Chapter 002 – Page 021

Well, Ant can save the day sometimes I guess.   Just to tell all you guys, although Ive already previously mentioned it, we will be going to a Monday in till the end of this chapter. That means the next update won’t be till the 27th of September. Little longer wait then normal but eh, only way we can work it out for the time being.

As for a apology of sorts I figured I would be a nice guy and show you a sneak peak of the next short that starts up mid October-ish.

Sneak Peak Short #02

I can be a nice guy sometimes and give you small treats here and there eh? EH STAR?  You can bow down to my greatness later I guess for showing you this.

Art is done by Glitcher for the second short.  Then after that we will see the third chapter start in.. Late November early December.  Of course we will have our lovely Salamander doing the art again like always for our main chapters. And writing by Gojira, but no one cares about him.

So normally I would say see you next Friday but.. I’ll see you the following Monday.


Discussion (43) ¬

  1. soniczfan

    WOOOOT! i got the first comment any ways good comic. Sonic must think tails is still falling i wonder how he’ll find him?

  2. dr.awesome

    what is gonna happen with tails now ?)

  3. Paul

    He dies.

  4. sonicblur13

    @dr awsome- oh tails will get dropped by the cloaked figure but survives by falling on top samus aran but tradgectly when tails falls on top of samus aran her suits self-destruct function and then kills both samus and tails but then the explosion hits naugus killing him as well but then the cloaked figure who just happens to bo the teminator kills every one on mobius then out of boredom he shoots himself
    the end

  5. Asher Tye

    Ooh. Bunnie. O_O Now I’m torn between not wanting this issue to end and wanting it to end so we can see the short.

    Naugus looks just a bit disappointed. Of course Sonic has other things on his mind right now, like trying to find fox-colored street pizza.

  6. MarbleDidymus

    Oh my god, Bunnie look adorable when she’s angry.

    Paul, you -really- don’t like tails, do you? 😀

  7. RedPanda234

    Yay, Ant saved the day! Poor Sonic thinks Tails is dead. He’ll have a surprise.
    Paul, way back in chapter 1 someone said Ant would have a short too. Is that true?
    Bunnie’s short looks awesome too.

  8. RedPanda234

    And… star? Can you go back to page 20 and see what I wrote there? sonicblur13 too. I know I might be overreacting, but I feel very bad when I make people angry with me unintentionally …

  9. c.w.

    It looks like Naugus is about to fall off. Cool!

  10. star

    @ RedPanda234, dude it’s alright, new page, new coversacions, for me at lest i forget what people say on the last page unless it keeps going on the next one, let’s not do it with this one.

    Anyway of the subject, sonic’s free Ant is awake and still don’t know who’s the cloacked figure is, oh well guess got to wait tell next time. but it dose look cool, for a 8 pannle this is the best page you guys have had to do so far. oh and Thanks Paul! i would bow but i just woke up about ten minitues ago, i’m afraid i won’t get up. so give me an hour, and i’ll back to you on that part

  11. RedPanda234

    Actually, I’m a girl, but okay =)

  12. Glitcher

    Wow, that Bunnie comic looks amazing! Much better artwork than Salamander’s. I can’t wait until it’s online.

  13. Paul

    @Redpanda. Yeah, Ant’s short will be #3.

  14. dr.awesome

    yes Paul overkill the we’re going to kills tails card even though he survived
    overkill it to the end

  15. Kate Vunza

    So Antoine DID save the day, for once!

    That doesn’t necessarily mean that I trust Paul when he says that Tails is STILL going to die, though… although I admire Paul’s cunning, first leading us astray with the whole Tails-is-gonna-die “spoiler,” then proving himself wrong, thus leading us to believe that his previous comment on how “Ant will save the day” (which is almost even more ludicris than Tails dying, at least in the SatAM continuity) was also moonshine… and then, with the very next page after Tails’ rescue, Paul’s Antoine prophecy comes true, leading us all to wonder exactly how serious Paul is at any given moment in time.

    Paul, you’re a GENIUS! Please get a job with the CIA so you can put this talent to some very good use instead of wasting it on volatile Sonic fans like myself. Trust me, that will be far less dangerous.

  16. Glitcher

    I think Paul is too busy using his talent to AVOID the CIA.

  17. soniczfan

    Hey Paul what was that strange new power that is supposed to be revealed in season3 that tails was supposed to have can you give me a hint?

  18. Paul

    He becomes a master of decomposition. Nah uhm.. We haven’t thought too hardly on it at the moment, even with Ben’s notes it only briefly covers on what he was going to do with Tails. I guess you will have to wait and see.

  19. John

    I thought the new power had something to do with the discovery that Tails could use the power rings. Did that come from Ben? I forget where I heard it from now.

  20. Paul

    Came from Ben ya. But it was all pretty vague on what he does with them. Tails doesn’t exactly run so they would have a different effect on him then Sonic.

  21. sonicblur13

    hey paul mabye he gets the power to shoot magical pixie dust out of his bunghole

  22. star

    instead of tails running at super sonic speed he’ll fly at super sonic speed. it’s that simple, at lest it was to me 🙂

  23. Paul


  24. dr.awesome

    well what did ben’s notes say it wouuld in all there vagueness

  25. Paul

    He gets the ability to use power rings.

  26. sonicblur13

    how bout naugaus can use power rings

  27. Paul

    How about read and see.

  28. dr.awesome

    he get the the ability to use the power rings thats it?
    well a graudain *ahem* knuckles recause him maybe they help him find the choas emeralds

  29. Ebony

    Bunnie looks badass in that preview short. Would love to see it starring her.

  30. Asher Tye

    Really that’s it? He gets to use the power rings too? Guess it might have been considered to be foreshadowed by the ring’s affect when Tails grabbed it out of the ring pool, but still it seems just a little… well disappointing. Of course I guess you really can’t judge unless you know how he was going to work with it.

  31. Paul

    Yeah well with just the notes “he uses the power rings”.. Doesn’t say too much. So.. we will be going on our own stuff for a few things because the info just isn’t there.

  32. star

    alright guess it’s not knuckels, and i have two reason that help me suport it. 1 he dosen’t have wings,. and 2 he gaurds the master emrald, the cloacked figure just said he’s a garudion, maybe he’s a garudion over tails, so it can’t be knuckels

  33. soniczfan

    Thats it! thanks Dr.awesome maybe tails gets to sense chaos emeralds as a power.

  34. dr.awesome

    @ star thought aren’t wings look at them there right where his arm are they just can’t be wings
    2nd there isn’t a master emerald in this it’s just the 7
    @ soniczfan just came to me that they need to discover the choas emeralds somehow and that idea was born

  35. c.w.

    Yea, I accidentally started that whole wings thing, then I got a closer look at it by zooming in on my wii and saw that they were arms and the sleeves are spread out like wings. So my bad.

  36. dr.awesome

    @ c.w. i have a wii
    you have any games you recommaned

  37. soniczfan

    i have a wii to do you guys think i should buy sonic adventure 2 battle or super mario bros wii i can’t really decide. lol

  38. dr.awesome

    super mario
    based off the 2 sonic games I have

  39. soniczfan

    @dr.awsome how about super mario wii,super smash bros brawl,or mario kart wii i really can’t decide.

  40. dr.awesome

    mario kart 150cc is just annoying i would go super smash bros brawl is for a bit sometimes you need friends over to wanna play so it gonna last the lomgest game play wise

  41. soniczfan

    thanks man! i really coulden’t decide sometimes you just need good freinds to help you @dr.awesome.

  42. RedAuhtar

    Just read through the whole comic! Awsome! I am sure Ben would be proud of this.

  43. JayFoxFire

    Whoo hoo! go Sonic go!

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