Chapter 6 page 15

Holograms, yay!

… That’s all I got…



Discussion (8) ¬

  1. HeavensChampion

    What is Snively up to?

  2. Doctor Overclock

    IT’S A TRAP.

  3. Shen-Fn-Woo

    BOMB! lol

  4. Uncle Chuck

    Maybe it is a location device so that when the FFs bring it back to Knothole it will tell Snively where they are?

  5. Arturo

    @Uncle Chuck. It could be a sound bomb or cannon. From the name alone, I could guess that it emits a dangerous high frequency noise.

  6. Rayman

    Those machines are seriously worrying me.

  7. DarkLink1996


    I think Nicole’s going to be a little damaged by this.

  8. Uncle Chuck

    If it is a bomb, I hope its figured out before they bring it to knothole, would hate for it to blow up and kill someone like Tails.

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