Chapter 002 – Page 001

Well, here we are with the first page of Chapter 2.  Hooded Character? Who might that be?

Find out next week!  Maybe.. Or Maybe not.  But check in next week for a new comic regardless.

See you then.


Discussion (18) ¬


    Who is that under the cloak. Knuckles, Amy or shadow

  2. John

    It’s Batman!

  3. more cowbell

    its yo momma LOL

  4. Asher Tye

    There certainly seems to be a run of cloaked figures around here. I’m wondering what power this creature is looking for.

  5. Okida

    Given how its already been said Knuckles comes it, its most likely Knuckles… but the muzzle dosn’t quite fit hm.

    Could be someone else and as Nich said, it might be Amy (definietly not Shadow). My money is on Knuckles but then why would Knuckles be down here in what I think is the ruins of the doomsday project.

  6. Speeding Hedgehog

    Don’t we get a cover for this chapter?

  7. Speeding Hedgehog

    (Sorry for the double-post) I think it’s Mighty or Zonic the Zone cop, based on the shape of the head (though neither of them showed up in the actual SatAM.

  8. JayFoxFire

    Could it be Sonic’s father maybe? XD;…..It a guess

  9. Jyger85

    Much as I wish it were, I doubt very much it’s Shadow. So I’m guessing that it’s either Knuckles or a completely new character.

  10. Unsavory Maggot

    I was thinking Espio, but there’s only very little room for a horn under that hood. The silhouette doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for a nose, so the character must have a smaller nose; like another of the Acorn lineage. Even still, the face is smooth, not fuzzy — so it couldn’t be a squirrel. The nose is pointed, human-esque, according to panel 3… 😐 I give up. We’ll just have to wait until the revelation.

  11. Spike

    Shadow is VERY unlikely.

    Even though the character looks human, the lack of anthro muzzle may just be to hide identity. I’m going to place my bets on Knuckles.

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  14. Doctor Overclock


  15. A.

    Oh, but isn’t it beautiful? The ruins of the Doomsday Project, last hope, and final resting place of the late Doctor. (Pardon the fact that in the show, the Doomsday Project was just whipped off the map. literally. Like, there was nothing left but a barren wasteland, but hey! It looks awesome, so I ain’t gonna complain!)

  16. X.

    The failed final plan of a madman who just couldn’t get it right, after he invaded a country and single-handedly dethroned the king/

  17. E.

    Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale! Half-price Tiles, Half-Price Sale!

  18. L.

    Just a BTW, the comments made by A. X. and E. were made by the same guy, just because he was too lazy to type in his name as Axel, so he/I wasted a lot more time making four comments (One of which is hand-typed out spam) Each comment being over 6x the length of his/my name! So yeah, I did that. I!

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