Chapter 002 – Page 010

We have now turned FUS into a company according to the Australian government.  Check it out  I’m now a forign investor!

So.. Next strip..Friday!

Discussion (25) ¬

  1. SpeedingHedgehog

    Love the new take on the Chaos Emeralds! Can’t wait to see more!

  2. Asher Tye

    Any particular reason Naugus seems to have that whole wild-eyed thing going for him in the last panel? Honestly the ideas with the Chaos emeralds here seem intriguing. Wonder if the Master is going to show up of if its just the seven.

    By the way, the dialogue between Ixis and the Snivster is golden. :thumbsup:

  3. Gamenoise

    I wonder how long Snively and Naugus will be able to keep up this ‘partnership’… especially once the Chaos Emeralds are found.

  4. sonicblur13

    does this mean when sonic has the red emerald he can firebend when he has the blue one he can waterbend when he has the light blue one he can airbend when he has the yellow one he can earthbend when he has the green one he can control plant life when he has the silver one he can make light and when he has the and black one he can use dark powers ….. cool!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. sonicblur13

    sorry about about putting the word bending behind every element i just finished watching the whole avatar series 🙂

  6. sonicblur13

    🙁 🙂 😀 D: d:

  7. John

    Looks like Dr. Zoidberg is hatching something sinister there.

  8. satamgirl

    🙂 This comic’s been the next best thing to actually watching the series. I’m really enjoying it.

  9. sonicblur13


  10. Gammaray

    there’s one prob with Sea3on so far: where’s Dulcy?

  11. gojira007

    She had to go back to her Home Planet, but died along the way.

  12. Paul

    And we all missed her so much 🙁 Infact Gojira cried for months on end. For he would never see or write “Just 5 more minutes Momma” or any other stupid thing she said.. Which was whenever she opened her bloody mouth.

    All of this caused Gojira to go into mass depression and he had to be put on suicide watch. He misses Dulcy so much. But he turned his anger and sadness of her death over to a creative form! With that, a Sea3on comic that doesn’t annoy everyone! Congrats Gojira! You came back from the dark side of your soul!

  13. sonicblur13

    make more pages dammit!

  14. sonicblur13

    make more pages and make the FASTER FAS-TER DO IT GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. salamander


  16. Paul

    “Updates every Friday” Oh look, its almost like it explains when pages get updated. Son of a bitch eh?

  17. Juice16

    Great Comic!
    For those people who have a patience equivalent to Sonic, please stop your whining already! With the kind of artwork and script this comic has shown so far, it’s going to take time, especially since there seems to be no funding involved and there are only a few people working on it. Let’s just be happy there is a comic continuing SATAM.
    Keep up the great work!

  18. John

    Well, actually there IS funding involved. All our artists, and writer (only have one), are paid for their work. 🙂 Remember, this comic is in it for the long haul – touch wood – so we won’t be burning out our Sea3on staff any time soon with unreasonable update schedules.

    Have to be honest here, it’s really making me smile to have readers that want more, more, MORE! It means we actually have a fanbase for Sea3on. 😮 Mission accomplished, I’d say!

  19. sonicblur13

    just make more already

  20. Paul

    On Friday.

  21. sonicblur13

    ok 🙁

  22. Kate Vunza

    I see that my idea for the Chaos Emeralds’ particular “elements” has become “official fanon”… Actually, I wasn’t the only one who came up with the idea of individual elemental powers to each emerald, but the powers Gojira is using are pretty much the powers I named (which were the six Faerie elements, plus a Stone element to explain the powers of the “controlling” grey emerald as seen in StC). At first, a was a bit offended, but now? I’m lovin’ it. (And it’s a lot better than the time some person whom I can’t remember the name of and wouldn’t name anyway, put part of my theory on Mobian reproduction IN THEIR SMS SIGNATURE… kind of embarrassing to be quoted like that when you’re trying to be as tactful as possible!)

    Personally, I’m okay with Dulcy’s disappearance, but… please, PLEASE don’t come up with some excuse in-comic if you’re going to just claim she died off-panel. She didn’t have an introduction in the SatAM series; it’s better that her departure be cloaked in mystery as well. She’s a dragon, after all. They’re pretty mysterious creatures.

    My money’s on the idea that Dulce went back to the remnants of her people (as seen in the appropriately-titled episode Dulcy) and is at work fulfilling her Protector duties and improving her dubious landing skills. Maybe they’re in Vevusio (the giant volcano seen in the Archie comics), fighting the Robotnik Empire in another region of Mobius. Dulcy WOULD write every day, but even if those T-Rex-type arms were able to hold a pencil, they’d never reach the paper. (Of course, she could always use her smoke breath to “skywrite”… but that would involve her actually appearing in this webcomic, which I’ve already stated that it’s better that she isn’t even mentioned again expect when absolutely necessary for flashbacks.)

  23. Monty


    Wind=Light Blue

    I’m surprised the games still haven’t done a concept like this yet.

  24. invisible

    To be honest, I prefer the elements laid out in Skies of Arcadia
    (a SEGA game which just happens to use the same colours as the Chaos emeralds, coincidence? I say nay!)
    Red-Fire (duh)
    Blue-Water&Air (since there’s two blue ones, you choose which is which)
    Green-Life (Earthy powers usually go here)
    Clear-Void (Afterlife, other dimensions ect.)
    I know SatAM was way before the Dreamcast but it’s nice to have some references to official SEGA stuff

  25. Doctor Overclock

    I don’t supposed there is a vengeful god of destruction encased within, hmmm?

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