chapter 5 page 16

I will never understand you, sepia.


Discussion (15) ¬

  1. Willow

    Something bad is going to happen, don’t go towards the light!

  2. TheRedAuthar

    Well bode unwell that does.

  3. DeathofInk

    Bright shining lights like that are never a good sign.

  4. S.O.N.I.C

    Experience has taught me to investigate anything that glows.

  5. Tammy SatAM

    I am sorry for missing the last page… had my own trouble. OH a big shiny light… probably a trap, altough in the Sonic-Verseit could be a Chaos Emerald for all we know. For old times sake tho…


  6. Skecthart

    What ya suppose she saw?

  7. Alextendo

    That light…is that the portal to the Void? Maybe not, who know (beside Gojira of course)?

  8. LegacyElite84

    Pretty pretty shiny shiny.

  9. Uncle Ben

    the light is evil… dont go there

  10. saber

    Tied up with school work, will try to get the next page out as soon as I can.

  11. Alextendo

    It’s okay saber, take your time..but not too much
    *prepare flamethrower*
    What? No, you didn’t see anything suspect here

  12. Uncle Ben

    Its fine Saber.

    I just noticed theres a number 8 on the side in the first panel

  13. Vlad Yvhv

    Or is it a sideways mobius loop?

  14. Uncle Ben


  15. Robert Whitaker

    Wow, I love the art style on this page.

Comment ¬

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