Chapter 002 – Page 028

Back at Knothole. Tails is disappointed because he got scared. Sonic is mad at himself for failing Tails.. And Guess what? No more mystery cloaked figure! Thats right! He sure as hell won’t show up at Knothole! HA! Better luck next time! Hilarious!   I know some of you were kinda guessing we wouldn’t show him off but its still great. All your hopes up and BAM! No dice!

So this chapter is just wrapping up now. Only 1 page left. So.. Next week is when you will get the 2 comics in one week. Last page of the chapter on Monday, then the short starting on Friday. So Glitcher.. You will finally see your stuff published.

Onto the news area.. Nothing.  I started a interesting topic in the news section about the 2 Sonic fan films currently in the works. You can check it out by going to the main page and reading the news, or head on over to the forums and read it there too.  Thats really it for tonight. I’m just laughing away to myself cause you don’t know for sure who our cloaked friend is.  Good times.. Good times indeed.

As always, thanks for joining us.  Please post any comments, hate mail, or love letters to myself, bellow in the comment section. Have a good week and I shall see you all again next Monday.

Discussion (58) ¬

  1. Bakuda

    I can see that not only is Tails going to progress as a Freedom Fighter, but the brotherly relationship between Tails and Sonic will deepen as well. It’s good to see Tails maturing. Can’t wait til the next chapter to see where it all goes.

  2. dr.awesome

    Pual u lie
    thats all i’m gonna type on the matter cuz u done it not worth anything else
    2 comics woot!!!!!!

  3. dragon

    Wait a minute! I thought Sonic ran after Knuck… I mean the cloaked guy! What the heck? Oh well, this is still a great Sonic/Tails scene. You can see the worry in both of them about Tails’ future as a Freedom Fighter. I guess Sally hasn’t been told what happened yet? I want to see that scene even more than finding out who the cloaked guy is…

    …Why is Tails’ hand white in the upper-right panel when he has his gloves off?

  4. Paul

    He takes them off really fast. You need a glove to high five.. But to sleep? Nope.

  5. dragon

    His hands are quicker than the eyes and Sonic’s feet, huh Paul? Ha ha! But then again, we don’t see his hands in the top middle panel, so I guess it’s possible he didn’t take them off until after the high five…

    Sonic really looks like he’s suffering in that last panel. Maybe his friend’s fall was more traumatizing to him than it was to Tails? I wonder how this will affect Sonic later on, kind of like in “Sonic’s Nightmare”?

    I bet that’s how Sally will find out about this whole thing, when she sees Sonic like this…

  6. John

    Some juicy character development there. I like it!

  7. Glitcher

    People are asking why Tails’ has his glove on in the third panel when they shouldn’t be off in the first place. He clearly sleeps with his gloves on, as evidenced in the episode Sonic and Sally.[/nitpicking]

    Oh, and I’m pretty sure the last page is meant to show Rotor popping around the corner to reveal he was Mr. Cloak all along. I’m telling you, Gojira’s stories just get more and more predictable.

  8. star

    PAUL YOU JERK!!! you lied to us!! you just love wacthing us fight about the figure now your just avioding the reveling to wacth us fight more! your jerk!!!!

    anyway at the comic. the page is just touching them being worried over each other. but next comic sallly is probley going to kick sonic’s butt. if not then were going to finally figure out what the scroll says.

  9. RedAuthar

    Should have known. Oh well, beggers can’t be choosers. *puts bounty on Paul*

  10. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I knew, I knew, no mysteries being solved.
    At least I expect to find the ultimate clue to guess who the cloaked guy is in the scroll.
    I hope it will be revealed in the first pages of the next episode.
    And please, any skilled Flash artist (I’m not bad at Flash, but not enough) please animate this.
    This HAS to become animated.

  11. LaserX5

    Wow, looks like Sonic was more affected by the fact Tails could have been killed than he let on. To be honest, I don’t blame him. That kind of brush of death would even affect the most composed heroes.

    I just hope Sonic doesn’t let that experience make him lose his focus when getting back to work.

  12. soniczfan

    noooooOOO! i wanted to see who the hooded figure was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! any way i think sally is going to find out what happened because he is going hard on himself.

  13. Ryan

    Something tells me this is going to be recurring, where Tails will need to do something but can’t cause he is afraid of falling to his death again. or something.


  14. CausticKitsune

    You guys continue to amaze me with this wonderful comic. It’s good to see a comic that actually portrays the show accurately.

  15. sonicblur13

    @glitcher- you know what im not trying to start a fight but i am sick and tired of this “the cloaked figures rotor” crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Paul

    What if it is Rotor?

  17. star

    i highly doubt rotor would get contorl of a scroll that powerful in so little time. but anything’s possible. like people thinking it’s knuckles or shadow

  18. Paul

    Knuckles is over rated.

  19. narutofan101008

    I can not wait to find out who is the person in the hoodie

  20. Glitcher

    You’re just angry because you know I’m right.

  21. sonicblur13

    @glitcher- heres the evidence disprooving it 1. rotor cant fly 2.i doubt rotor could make a scroll like that himself and showed his mussle and there were no tusks in fact there was a hedgehog nose so its probly shadow or silver i really dont have a clue who he is but i know its not rotor

  22. star

    alright i think it’s ok i pull something stupid….
    sorry i had to get up early on a vaction day and i’m kind of mad right now.

    oh and before i forget @paul last post that’s what i was asking a bit last page if you could just say who isn’t going to be there, if you really wanted to help us you would tell one of the two guys fighitng if it is or isn’t rotor you know, or do you just like wacthing us fight all the time

  23. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Yeah, tell us if it is or isn’t Rotor.
    And yeah, I know, “I could, but I won’t”. So, if you can do it, PLEASE DO IT!

  24. Paul

    But..Just what fun would it be if I told you everything? Then we loose all the suspense. Is it Rotor? Or is it Knuckles? Perhaps someone else? Will we find out next Monday? Or will we find out 3 chapters from now? All sorts of suspense! THRILLING isn’t it!??

  25. Glitcher

    Um… you say the cloaked figure isn’t Rotor because he can’t fly, then you suggest it might be Shadow or Silver – two characters who can’t fly either? You’re not very good with logic, are you? And do you realize that a scroll is just parchment wrapped around rollers? Ancient Romans made them all the time, and they didn’t have Rotor’s technical expertise. He probably gutted Dulcy and used her skin for the job, which is further evidenced by her lack of presence.

    More to the point, I know it’s Rotor because I spoke with the Gojira last night and he confirmed every word I said. He told me, “Well done, Glitcher. I’m impressed you’re the only one who discovered the truth. Yes, the mysterious stranger is indeed Rotor, who disguised himself with a cloak and prosthetic mask to surprise his friends with how useful he can be on missions. I just wanted to say I admire your deductive skills and I think you have a tight ass.”
    Well, there you go. If you can’t believe the word of the author, who can you believe?

  26. sonicblur13

    @glitcher- if it is silver or shadow they arent flying if its shadow hes got those rocket shoes if its silver he has phsycokenesuss he could levitated himself ive played sonic 06

  27. Glitcher

    Silver has WHAT? You mean psychokinesis? Your writing reminds me of my sister. :p

  28. Paul

    Silver has AWESOMENESS!

    …Don’t even know who or what Silver is.

  29. star

    no one listins to the idiot do they oh well
    @glitcher, one thing is how do we know you just didn’t make that stuff up about Gorijira, yeah you might know her but still really, ‘tight ass’? that’s just nasty as hell on so many levels.
    @sonicblur13, he is right with the psycke……, uh can’t spell, i’m not even going to try if you don’t believe him i found what i call a sonic wiki about everything and anything on sonic i’m going to try and post a link to sivler’s page if you don’t belieive him
    and on the recored for another idiot out there i’m not any side between you two i’m just trying to play peace maker like i do with my freind and her boyfreind

  30. Glitcher

    “Gorijira, yeah you might know her but still really, ‘tight ass’? that’s just nasty as hell on so many levels.”

    It’s going to get even nastier when I tell you Gojira is not a girl. :p

  31. soniczfan

    maybe it’s from organization 13!!! dun dun dun!

  32. Paul

    Yeah Gojira is a dude. Salamander is a girl.. And I’m a dude too. A SEXY dude.

  33. star

    AH MADNESS! no not really i’m just board right now Gojira i never knew he was a dude, salamander, i don’t know why but i kind of expected her to be a girl. and paul i knew you were a dude from the minute i started posting stuff. but really did you have to add ‘a sexy dude’? that’s just going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

  34. Paul

    Of course I had to add that. I’m sexy and me pelvic thrusts can match those of porn stars.

  35. gojira007

    I’d say something regarding all this, but you gaiz have made me all sensitive to my tiny little butt. ;3;

  36. Paul

    Oh suck it up buttercup and bend over

  37. sonicblur13

    gojira007!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your back !

  38. whispies


    I was wondering who your favourite sonic character that hasn’t featured in the SAT Am cartoons is?

  39. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    So the next page is the last one…
    Anyway, how would these “shorts” fit into Sea3on if it were a real season 3 of the SatAM series?
    I’d consider them sort of a dark-themed “Sonic Sez” segment.

  40. Paul

    @Whispies – Don’t have one. You know why? SatAM is the only Sonic thing I’m familiar with. Never played the games, never watched AoStH, or the other cartoons.. So thats it. Right now we are doing commentary on the SatAM episodes, you can find those here: After we are done doing SatAM we will move onto AoStH. So, consider that to be my first time going outside of SatAM.

    @Hammer Bro – All the shorts are is a break from the main chapter and show more in depth details of certain characters, the way some live, that sort of thing. 10 pages of that.

  41. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    @Paul – You’re gonna make AoStH episode commentary?
    The first time I read your message I thought you were going to make something like “AoStH post-Sonic Christmas Blast”, following the story.
    Not sure how that would come out.

  42. Paul

    Yeah well right now we are doing episode commentary on each SatAM ep. Updates every Friday. So after 24 weeks we run out of SatAM episodes. So we will probably switch over to AoStH, then Underground, and finally Sonic X. Also if any of the 2 Sonic fan films are done by then we will end up doing commentary on those too.

  43. Rosy

    What about the Sonic Anime Movie? Are you going to do a review on that too?

  44. Paul

    I’m sure we will eventually get to everything if we keep it up.

  45. ZhartheMad

    If you want good quality episodes without having to youtube up some videos, there’s a nice site called

    The people there are good at getting most up to date video game related series and what nots.

  46. Paul

    Just to let you all know the last page should be up by Monday afternoon. Afternoon for Salamander and myself at least. Its a big page, lots going on, and well.. Last page so it’ll be good.

  47. soniczfan

    Well i personally think it’s silver because like i mentioned before tails dying could have a really bad effect in the future so maybe silver went back in time to stop tails from dying, Maybe that special power that tails is supposed to develop in season 3 is important and needed in the future.

  48. dr.awesome

    it dinner time here guys i don’t know what time is there but can we hurry and get the comic up

  49. Paul

    Salamander isn’t off work till 5.

  50. Paul

    Or 4:30… one of the two

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