isn’t a bad thing.. I just hate having to pull up the site and move it (by e I mean I have 2 guys Bakuda and Kef doing that for me) but still.  Horrible!

    Anyways I’m pretty sure I have found a nice host that offers basically everything FUS needs plus still a bit of room to grow.  I’m still not fully sold, but basically.. Its going to happen.   The new host offers a bit less of a processor but I am hoping that won’t make any noticeable difference to you guys.  I’m also still going to be keeping a VPS server configuration as there are a few sites that FUS members have and I’m just a nice guy who hosts those for free (You also know who you are)


    As the move goes on (between now and end of the month) you guys should probably not notice a thing.  The only noticeable part will be the forum going down…And I’m hoping that it will only be down for a few hours at tops.  Just enough time to shut it down on this server, download, then re upload it.  And of course do a quick check to make sure nothing buggered up in the process (nothing ever goes smoothly)   I’ll also be sure to give you guys a day or so warning on roughly when we will be shutting down.   Just so everyone knows whats what.



    On other news…I know S3 has been down for…months.  But I did announce Sami as our new artist a while back.  Well where is that new page?!!!  Well chatted with her recently and she has been practicing hard on the S3 characters and such.  As it has been some time since she has drawn them.  Also she said she has been working on a few pages at once just so updates can start picking up like normal.  Those pages are just taking a bit due to her trying to get use to the proper feel for things again.  So..I’ll keep you updated on that as well but I am hoping to start updating S3 again soon.



    If you do wish to donate there is a donate button on the main page.  It will link to my paypal and I will use that money to help server costs plus other additional costs.  Like S3 and yadda yadda.




    View CommentsNew Artist… Found!

    January 20th, 2014 by

    Fall Girl

    Okay so first of all I would like to thank all whom applied.   I never knew that S3 had such talented fans and..Well just some amazing work got handed in over the past few weeks.  I will be contacting some of you in the near future to work on the occasional short, or funny (Been thinking about doing a B&W comic for gags recently).  So keep checking your inbox.  I am also aware that there is a small group out there who wish to split up the rolls as artist.   I do hope to see your work still as… Could come in handy for the shorts.


    Anyways I’m sure the lot of you are wondering who I have decided to replace Stephen with…And well, I couldn’t have picked anyone better in my opinion.  Not to mention I first thought of her when I needed a new artist..Just took some talking, some figuring stuff out, random nights and huzza.
    So without wasting any more of your time the new Sea3on lead artist is the always lovely Sami!   You may remember her from  The Mechanics Puzzle as well as A Christmas Carol.  So be sure to check out her Deviant ART account and drop her a word of encouragement.   It takes a lot to step into Stephen’s shoes, and I’m sure she will do wonderful.

    I have no time frame on the next page just yet.  Over the course of the next week or so Sami told me she has to start practicing on model designs ad so on for the comic. Once she is comfortable enough with that the pages shall start rolling out once again.

    Thanks again for all of your support,


    View CommentsSea3on Artist

    January 5th, 2014 by


    So over the last little while the comic Sea3on has been delayed. Partly with sickness, sharing time between S3A and S3, and other stuff.

    I’m making this post more regarding the comic. I’m in need of a new comic artist currently. My main artist Stephen has had much going on and while he tells me he wants to stay going, it just isn’t feasible at this time.

    This of course is sad news for all of us, as he has been the most epic of comic artists with plenty of fans. So I’m sure filling his shoes will be a hard thing to do. However for the survival of Sea3on it does have to be done.
    SO! If you are interested in being part of the Sea3on comic as a head artist, please shoot me a email with your application and any art you have.



    View CommentsDonation Club – Game Give Away

    November 11th, 2013 by

    Alright so a little while ago I asked you all for some help in the financial department with FUS.  So far the donations coming in have been great.  I really do appreciate all of the help.   Which brings me to this topic.

    In order to thank you all for donating myself with help from a good friend are going to start a game give away to thank those who donate on a monthly basis.  Basically we will be giving away game codes on a (hopefully) monthly basis.   Now the codes will be given away on a lottery type system.  It doesn’t matter how much you donate, you will be entered into the monthly draw.

    This will just be my way of keeping you guy’s happy as well as a token of thanks for all of your help.


    As of now I have 2 game coeds for Medal of Honor: Warfighter  Of course for these games you will have to have Orgin But I hope to do a mixture of both Orgin and Steam games in the future.  Perhaps add a few more games before the draw at the end of November.

    Also, as this will be the first game draw it will include everyone who has donated since the start of my donation drive for FUS.  So that will be 2 months worth of people put into this draw.

    Thanks again for all of your help..I hope this monthly game give away will help keep things going and keep all of you happy.



    View CommentsSonic Revolution

    October 19th, 2013 by

    For those of you who are not aware of what Sonic Revolution is.. Well go here http://www.sonic-revolution.net/

    Earlier this week I was contacted by a member of their team wondering if I would be willing to help their goal of having a fan based Sonic convention in southern California sometime mid summer.  We chatted a little bit, I did my research on their site, what they are doing, groups they are in contact with and so on.  Basically I think it is a wonderful idea if everything is put together and can work out properly.


    The main idea is similar to what got Summer of Sonic going in the UK.  Just consider this the North American version.  A fan run convention that has the possibility to  draw in large crowds, Sonic fans and so on together.


    Personally I am in full support of this project, and I would like all of you to give it a check out as well.  Even if you think you can’t make it to the west coast for a convention just toss out your support, let others know.


    A few other links that are handy.. http://www.sonic-revolution.net/home/meetups/  Find a meet up in your local city.

    And the FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/SonicRevolt


    So give it a read guys.  I think it could be something promising.  As well be sure to see if their are local meet ups in a city near you.

