Chapter 002 – Page 011

News, news, news, news… Nothing.

Id like to hear what you would like to do with the comic if you were writing it. Just post a comment bellow.

See you next Friday!


Discussion (28) ¬

  1. Gammaray

    “Scanning Apparatus”; looks like they’re using that machine to track the Chaos Emeralds.
    I wonder if NICOLE has a file on them…

  2. SonicAaliyahFan

    This comic is so cool so far!

  3. CausticKitsune

    Writing and art is awesome guys, cant wait till next strip! =)

  4. Gamenoise

    Snively looks so evil here. Also looks like Naugus and Snively aren’t getting along so well anymore.

  5. Bonn

    I love the way this is going! The art and script is fabulous! I want some NICOLE! We haven’t heard from her yet…

    Awesome work guys, keep it up!

  6. Asher Tye

    Snively sure does know how to make friends, doesn’t he. So I guess the new machine would be tentatively called the “Chaos Scanner?” Love it, Love it. The only thing that would make this better is if it all ended up in a hardbound real world copy.

    One question, are you planning to make Season 3 13 episodes long, you know to mirror the original series’ two seasons?

  7. Paul

    To be honest… we are planning to drag this on as long as we can. Sea3on is just a title.. If we make.. 100 chapters I’ll be happy. But yeah, our plan is to drag this on intill we run out of material.. And trust me, we have a lot of material.

    I am really glad you guys are enjoying the work though. We are just starting out tenth month, and for some comics that may be a lot of strips already, but for us, only once a week.. Not so many. So I am glad we have the fanbase that we do. We have been mentioned on other board, Sonic Blast for example, and we even have a Dev Art fanpage that just started up. And it wasn’t started by any of us.

    I’ll speak for the four of us.. We are extreamly happy to be doing what we are doing and getting the fan base that we are. So on behalf of all of us on the Sea3on project, Thank you.

    Remember, be sure to spread the word about us! We don’t have any advertisement on any sites so we rely strictly on word of mouth at the moment!

    Thank you.


  8. Paul

    We are also planning a second comic (none Sonic related however) to be released eventually. No date set on that one, whenever we get a chance to finalize it, and start on it.

  9. Okida

    hmmm.. what would I do if I was writing it? Well going forward I suppose I’d expand that Mandaar’s lore that came back in, a chance to develop the SatAM universe to be totally different from the Archie.
    Also I think Snively’s scanning machine might encounter problems. If its a simple matter to scan for energy sources to find the Emeralds then wouldn’t they have been found by now? There must be more too it then that.
    Although I have always wondered if Knuckles (when he shows up) is going to be from the floating island (as SatAM already has a floating island with time stones on them)

  10. Future


    Have you guys ever thought to get The Sonic Stadium to advertise for you because almost all Sonic fans go on that site.

  11. Paul

    But… I’m lazy. Id have to create a account, find the owners email.. ask them… Thats just a lot of work.

    Haha nah I’ll look into it. Thanks.

  12. captainabnormal

    An idea could be to perhaps include Lazar (however you spell the wizard’s name). Just I have always wondered why him and Naugus have never crossed paths. Possibly including Griff and the underground freedomfighters? Just they needed whatever powered the Power-rings to run their city, could be an idea. Perhaps more of Roter (everyone loves that goddanm walrus). Perhaps Cluck could be included too (strange, but I think everyone found it odd when he dissapeared in season two and I always liked Robotnik’s familar); on robotic animals perhaps that fast cheetah too.

  13. CTM

    Snively seems awfully sure of himself for someone who was supposed to ultimately serve second fiddle to Naugus, if you listen to what Hurst had to say about the subject. That was the game plan, correct?

    In the few strips we’ve seen them together he’s been literally ordering the wizard around. Does this happen to be something that will be addressed in later issues? Like how Snively maintains the upper hand? (Presumably, that this “deal” Snively mentioned way back is in fact a power play on his part that worked.)

    Because, assuming you draw straight from Hurst’s playbook, Naugus is going to have to start calling the shots at one point, leading Snively feeling dejected to the point of defecting. I always figured that act was of a man totally and utterly defeated — one, whom, when expecting help, instead got a wizard who was so much more powerful than himself that he was basically swept aside. And that he realized how stupid he was for freeing him, and basically had no options left. The situation as it is now would have to radically change, if Naugus is simply biding his time, to bring this about. Because — again, assuming this is the angle — right now there’s little to suggest that things are going to go sour for Snively. The comic has yet to even say how responsible (if he was at all) Snively was for freeing Naugus; the wizard simply says he managed to harness the Doomsday Machine’s energy to teleport out of the Void, leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not Snively was the deciding factor in getting him out.

  14. CTM

    The last bit of that last sentence is redundant. I meant to say “…leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not Snively played a role” instead.

  15. SeaStar the hedgehog

    the face is finally revealed at the last square looks like Nagus but how could he be in two places at once…… ah my brain hurts, i’ll have to think about it later, i am in not condition to think right now.

  16. Paul

    No, thats just Nagus snapping his fingers and vanishing.

  17. John

    CTM: You don’t show all your cards at once; the foreshadowing is there if you can find it.

    That’s all I’m saying.

  18. sonicblur13

    its friday yay ! ….. weres the damm comic!

  19. sonicblur13

    i wonder if that cloaked figure ever saves sonic

  20. Sonic

    I love the artwork. I love the story. Everything is awesome.
    See you Friday.

  21. Fox

    I think this comic is brilliant, very well written and very well drawn 😀

  22. CTM

    John: Uh huh. That’s about what I expected. 😉

    I figured it was best to say something lest I figure out down the road that someone on board had a different idea in mind to explore because they were unaware of their options. There’s always a chance that events foreshadow an outcome different from what one might expect, for instance, simply because the two are similar (i.e., Snively still defects, but for reasons other than what Hurst hinted at; Naugus takes over after his defection, instead of before — stuff like that.)

    This page is meant to get word to those writing the comic after all. I wish the project luck; it’s good to see it moving forward after all those years the original sat in writing hell.

  23. sonicblur13

    whens the page coming out already

  24. sonicblur13

    whens the next page

  25. Gammaray

    So this is in chapters, not episodes?
    So this is kinda like a graphic novel than a comic/tv show. THis ALSO explains why chapter 2 has no cover. nice.

  26. sonicblur13

    fuck you

  27. sonicblur13

    😀 D: xD DX Xd d X

  28. The Light

    Dulcy ate Cluck.

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