Chapter 6 page 30

Sally still has the last word, after all these years.


Discussion (11) ¬

  1. Robert the hedgehog

    Sonic has a point, but if a man is trusting you with his most loyal soldier, you except because it ruins the pride of the soldier, his leader, and brings shame to you for insulting the man and his soldier. Sally understands that and excepts the solder. Also Sally needs to brush her hair soon, it looks like she got hair by a tornado.

  2. Marbo

    ‘Princess Gavin’? So he insulting him or do I detect a hint of a typo?

  3. SBaby

    So finally, once and for all, we know that Sally is the leader.

  4. Jayce

    Last word? Yup always has always will, heh.

  5. Arturo

    Sigh. Here comes the new love interest.

  6. DarkLink1996

    Why do I still smell a spy?

  7. bith

    Well of course she does, she’s Sally!

  8. HeavensChampion

    So, the Knothole Freedom Fighters get a temporary member.

  9. jprime

    I just noticed that Gavin has feral bats flying around behind him.

  10. scififry

    Classical Sally/Sonic moment, love it!!!

  11. SonicFan0706

    I can’t believe that Gavin is a prince not princess that is messed up bruh.

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