Ah, the page of beautiful music.... like an icepick to the head.
The voice of his Greatness!
It should prove amusing.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Sniv: Where is Princess Sally?
Dulcy: Wouldn't you like to know, Shrimpboat?
Sniv: Very well, bigmouth! Take that!

Sonic: Excuse me, is there where we catch the monorail for Knothole?
Sniv: Go ahead and joke, hedgehog, but this time we've got you.
Sonic: What you got, Snively, is a big fat zippo.
Sniv: Guess again, rodent, what I have is your worthless hide.

Sonic: This is Robuttnik. A bottomdwelling scumsucker who's lower than  snake's belly.
Sniv: Robotnik. Bottomdweller.

Of course, perfect! Now I'll break him like a egg.

Robotnik: Ahhh, taste that polluted air, Snively. Isn't it marvelous?
Sniv: Yes sir. *cough* Delightful.

Bingo, bingo, bingo, yes! Ready the assault force. Tonight, Snively the Great destroys Knothole!

You don't give me enough credit, Julian.

Then I must make...escargot!

Robotnik: My patience is wearing thin, Snively. Where is Knothole?
Sniv: Oh, just a little farther, sir.
Robotnik: I do hope you're right, Snively.
Sniv: It'll never happen again - I'm quite sure I know where it is - just stick with me one more moment - it's somewhere over to the right, maybe to the left -
Robotnik: It frightens me to think what would happen if you were wrong...

That fool should've listened to me, but nooooo!

Oh, the big round guy won't like this at all. Oh, I hate my life.

I hate when that happens.

I hate you!

Sniv: Oh, good evening, sir!
Robotnik: Listen closely, Snively. I'm leaving now to eradicate that little Freedom Fighter uprising in the Northern Frontier.
Sniv: Very good, sir.
Robotnik: And while I'm away, I want you to take care of things. Or you will end up as the paperweight I've always wanted. Understood?
Sniv: Perfectly sir!
Robotnik: Good!
Sniv: Ha-have a nice trip, sir. Miserable old toad...

I knoooow.

Sniv: Sir, shall I seal the launch tunnel door?
Robotnik: No, Snively, let them go. I only want that hedgehog.
Sniv: But sir, I don't understand. The hedgehog-
Robotnik: WHAT?! Are you implying the hedgehog is a match for ME, Snively?!
Sniv: Oh, perish the thought, sir...
Robotnik: There are many things you know nothing about, you little twit!

This should be very interesting.

Prepare Freedom Fighters, to kiss the feet of Snively the Great.

Ha! Is he in for a large surprise...

Sniv: Section 4, Hedgehog Report.
Computer: Negative.
Robotnik: Snively, tell me. What of the hedgehog?
Sniv: Well sir, he seems to have disappeared...
Robotnik: What did you say?
Sniv: Disappeared, sir.
Robotnik: But how could he have just disappeared, you little mutant?!

Sniv: (speaking of Tails)The little twerp will never figure it out.
Sonic: Don't bet on it, Snobley.

Quiet, you little twit!

Well, well, what a lovely sight.

Affirmative, sir. Magnificent.

MARGARINE! Ahahahhhaaa!

Robotnik: Send me your surveillance tapes NOW!
Sniv: (mocking) Send me your surveillance tapes NOW!

Well, won't Robotnik be surprised? I've accomplished what he never could.

Robotnik: Snively, what color is my heart?
Sniv: I don't see a heart, sir.
Robotnik: Exactly.

Robotnik: What of the terrapods?
Sniv: Well sir, a Stealthbot spotted the herd, but lost them.
Robotnik: Lost them?
Sniv: Yes, sir.
Robotnik: Beasts of burden do not hide, Snively. They, not unlike yourself, have no intelligence!Sniv: Well I beg your pardon, sir, but reports say they do.
Robotnik: I don't care about their brains! I want their brawn.

Sniv: (after having his nose smushed by Robotnik) Oh boy, I'd like to get your nose in a vice (*grabbed by Robotnik*) somedaaay!
Robotnik: Stop grumbling.

Sniv: Yes!
Robotnik: I'm not that impressed, Snively.

Oh dear, it's that miserable little hedgehog!

Oh my, it's out of control!

Sniv: And be sure to replace the paper towels with those soft ones I like.
Robot: Yes, sir.
Sniv: Ah, decisions, decisions.

Sonic... ooh, you'll pay for this, hedgehog.

Princess Sally...she is the leader of the Freedom Fighters. A band of troublemakers...remember?

I'm rather proud of it, sir.

Ready and waiting, sir.

Robotnik: These terrapod beasts are the final species to be roboticized, Snively. When they're done, I will control every living thing on this planet.
Sniv: Except for the Freedom Fighters, sir.
Robotnik: I am aware of that, Snively, you don't have to remind me!

Robotnik: Snively!
Sniv: Oh, hello, sir...
Robotnik: When will the test pod be back online?
Sniv: Oh...any minute now, sir...
Robotnik: And what of the wolves?
Sniv: Oh, the wolves, well um, sir, uh...they've disappeared.
Robotnik: No, Snively, they've just outsmarted you! Now I strongly suggest that you use your pointed little head and find them! Do I make myself clear?
Sniv: Very clear, sir.

Robotnik, you bottomdwelling scumsucker!

Robotnik: *yelling in distress*
Sniv: Um, sir?
Robotnik: Shut up, Snively!

Sniv: You won't get away with this! Robotnik will-
Sonic and Sally: Shut up, Snively.

Sniv: Good morning, Doctor Robotnik. Exciting trip?
Robotnik: Shut up, Snively.

Sniv: Doctor Robotnik, the guest of honor has arrived.
Robotnik: Excellent. Let the party begin.

Sniv: Doctor Robotnik, we've sustained major damage to the main circuitry.
Robotnik: Then get it under control!

Doctor Robotnik will be very pleased.

Sonic: What's up, Snidely?
Sniv: It's Snively.

Yes! The big round guy finally let Sonic defeat him. Well, don't celebrate too soon, hedgehog. Now it's my turn...and I'm not alone!

Fools, must I do everything!

Sniv: Sir, sir! They're inside the machine. Shall I alert the forces?
Robotnik: Oh no no no, Snively. Let them explore. Perhaps they'll find my little surprise.
Sniv: Your stupidity will ruin everything, you ugly boil.
Robotnik: What was that, Snively?
Sniv: Oh, I said the Doomsday Machine's going to need more oil, sir...

Robotnik: Come here....
Sniv: all right...

Sniv: Sir?
Robotnik: I've translated the ancient language, Sniv--- What is going on here?
Sniv: The um...the hedgehog was here, sir.
Robotnik: The hedgehog? WHEN?
Sniv: Last night, sir.
Robotnik: And you're only telling me this now?
Sniv: He destroyed the power station, sir, and it just came back online! But I found the second scroll!
Robotnik: That was fortunate timing, Snively.

Sonic: See ya, Shrimpboat.
Sniv: Bye-bye old buddy...I mean...Sonic the Magnificent.

Sir, we have the hedgehog in the palm of our hand. Why not just...just squash him now?

Robotnik: What is this, Snively?
Sniv: I suspect it's the hedgehog, sir.
Robotnik: The hedgehog?
Sniv: Yes sir.
Robotnik: Then don't you think it'd be wise of you to STOP HIM?
Sniv: Oh yes, sir, very wise, sir.

Well, well, that stupid spy has come in from the cold.

Robotnik: Why is he just standing there, Snively?
Sniv: That's why, sir.

They did WHAT?!

Robotnik: And all Doomsday engines will be ready for testing by midday tomorrow. Are you on schedule with the fuel tankers?
Snively: A tad ahead, sir.
Robotnik: How MUCH of a 'tad', Snively?
Snively: Um...three minutes, sir.
Robotnik: Three whole minutes, well. Whatever would I do without you?

Quiet, you little twerp.

Sniv: Sir, your Virtual Reality Shriekbot is ready for flight testing. ...You oversized toad.
Robotnik: Excuse me? What was that, Snively?
Sniv: Oh uh, I said I'll key in your code, sir.

Robotnik: I must I'm excited by the prospects of this, Snively. Very excited indeed.
Sniv: Oh...and I'm very excited for you, your immense density. You slimy piece of...

Sniv: What exactly are we looking for, sir?
Robotnik: What we always look for, Snively. Weakness.

Robotnik: You lied to me, Snively.
Sniv: I lied...sir?

Sniv: By this time tomorrow, Mobotropolis will be ours.
Robotnik: Not ours, Snively. MINE.
Sniv: But I...
Robotnik (to the computer): Switch to voice recognition mode. Block all outside users.
Computer: Voice recognition made complete.
Sniv: Why are we voice-activating, Uncle Julian?
Robotnik: WE aren't. From now on, everything will only answer to MY voice. Do you know what that means, Snively?
Sniv: No, Uncle Julian.
Robotnik: It means you call me 'SIR'!
Sniv: ...Yes sir!
Robotnik: From now on, Snively...you do exactly what I say.
Sniv: Yes..sir.

You there! What are you doing in here?