Chapter 6 page 18

This reminds me of that time were everything was in sepia… I can never escape it….


Discussion (12) ¬

  1. Rayman

    The colours and the shades look great here! Still unsure what the function of the machine is, apart from knocking down everything around it.

  2. Speedy

    First thing going through my mind when I saw the last panel…….SKIDOOSH!

  3. HeavensChampion

    Not added: Sally’s bloodcurdling scream.
    Seriously, Ultrasonic soundwaves have got to hurt.

  4. HeavensChampion

    It’s official. No one else is going to comment on this page but three people.

  5. Rayman

    Woop woop! We could form a club, or something.

  6. Tim "J"

    If you do, please don’t hit me with it…

  7. HeavensChampion

    Be serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Rayman

    I assure you, it will be a non-violent and a very serious club. If you build the club house I’ll bring the snacks. Very serious snacks.

  9. HeavensChampion

    No. I mean, I why don’t you people want to talk about this page?

  10. HeavensChampion

    I apologize for my attitude. I have been having stress lately, and wish someone would comment about what was going on in this page. Like “Oh no! What’s gonna happen to our heroes” or something like that. I am not in the mood for jokes, but apparently you people are.

  11. HeavensChampion

    Again, I apologize. You just wanna have fun, And I was being mean to you you, and now I’m not talking about this page.

  12. Rayman

    Ah, it’s fine. I thought you were joking, so I played along. Nothing serious. 🙂

    I guess people leave comments whenever they feel like saying something, and sometimes not many do, like now. I’m very much looking forward to the next page though, because… well, giant, loud, evil-looking machine! The weekend’s almost here…

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