Chapter 002 – Page 007

Bunnie looks rather seductive…

Next Friday?  I think so.


Discussion (20) ¬

  1. LaserX5

    Wonder who that is in the cloak watching them?

    Could be anyone. Knuckles, Jules, maybe even Sally’s brother.

    I know that last choice is the least likely, but your guess is as good as mine.

  2. Spike

    I REALLY hope that’s Knuckles.

  3. Asher Tye

    The setup is here as the break-in begins. I like the overall creepy feel of this page.

    PS: Tails looks uber-cute here peaking out from that manhole.

  4. MistressAli

    The only thing I have to criticize is Snively’s name keeps getting spelled wrong. XD That irks me, man. Though phonetically, ‘Snivley’ is more of the way Robotnik shouts it all the time.
    I think the cloaked dude might be Knux, only cause I think (?) he was maybe gonna be in the third season.

  5. gojira007

    My sincerest apologies, Ali; all these years, I thought that WAS how you spelled ol’ Needlenose’s name. I shall make sure to rectify that mistake in future scripts, however. ^_^

  6. John

    Start cleaning out your desk, Gojira; you’re fired!

  7. SpeedingHedgehog

    And the plot thickens! I like this page, it looks really grim.
    I don’t think that character is Knux. that’s too predictable. I’ll bet Gojira has a brand new character.

    Also, I second that Tails is exceedingly cute peeking out of the manhole.

  8. Future

    Yes, finally the freedom fighters are on another mission!

  9. Gamenoise

    Nice to see Tails being on a major mission and not being (nearly) useless like he was in the show.

  10. Oribel

    @Ali…Knux is possible, but then would the story deviate from the games, or would it be revealed that Robotnik is still alive and scheming? Rhetorical question, and I’m not to worried about a different storyline with Knuckles. I welcome it.

    Tails is too cute to be allowed ^_^

  11. charlotte

    is there a new comic strip every fri? OMFG wot if the clock person is queen aleena. xxx

  12. Gammaray94

    Maybe the hoodie is…
    SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION!!!! (dramatic music plays)

    Ok, my guess would be knuckles, though the dialogue and muzzle doesn’t fit him, so it’s got to be someone older and with more experience…maybe Shadow? :0 his muzzle matches, and he says he sensed “Energy” coming from the HQ. Magic? Chaos energy? plus, this WOULD be a good time to put in Shad after Crabmeat McHornhead Naugus just told Needlenose about the Emeralds.

  13. Gammaray94

    I meant

    After Crabmeat McHornhead Naugus just told Needlenose about the Emeralds.

    This is my first time using tabs. Sorry.

  14. Gammaray94

    I give up.

  15. Patrick

    Maybe its…

    Tails:What’s that!?!
    *Giant Robot appears*
    Sonic:I’ll destroy it with a–
    *Hooded Figure jumps at the robot and destroys it with a green lightsaber
    Luke Skywalker:The force wasn’t so great with that one…
    Sonic:YO! You totally broke my move!


  16. Sonicboom


  17. Sonicboom


  18. Gammaray94

    I think it’s King Acorn who hung on to Naugus when he escaped. Naugus erased his memory and cloaked him. He sensed Void energy from Robotropolis and came to see what it was.

  19. Monty

    I bet it’s Knuckles. He can sense chaos energy, too, ya know.

  20. Quickster

    NO. It’s Julie-Su.

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