The page for Archie comic scans of his Greatness.
All images are (c) Archie.

Archie's Snively is a mixed up little fellow.
Just like his SatAM counterpart, he never can catch a break!

Snively's Archie Profile

Name: Colin Jr.

Age: 29

*Julian 'Robotnik', his uncle.
*Colin Kintobor: Father. Minister of Justice for the Overlanders. His parenting style was neglectful and critical. Perhaps due to the fact that Snively's mother died in childbirth?
*Robo-Robotnik, aka 'Eggman'. This future version of Robotnik, now residing in the 'Eggman' body, is also portrayed as being Snively's uncle, despite being from a different zone.
*Hope Kintobor. Snively's step-sister, daughter of Colin Sr.

Personality: Snively's Archie personality is oft times more cheerful and optimistic than SatAM Sniv. Sometimes he's merely the dumb lackey. Other times, he's the cunning villain who caused Julian Robotnik's death. Other times, he seems to be sweet and friendly!

Odds n' ends of the comic:
*Snively's eyecolor is a frequent change in the comic. It's been black, blue, green, gray and red.
*His uniform in Archie changes as well. His typical outfit was similar to SatAM, except he sported a blue shirt and boots, and brown pants. He sometimes wore all-green attire. His newest outfit is a green uniform very similar to Eggman's.
*Snively's body has also gone through some changes. He has been roboticized in a handful of issues, and he was once 'downloaded' into a tall suave body, which unfortunately, he only experienced for a few minutes!
*Snively has a roboticized hand in the comic, though this was only shown in a few issues, and was never explained. A mere plotpoint?
Sniv and Rotor play hide n' seek.
Sniv: The master of bullshitting.
The odour of Fish.
Snively takes over: the world explodes.
Goofy looking Sniv.
A cute couple.
Old Archie stuff.
Sniv n' Robotnik
Cute earmuffs.
A fine selection of future lovebots.
Doing stuff.
Green hats, the new look of super villains.
How dare you preserve your life!
Super dweeb!
Insert swears here.
What a dope.
He likes tests of tests.
Eggman just clobbered the RoboSNIV
Spaz's weird Gollum-y version of Sniv.
Yelling at dear old dad.
Bitching about Robotnik.
He's all alone.
A war of wills between bald men.
Oh, you tell him, Sniv!
Nice helmet.
Robotnik sits on Sniv...ouch is right! Sniv abuse? up the nose shot.
Doesn't Robotnik do that already?
Sonic the BoneBreaker
These aspirin never cure my headaches.
Sniv's gonna lay the smack down.
Isn't he cuuuute?
Always knew Sniv was into bondage....
'Let's get rid of him!'
Super pissed.
Doing more stuff.
Snivelling toady!
Out in the cold.
'And I was all like 'surprise and stuff!'
Threatening a polar bear.
Sonic bullying the Sniv.
Closeup of his hot sweaty face.
Wow, look at her legs.
Plotting so plottingly.
When Quacks attack.
Being all traitorous and stuff.
'I know I left that porn magazine somewhere!'
'He's fat.' Great observation skills.
Mean n' nasty Sniv.
'My own garden of pot. What a lovely thought'
About to get a rude awakening.
Uh...nice slippers...
'Strike two, m'lord?'
Sniv wants some alone time.
Reality challenged.
Sniv and Robotnik observing the city.
Sniv and Robotnik in their hovercraft.
'It's not my fault, sir!'
Sonic's into bondage too.
Wow, Sniv's ID card.
Just standing around.
Sniv's gotta lay off the crack!
Sniv bellybutton.
Unconcerned Sniv.
*Sniff* It's beautiful.
'Please sir, put some clothes on!'
General Robotnik's COMbots.
Nice tank ornament!
Disobeying the General's orders?
Sniv and Robotnik at cannon-point.
Sniv likes hockey...hmm.
Sniv and Sonic.
Threatening the employees.
Robotnik, nature photographer.
Robotnik, the father.
Jacob Snarley.
The Colin and Colin reunion.
Spockly, that dastardly imposter!!
He's done something naughty.
Perched on Drago's shoulder.
Filing his nails in prison.
Plotting in prison.
Walking with Doctor Quack.
Showing Quack his rock collection.
'Falling' for Robotnik har-har.
Riding the underground transit.
Robotnik needs TP.
Sniv rants about Robotnik.
Sniv with hair.
Crash landings.
About to get a cap in his...
Yeah, go Robotnik!
Whining, or something.
Big doof.
So Happy Together.
A huge stack of papers.
Robotnik went POOF.
Bemoaning his lack of meaning in life.
The worried Sniv
He's been taking steroids.
Super kicking action!
Sniv the seedy lawyer.
The seedy lawyer II
Sniv the lawyer goes bye-bye.
'I have to go peeeee!'
Sonic and a worried Sniv.
Sniv fiddling with some wires.
Always worried.
Ooh, he's in handcuffs!
Time for your stripsearch!
Sniv cowering from Robotnik.
Eggman and the Sniv.
Since when is Sniv optimistic?
Cute dweebiness.
Leaving Eggman behind.
Sniv's new body!
Sniv's new face, not much of a change.
Sniv's new bod, in color.
Sniv n' Eggman, falling.
Eggy and Sniv surprised.
Sniv's such a wuss.
Some weird vaguely Sniv-thing.
Goofy-ass Sniv.
Fiona gets up in Sniv's grill.
Sniv explains nanites, like we care.
Blah-blah blabbing
Stupidest pose ever.
Just the Sniv.
Happy to be a nerd.
Groovy goggles.
Sniv and his stepsister, Hope.
Sniv: Mmm,big wrench ya got there.
Oooh scary.
The brooding bald man.
Sniv n' Hope hand-holding.
Sniv n' Hope hug.
Running to Hope.
Like a little leprechaun.
Sniv: You give me a migraine.
I shall call him Mini-Eggman.
Surprise, it's Egghead.
...and because I love you.
What's a little attempted murder between friends?
Sniv and his kiddie porn.
With the Devil's (Gulag) rejects.
Sooo devious.
Mr. Fix It.
The PROPER eyecolor.
#162 Backstory: Ties that Bind 1
Ties that Bind 2
Ties that Bind 3
Ties that Bind 4
Ties that Bind 5
Ties that Bind 6
Sniv and Robotnik
What a strut!
Out of breath.
Exorcised by a ghost
Sniv's stupid walkie-talkie thumb
Sniv sings...and it's painful.
About to be killed awww!
Lackey in red
An awesome hat
Throngs of adoring fans
Banishing the King
Dramatic faceoffs
More bondage
A flight of fancy
Quest for the stolen Hair
'Sonic...I love you.'
Prison Break
Spazzing out
Being molested or something
His ass was kicked by Nate?
Sniv's new body, here and gone
Red and green
Anything but the hair
Eggman and Sniv in troubles
Applying for slavery
A Colin in hand
A Sniv in Robotnik clothing
The fall of Silver Snively
Sinister in silver
Mr. Worrywart
Sniv and Eggy running
That yellow bastard
Professor Sniv
Sonic's gonna jump him.
Robotnik's a suck-up
Archie's Sniv profile
He's downloading to my computer
They're SO evil
Sniv the bodybuilder
Metal villians
Tentacle rape about to commence
Shadow is a dick
Lost in space
Dumb little Sniv
Sniv's in there somewhere
The little EggSniv
Sniv in his little hovercraft.
Him and his evil button-pushing.
Sent in: Sniv's ship gets attacked
Running dumbasses
More of that magnificent button-pushing.
So menacing on his step-stool.
Bitching out the Eggman.
Big Sniv's d-d-don't cry.
He's awesome.
Cover of Archives #2. Sniv's there!
Sniv welding
Sniv with goggles
Sniv being sneaky part 1 (all parts sent in by Shadow)
Sniv being sneaky part 2
Sniv being sneaky part 3
Sniv being sneaky part 4
Sniv with Dimitri's head
Sniv with Dimitri's head 2
Run, flee, etc.
The Eggfleet goes kabloom
Oh noes
Sniv's freaking out
More trouble with Sonics
Robotnik's hobbies
Sniv and Crabmeat
Pleasant conversations
Same old stuffs
Bunnie's stalker
Weird-looking Sniv
The daily screw-up
Sniv n' Crab
Space Sniv
And more Space Sniv
The usual biz
Watching movies
The boyz
Sent in: Goofy little Sniv
Sent in: Lord of Lard
Sent in: When the master's away...
Sent in: Weird pointy shoulders
Sent in: Run, Snivvy, Run
Sent: Captured Quack
Sent: 'What was that?!'
Sent: Stupid-looking Robo-Sniv
Sent: Ebil Plotting as usual
Sent: Oh bring that up...
Sent: Dweebtastic
Sent: The improved Mecha Sonic
Sent: Look at the nothing
Sent: He's in a foul humor
Sent: Small man with a gun
Sent: The usual failures
Those headsets don't grow on trees
He's an angry young man
Nose like a beak
Crunch those knuckles
Bliiinded by the light
A room with a view
'Don't look up my nose'
A thoughtful stroll
Dweeby smile
Sniv gets around on the 'net
More chatroom fun
What a happy Sniv
Life's a drag
No respect, I tell ya
Scaredy Sniv
Don't ever make kissy lips again
Just a'walkin
Just another cheerful day
Sweaty Sniv
He's so happy
Revealing more crap
Not playing around
More walking stuff
Big ole nose
Eggman's toasty
Sniv just doesn't care
Dimitri knows his filthy secrets
Eggman smells
Dimitri and his kinky tentacle
The schemin' nephew
Hi five that tentacle
Sniv and Dimitri in cahoots
Eggman ate Sniv's cooking
Big ole nose
Sally: Look at the size of it
Weird-angle close-up thing
Clap on, the Clapper
Parfumes de Sniv
Sniv and the Iron Queen
Nose molesting
More of that
Evil plottings
What a bitch
Egg Droool
More bitchiness
Flying in their little pod things
A guided tour of Knothole
Blah blah blah
Fangy grin
Sniv likes hamburger
They so evil
Threatened by the ox king
Dopey look
Giving her a lap... jump
Lecturing the naughty Mobians
Poor Sniv gets left behind
Yay for new masters
Looking in on the crazy Eggman
All dejected and stuff
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Iron Queen likes noses
More evil plottings
Sweaty relief
Snivlaaaaay XD
What a nutter
Lovesick Snivs
Sniv's on the couch tonight
Lien-Da and Sniv
Good thing he's not wearing a red cape
Sulky Sniv
Why so SeRiouS