Chapter 002 – Page 003

<Insert something witty here>

See you next Friday!


Discussion (7) ¬

  1. SpeedingHedgehog

    I’m enjoying this Freedom fighter meeting, I like seeing all of the characters talking, sometimes it seems like action gets in the way of that, though action is awesome!

  2. Gamenoise

    Nice update. But where did Tails go? He was at the table in the previous page but he’s nowhere to be found in this page.

  3. Paul

    Chasing his tail…er, tails.

  4. Future

    This comic just gets better and better! I hope one day soon the writers of SatAM see this soon!

  5. Asher Tye

    Personally I never understood why they didn’t at least consult Lazar. Sure they may use differing types of magic but Lazar would probably have some knowledge on how to at least defend against Naugus’s powers.

  6. gojira007

    To be fair, Lazaar didn’t exactly leave a forwarding address when he and the Guardian disappeared at the end of “Super Sonic”.

  7. Paul

    Yeah, he did sorta just shrink and fuck off. Had enough with all that shit going on I guess. Fat guys stealing stuff.. I mean how rude!??

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