Chapter 002 – Page 025

Ohhhhhh  getting closer to relieving who that “someone” is.  Excited? Nervous? Can’t wait? Is YOUR guess right? Well, you will find out another time.

Onto site news.. The Ben Hurst memorial section should be up on FUS today.. Maybe tomorrow.  It’ll have comments from fans, some pictures, and also will include whatever stuff he had planned for Season 3.   I don’t think it will be a huge section but it will be nice.

So only 2 more pages left for this chapter. I think its 27 pages. Either 27 or 28. Its too early in the morning I kind of forget.  6:30am, I’m just about to head out the door to work.

Later gator. See you next Monday!


Discussion (87) ¬

  1. MarbleDidymus

    Fagh! Foiled again! Someone indeed. 😀

  2. star

    ahhh man!!! i missed the frist post by that much, i need to stay up longer -_-;; anyway the page is good but i wonder what sally and bunnie were doing oh well we’ll figure it out

  3. RedAuthar

    *eats face*

  4. dmoney

    I hope Sally and Bunnie did not go off and do what almost every other fanfic has them do when they get alone…. you all know what i’m talking about…LOL

  5. Glitcher

    What is it with people wanting to get the first post? You don’t win anything, you know. There’s no trophy, no prize money. People aren’t going to worship and admire you because you posted first. Nobody cares, alright?

    You mean… go shopping and paint their nails? At least that’s what I write about in all my girl couple stories. Hee hee!

  6. MarbleDidymus

    I just happened to be up and awake at the time. *shrug*

  7. sonicblur13

    @dmoney – what do you mean

  8. sonicblur13

    seriosly what do you mean mr. dmoney ???????????????? 🙁

  9. MarbleDidymus

    How old are you, Mr. Blur?

  10. RedPanda234

    I think he’s eleven…

    You don’t want to know… e.e

    The chap’s ending. And getting closer to reveal cloaked figure’s identity…
    It’s good to see you better again, Paul =]

  11. sonicblur13

    i am eleven

  12. Asher Tye

    @glitcher Its a point of pride. Everyone likes being first.

    I can’t help but think something’s going to hit the fan when Sally gets the fully story about what happened, both for Sonic and Tails. ;_; I have no real guess for who the Cloaked Flier is, too many possibilities.

    O_O Maybe its a Nobody from Organization XIII.

  13. Glitcher

    Notice how Rotor isn’t with Sally and Bunnie. I think we now know who Mr. Cloak is, folks….

  14. soniczfan

    @sonicblur13 you’re 11 and you still don’t know what dmoney ment! I’m 12 and by 9 i knew that stuff. Anyway @Asher Tye LOL you read/watch anime too!

  15. soniczfan

    @Glitcher that’s impossible rotot can’t fly.

  16. soniczfan

    oops i spelled Rotor wrong.

  17. Saber

    … Why do I get the feeling it’s going to be Sally’s mom or something?

  18. Glitcher

    How hard can it be for a mechanic like Rotor to design a compact flying apparatus?

  19. Hibob7

    Shadow guessers, rejoice.

  20. Ryan


    Or It’s knuckles.

    The first one will really throw all of us off big time.

  21. dr.awesome

    @ ryan
    if he wanted to kill sally why didn’t he just go to her insted of saving tails

  22. The BORED

    I think it’s Knuckles in the cloak. probably here to stop Naugus from getting his claw on the Chaos Emeralds.

  23. The BORED

    I forgot to say this but @ hibob7 it wouldn’t make sense if it was Shadow and why would he save Tails?

  24. Asher Tye

    Because he’s just such a sweet guy? Didn’t he have to suffer through another young person dying needlessly? I imagine he’d be eager to keep that from happening again, at least if he could help prevent it. Of course it could be Silver back from the future. XD

  25. The BORED

    I think Shadow should show up later in the story, like after Robotnick’s return. This is a better time for Knuckles to make his appearance.

  26. RazFandango

    Let’s pretend that the Sea3on staff was considering doing two pages a week. How much money would have to be raised to make that happen?

  27. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    This is one of the most amazing webcomics I’ve ever seen.
    I can’t wait to see who te cloaked figure is, but I think that after this chapter, Monday updates should continue. It’s relaxing coming back from high on Monday afternoon and having a new Sea3on page.

    @Saber Have you watched Sonic Underground? Maybe you remember Sonic’s mom when you see the clocked figure. Personally, I bet for Knuckles, but if they are trying to make it like if SatAM continued, not like fusing SatAM and game continuity, the idea was not to make Knuckles appear until the end of season 3 or the beginning of season 4.

  28. sonicblur13

    @soniczfan – why are screaming at me?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?

  29. Glitcher

    Punctuate much? ¬_¬

  30. Paul

    I rather like the “?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?”

  31. soniczfan

    SORRY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?@sonicblur13???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????@Glitcher if he could build a flying whatever don’t you think it would show?

  32. soniczfan

    oops i forgot 100 exlimation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. narutofan101008

    sonic blur calm down

  34. narutofan101008

    not try to make fun of you

  35. Glitcher

    Not if he’s wearing a cloak obviously. Mark my words, Rotor tagged along in disguise because he wants to surprise his friends with how useful he can be at point. If it’s not Rotor, I will personally run around FUS stark naked.

  36. dr.awesome

    @glitcher it not rotor!
    that isn’t rotor’s noes
    i don’t know who i give up i’ll just wait for page 27

  37. narutofan101008

    @dr.awesome Are you sure

  38. dr.awesome

    @narutofan go to page 6 and look at rotor it not or mouth
    and yes there to many choice for who cloak figure can be and just gonna wait

  39. Asher Tye

    Wouldn’t the lack of tusks also be a dead giveaway… And the skinny body… And the longer legs… ? Maybe Rotor’s had plastic surgery again.

  40. Glitcher

    Don’t mind the lack of tusks. Did you ever watch The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? The bad guy had a face mask, but also wore prosthetics to further disguise his exposed mouth. That could easily be the case here. Trust me, you lot are going to feel soooo stupid when you realize I’m right.

  41. John

    “Let’s pretend that the Sea3on staff was considering doing two pages a week. How much money would have to be raised to make that happen?”

    None. Zilch. Nada. Money is not a factor, and we’ll never ask for it either for any sort or ‘raising’.

    What we REALLY need is a cloning machine so we can make doubles, and even triples, of our artist! One copy to draw and the other so we can beat it with chains when a deadline is not met.

    Really big chains!

  42. soniczfan

    @Glitcher are you sure? I’ve never really seen Rotor in such a adventure or problem he’s not a wimp but iv’e never seen him get into a grudge with a evil villan. Also you better get naked and run around stark FUS cause you’re goin to lose BAD! my vote is on sonic’s mom from sonic undergrond cause she has magic like Nagus probably even more power THAN Nagus she could also probably fly aswell as wear hooded clothing cause she does that in sonic underground. Also look at his mouth piece does that look like Rotor to you no it looks a little like a hedgehog mouth peice. I think it’s SILVER! Silver could fly and he probably time traveled to save tails to change the future because maybe tails dying could make something terrible happen in the future

  43. narutofan101008

    @soniczfan i think you are right

  44. Glitcher

    This is crazy. sonicfanz thinks it’s Sonic’s mom AND Silver, and narutofan101008 is agreeing with him! My guess might be implausible, but at least it makes some kind of sense.

  45. skillfox93

    hey guys dont judge by the name im still the same sonicblur i just figured hey eminem has like 5 names so just wanted to give you a heads up 😉 by guys. ps i know i have not been delivering my daily comment you know my usual storyline idea witty comment or overall rant:D so im gonna try and work on that 😉 .so normaly i would say sonicblur but skillfox out

  46. Glitcher

    Please tell me you didn’t just compare yourself to Eminem.

  47. soniczfan

    @Glitcher why do you think it’s crazy i said it could be his mom from underground OR silver. My ideas make sense because besides tails silver could fly or levitate,and sonic’s mom knows some type of magic so maybe she could fly. I also think Silver because something terrible could happen in the future that could be linked to tails dying. So maybe Silver went back in time to stop that from happening. I also say sonic’s mom because she’s secretive and wears a hood. Also Ben hurst was involved in sonic underground. So maybe he was planning to link the series to sonic satAM some how.

  48. soniczfan

    Also narutofan is one of my best freinds in real life. He just figured he’ll join because i joined. He dosen’t know jack on sonic satAM so don’t judge him because he agrees with me for no reason.@everyone

  49. soniczfan

    also look at his face THAT’ NOT ROTOR’S FACE AT ALL!

  50. narutofan101008

    I wonder who is that Hoodie Person

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