Halloween 2015 – Hang on

Hey! My first post, how ’bout that? Sweeeeet.

I know you’re all clambering for chapter 7. I can feel your anxiousness all the way from my work desk. We’re on a break right now; when we start back up is not %100 certain. We would hope to be back by the end of the year. But I can’t give a sure estimate.

For now, from all of us at Sea3on, we wish you a happy Halloween.







Discussion (13) ¬

  1. Furious Finch

    For so long I had this horrible, horrible feeling that the SWATbots were all sourced from one giant supercomputer Robotnik had and would splinter subroutines of itself off into each unit that would be “individual” until its return to the prime intelligence during maintenance. Subsequently they could have differing approaches and opinions, but were all driven by the same intent to serve Robotnik and could coordinate almost flawlessly when it was go time.

  2. Audrix

    A lot of Swatbots! Oh god!

  3. kjvigilant

    Thanks for the update and a sweet wallpaper. Have a nice break!

  4. bith

    Aww I’ll be waiting with bated breath for you guys to return. Love the pic though, awesome lighting.

  5. Flordeoro

    The wallpaper is great Im a big fan of your job.

  6. Sonic Aaliyah Fan

    By any chance, does the “Remember to BRUSH YOUR TEETH” have any reference or parody to the movie “Grandma’s Boy”? LOL love that movie, anyway, that is super sweet artwork, i love it! Can’t wait for the next chapter, and to see if my predictions are what will be revealed.

  7. Rayman

    Absolutely gorgeous, it fits Halloween really well. And yes, I’m anxious for the next chapter, aren’t we all? Have a nice break, you deserve it!

  8. Rayman

    Oh, and joke’s on you, I have no teeth! Muhahah!

  9. E-Dogz

    Well I just found this so I’ve spent the last few days reading everything and have to say, this would be perfect if there was ever going to be a third season to the old cartoon series. Can’t wait to see Chapter 7.

  10. maniccabbage

    Brush your teeth or the cavity swat bots’ll getcha!

  11. DarkLink1996

    Speaking of Swatbots, will we ever see Rotor’s pet project again? I know it’s from an old short, but…

    Also, every page before chapter 5 page 13 erroneously links ahead to chapter 5 page 14.

  12. dmoney

    Hey when will chapter 5 and 6 be available to download?

  13. Uncle Chuck

    Don’t doubt, what he can do 🙂

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