Chapter 002 – Page 022

Do we find out who Tail’s new friend is next week?  . . . Maybe?

Yeah no news this week, nothing witty to say, no real updates of any kind.  Kinda dull really.

See you next Monday,


Discussion (36) ¬

  1. Talancir

    and that’s the way it should be. Tails really shouldn’t know yet, he’s young. let him grow into the full spectrum of ‘oh crap you almost died!’

  2. Chris

    I had a dream last night where season 3 of Sonic the Hedgehog was on TV, and your comics came to life. While the once-a-week update is a bit irritating, I do love what you guys are doing and I look forward to a LOT more 🙂

  3. RedPanda234

    Yeah, Ant. You do something good once, just to say something really obnoxious two minutes later. Still, Sonic should have a little gratitude, no?
    Next week, The Cloaked Figure will show it’s true identity. Can’t wait to see it. Maybe it’s really Knuckles?

  4. Okida

    phew… and here I thought Sonic would have to go back to Sally and get yelled at for loosing Tails, when Sonic can go back to Knothole and pretend everything was fine.

    Something tells me ‘Knuckles’ most likely will blow the lid off of that

  5. soniczfan

    Ok i can’t wait too see who’s undr that hood i’m guessing knuckles, rouge, or shadow.

  6. Glitcher

    Balderdash! We all know that the cloaked figure is Gojira’s self-insert. Glory-hogging, role-playing, character-plugging prize plum!

  7. star

    you can’t tell at all sonic was worried, no i can’t see, only the part he was yelling at ant, but he did deserve it. any YEAH SONIC IS WITH TAILS AGAIN!!!!:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 now i just have to wait for next weak for the cloacked figure, i still say it could be tails’s uncle Merlin, or like Glitcher said maybe someone put them self in there, that would be cool 🙂

  8. Paul

    Gojira would be fired so fast if he randomly tossed in a fan character.

  9. Kate Vunza

    Wonder what Naugus will do with that scrap metal?

    Wonder what SNIVELY will say when he finds out that his wonderful killer robots have been turned into scrap metal?

  10. Glitcher

    Hey Paul, if you can’t think of a topic of conversation this week, why not try asking how Tails freed himself of Naugus’ spell? Sonic needed a Power Ring to shatter the crystals, but Tails managed without. Could this be his secret power Ben Hurst alluded to…?

  11. Paul

    I guess we keep on reading to find out.

  12. Asher Tye

    Are we about to see the Naugus Recycling Program in action?

    I’m very curious to see who Tails’s mysterious savior is. Hopefully they won’t regret knowing this individual. Rather surprising Naugus has the physical strength to bash in a robot’s head, especially one of Robotnik’s security droids. Maybe he’s not as withered as he appears.

  13. c.w.

    If it is Knuckles are you going to make him & Sonic be rivals like in the old games?

  14. star

    guys it’s not Knuckles, like i said why would he be a gardian over tails instead of the master emrald, yeah the master emrald isn’t in this probley but he would be protecting the seven Chaos emralds before Naugus get’s his claw on them, at lest i think it’s a claw. can never tell, really.

  15. dr.awesome

    the gruadiain
    @ star who said he was a gruadian of tails maybe he just save cause it right

  16. soniczfan

    I actually give up if i pick knuckles makes no sense cause he will be gaurding the master emerald. If i pick rouge that’s impossible because she ain’t a gaurdian. besides Dulcy those are the only charectars that can fly.

  17. RedPanda234

    What about Shadow? I don’t know if he can fly, but still…
    I don’t think Knuckles would just let Tails die if he could do something…?

  18. dr.awesome

    @ glitcher the gruadain help (to make that clear)
    i stand on knuckles
    i stand on all the things i do till i lost the reason i choose them in the first place

  19. Glitcher

    Sorry, but I have no idea who this “gruadain” fellow is.

  20. Arohk

    The reason I still believe it is Knuckles is because before S2 Ended, there was talk of Knuckles being included in S3 to follow along with the characters in the video games. As in Sonic 2, Tails would play a larger part and as in Sonic 3, Knuckles would be included. Even if this isn’t Knuckles, I am pretty sure he’ll be included later.

    Also, if they are staying true to how they invisioned S3, then I do not believe they will have the new generation of characters at all. AKA Shadow, Rouge, etc. They could suprise me, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing them any time soon.

    Just my thoughts. <3 Love the comic as always, and I know I don't post often, but I'm definitely here every week. 😉 Take care.

  21. sonicblur13

    @Arohk: i post every week

  22. soniczfan

    @RedPanda234 um i thought about it in the last 2 comics and i stated they do look likehis soes but he can’t fly, and he will definitly not save tails.

  23. dr.awesome

    @ the glitcher
    the cloak figure he called himself a guardian (spell right this time ^^; )

  24. charlotte

    wow!!! that was brill!!! cant wait for next week!!! bt me is wonderin weither u could make uncle chuck a real hedgehog again? xxxxxxx 🙂

  25. c.w.

    where’s the update?

  26. star

    yeah where is it, it’s a monday, where is it?

  27. Glitcher

    You two probably could never wait until Christmas to find out what’s in your presents.

  28. Kate Vunza

    Soniczfan, Knuckles may not be able to fly, but he can GLIDE. My guess is that if the cloaked “guardian” is Knuckles, then Knux must have jumped off the edge of a tall building and glided over to where Tails was in order to save him.

    And I don’t see why Knux WOULDN’T save Tails (assuming Cloaky is Knux), considering how curious Cloaky was about the Freedom Fighters in the opening sequence of this chapter…

  29. Kate Vunza

    …of course, for all we know, there’s a million and one cloaked figures around, and each time we see one, it’s someone different. (DARK EGG LEGION!!!!!! j/k)

  30. Ryan

    Darn, got my hopes up.
    When will you update it?

  31. soniczfan

    um @Kate Vunza I wasn’t talking about knuckles i was talking about shadow.

  32. soniczfan

    I perfectly know almost any sonic merchandise or sonic related stuff, games,books,movies. Whatever i’m a huge sonic freak.

  33. Glitcher

    It’s almost Tuesday over here. You’re delaying MY comic!!!!

  34. Paul

    Still only mid afternoon here so nyeeehhh.

  35. JayFoxFire

    Yayy!! Tails’s okay 😀 Aww that’s so cute! Sonic hugging Tails X3 Keep it up

  36. Quickster

    Yeeeeah, this isn’t good news for Paul. Good thing he already killed off Dulcy, right?

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