Chapter 6 page 26

Hey everyone, enjoying the heat? I’m not.


Discussion (6) ¬

  1. Tim "J"

    It’s…HHOOOOOOOOT. *melts*

  2. randomizer

    What are you talking about? It’s winter. I’m warming myself with this explosion.

  3. ZikShadow

    While the fan on my right cools me a bit, i do appear to be in flames right now.

  4. Robert the hedgehog

    Looks like Hard head just got a real headache. And I am not including Sonic in that. (get it)

  5. bith

    Our AC went out. Took a huge ding to my bank account to fix, so nope. Hate the heat.

  6. Quickster

    Five comments, and none of them are about the comic.

Comment ¬

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