Waiting Is The Hardest Part – Interlude 001 – Page 004

Just why would you want your doctor to have patience? I mean, think on it;

“Oh take your time on getting that stuff nurse, I’m sure he has more then enough blood to loose a letre or two of blood.  We have all the time in the world”

To be honest Id rather have a non patient doctor ready to slap some people to oblivion and back to get crap done fast.    Maybe not a brain surgeon though…  Anyways, I like how Sally turned out in this, pretty cool if you ask me. But you didn’t so I’ll shut up now.

Next update, Monday!

Thanks again for reading,


Discussion (4) ¬

  1. CausticKitsune

    Nice. I never thought of it that way.

  2. Asher Tye

    Wow, deep look into Sonic’s mind.

  3. The Rose Duelist

    “Sonic, where were you when the brains were handed out?”

  4. Krylancelo

    About chilly dogs i bet 🙂

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