Chapter 7 Page 06

Bit late on this update..My fault.  Normally I have this stuff pre uploaded…Last night I obviously forgot.


Had a conversation today at work with a buddy…Talking about what is better.  Steam Punk or other?

So..What do you guys prefer?   Steam Punk?  Cyber Punk?  Or diesel Punk?


Discussion (9) ¬

  1. Saber16

    I personally like cyber punk, but the diesel one seems interesting….

  2. Yee

    Off topic, but I’d like to see Metal Sonic make an appearance.

  3. Dav246

    I prefer Punk rock…

  4. bluenewt1995

    man, I love this web comic.

  5. Raistlin

    Got to go Steam Punk, followed by Cyber Punk, then Diesel Punk

  6. Joe

    So awesome to see it updating again!

    Defiantly steampunk

  7. Sparkle


  8. Tylego

    Ooooohh! Shit’s gonna go down!

  9. Velvet

    It’s so rare that Bunnie’s robotics get a mention, I always like a spot of character development that shows us her attitude towards it.

Comment ¬

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