Chapter 6 page 23

And here we have… more… red…?

… And probably more next week.



Discussion (7) ¬

  1. Oberon

    You’ve got red on you.

  2. randomizer

    I don’t think Dirk appreciates being called fat.

  3. Uncle Chuck

    The red is strong with this one, xD

  4. Tim "J"

    Oh I’ve red it all before.

  5. ZikShadow

    Mmmm, first all sepia, and now all red.

    I wonder if there’s going to be even more color concentrated comic parts…

    Perhaps green? Yellow? All grey+brown post-apocalyptic-like?

  6. Misstick

    We need green and blue.
    Like the Mass Effect endings.

  7. Quickster

    @Misstick: Read Chapter 5. We got green already.

Comment ¬

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