Chapter 002 – Page 009

Nothing witty to say this time..

But in other news,  We have started Webhosting.  So if you have a site and want good free advertisement, look us up.

Discussion (10) ¬

  1. Gamenoise

    Nice update! I do wonder though if that chaos emerald from a few pages back has something to do with this new machine.

  2. Asher Tye

    It honestly looks a bit like an engine to me. Don’t tell me Sniv’s been watching “Frisky Dingo.”

    Love the characters’ looks. Antoine in particular looks good, particularly when he moved to defend himself from his “attackers.” I will admit it would have been funnier if he’d swung his sword and managed to lop off the tip of one of Sonic’s quills, but the lumpy-jumpy joke was hilarious too. Until next week.

  3. Paul

    Pretty sure he is swinging a pipe

  4. Asher Tye

    Whoops, sorry. Too much of the Archie comic. If I see Antoine with a weapons these days I usually just see a sword. (Doesn’t help that i need new glasses).

  5. sonicblur13

    mabye its a rocket to get to the death egg witch he made behind robotniks back or the rockets to get to the space colony ARK were shadow and the eclipse cannon residebut witch one is he looking for or like gamenoise said mabye it has something to do with the chaos emeralds or mabye its a new and improved version of the doomsday project and it needs chaos emeralds too show its trrue power

  6. SXR123

    I am amazed at this, though I am saddened from lack of pages but that still doesn’t change the fact that you kept the characters the way they should be. ant’s still a scaredy cat, you’ve kept the catch phrases! You’ve done everything right with this comic and I will DEFINITLY be reading more.

  7. Paul

    Well, we only update once a week, and only started late last September, So thats why we don’t have 100s of pages yet. Give us time 😛

  8. Mr Knockout

    Hehehe…good ol’ wimpy Antoine. 😀

  9. Ken

    I’m sure in time Tails will be able to fly longer. In the meantime, they should leave that kind of flying to Dulcy. Now I know most people don’t like her, but some do, and this new series could be a chance to improve her. Whether or not she makes an appearance in this series, this is still very good work and I look foward to seeing more.

  10. playback

    I lol’ed at Antoine. I know some people hate him but he’s always been one of my favorite characters…so funny…

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