Chapter 002 – Page 023

Well, I guess you guys still need to wait to figure out who the cloaked guy figure is.   Oh by the way, this chapter is going 27 pages instead of 25 like I previously mentioned. Not sure if I told anyone it is 27 now or not.  Uhmmm… Hmm. Again no real news.

If anyone knows of any good hosting sites let me know.  We have a business account with hostgator right now but they don’t let us do what we want to do.  Those bastards!

Next page, Nagus sneezes and falls to his death. You just can’t concentrate on flying when you sneeze.

See you next Fri…Monday!


EDIT:   I should have made our looking for host more clear. We aren’t looking for a host just for Sea3on, or FUS.  We are designing a mass comic hosting program that we hope to rival Smack Jeeves among others.   So we are looking for a fairly customizable server and a lot of space/bandwidth.  We aren’t looking for just small places to host Sea3on. Sorry for the confusion.

Discussion (38) ¬

  1. dragon

    Oh, I get it. His identity won’t be revealed until the final page, will it?

  2. star

    hey cut them some slack, at lest they showed us a little bit of the face, on the 6 pannle i think sonic was regretting bringing tails here, then who can blam him, he just almost had a heart attack thinking tails was dead i would of done the same thing

  3. RedPanda234

    Probably not

    Another perfect page. I love the way this comic never loses it’s quality over the weeks =)
    Everybody’s always so protective about Tails. This way it’ll take him a long time to become a real freedom fighter.
    But… I think I’d probably do the same if he was my “little brother”.

  4. MarbleDidymus


  5. RedPanda234

    The cloaked figure… looks a bit like Espio… doesn’t it?

  6. Ryan

    Im putting money that he is going to be a fancharacter self insert :3

    or knuckles

  7. JayThree

    I’m agreeing that it’s Knuckles but I’m not fully banking on that idea yet.

    As for it being a fan character, I don’t think that Ben Hurst’s idea of a guardian would be a fan character since this story works off of Ben’s ideas for Season 3

  8. Paul

    Reeaaaaly? A fan character? Honestly now, do we seem that bad?

  9. Glitcher

    27 pages?! You mean my comic will be delayed for another fortnight? This is outrageous! I’ll sue you for damages, Paul. Unless you sacrifice Gojira as an offering.

  10. Paul

    Yeah, sacrificing Gojira sounds reasonable enough to me. *Puts on a black robe*

  11. Asher Tye

    Gotta wonder if this is gonna have an impact on Tails coming along on future missions. Before, Sonic was his major backer but now… And you know someone’s gonna spill the beans about the fall to Sally. (I’m looking at you Antoine).

    The page was great. Of course given Naugus just tore through solid steel, I’m not so sure a simple thing like a fall, even from that height, would do more than make him angrier than he already is.

  12. Bakuda

    I’ve become a big fan of your comic…it’s nice to see a satam continuation the way been would’ve wanted it. As for webhosting…I use bluehost. They’re reasonably priced and easy to work with. I was able to set up a wordpress blog there no problem, and previously had a plain HTML static site.

    Anyway, hope it works out for you and if not, good luck finding better hosting. And keep up the good work…this comic RULES!!!

    Oh…and I’m going with Knuckles =)

  13. RedAuthar

    AUGH! It is starting to drive me nuts who this guy is!

    By the way, if you need a temporary comic host, try comic fury. It is free, and it is a good place to start a comic. If your having hosting troubles, you might wanna try going there till things work out.

    And lastly, what is wrong with fan characters? I mean all of the Characters in SatAM are technically fan characters as they were never in any actual games (Sonic Spinball doesn’t count).

  14. star

    if your going to put in a fan charter, wicth i know is unlikely but still…. put in mine!! yeah i have one, i was really board one day and instead of one i made a new genaration of freedom fighters, but i colored them over in paint….. i know sad, well i can’t draw.

  15. dragon

    I guess it doesn’t matter if we find out his identity next page or the last one of the chapter…
    it will still be epic! ^_^

    I think Tails will be the one to blurt out what happened to him when they meet Sally…

  16. dr.awesome

    poor tails no clue why sonic backing out
    i think it cuz naguas’ magic to powerful for sonic to let others get hurt
    that sound like him

  17. Darkruby

    Another week goes by, and we’ll still not any closer to finding out who the cloaked person is.
    You guys enjoy watching us try to guess who the person in the cloak is, don’t you?
    Anyway good work, can’t wait till next week.

  18. dmoney

    Its Knuckles

  19. Kate Vunza

    Paul: Normally I wouldn’t say that you guys seem bad enough to put in a random fan character, but knowing you, YOU’D probably be perfectly willing to do it. And I mean that in the best possible way, considering that there are some quite excellent fan characters out there that may or may not even be better than some CANON characters (not looking at anyone in particular, actually).

    Say, maybe it’s YOU in that black robe…

    …naah, if it was, you’d have let Tails drop to his doom, wouldn’t you?

  20. Tc

    I’ve always been fond of HostGator for my website. It’s gone down maybe twice in the three years I’ve had it. I want to say it’s $130 a year, but don’t quote me on it.
    I’ve been meaning to read this comic for sometime now. Glad to finally be able to poke through the archives.

  21. soniczfan

    Well it does resemble espio more then it t resembles knuckles or shadow. But i don’t remember seeing espio as a gaurdian.

  22. dr.awesome

    how does resemble anyone it just the mouth you can’t the noes or any idenifing feature

  23. Paul

    Kate – Nah, I don’t have a fan character, and honestly we have no desire to be adding in fan characters of us. Not our thing.

  24. John

    Gojira on the hand has multiple fan characters and fursonas he wanted to introduce into the comic. We (Paul and I) have long since beaten that idea out of him.

  25. RedPanda234

    @dr. awesome
    The shape. And Espio doesn’t have a nose (not that I remember).
    But, yeah, he can’t fly…

  26. soniczfan

    i say it resembles espio because I say it resembles me and RedPanda234 are right to think what we want to think and yes the shape does resemble espio.But since they are doing this comic by Ben Hurst’s idea of season 3 I don’t think Ben would’ve added or included Espio in the idea.

  27. soniczfan

    oops correction i meant to say. “i say it resembles espio because I say it resembles espio.” At the first line.

  28. Ryan

    @Paul Lol it was just a joke.

    From what i heard about Knuckles appearing around season 3 or 4, I’m going all in on it being Knuckles

  29. dr.awesome

    @redpanda and soniczfan
    the noes area is basically cover all actally know is that he a mouth

  30. soniczfan

    the mouth is located in the same spot as espio’s, also his mouth is the same color @dr.awesome.

  31. Hibob7

    But it is another Echidna Guardian. How do I know?

    Look at all his text. Knuckles, the rad red knucklehead, wouldn’t say things like
    “I believe there is much we need to discuss.” I can’t imagine him saying that. Plus, the fact he can glide and senses chaos energy (from the first few Ch. 2 pages) assures us he’s an echidna. But not knux. In a later chapter, they to an echidna clan. THAT’S where they meet Knuckles.

  32. John

    I love the smell of speculation in the morning.

  33. soniczfan

    @Hibob7 you know i think you’re right if you’ve watched sonic x or sonic underground it’s the same thing there is more then one echidna that was either the guardian of the master emerald or something like that. I agree with you maybe it’s knux’s uncle from sonic underground who gaurds the emerald before him.

  34. dr.awesome

    true knux wouldn’t but what about

  35. Rosy

    @ Soniczfan: That was Knuckles’s great grandfather in Sonic Underground, not his uncle.

  36. Gammaray

    @dr. awesome

    I don’t think so. Her words are still in that same context, but it doesn’t seem right.


    You might be right! Maybe it is….uh, what’s his name again? It starts with an A… I keep thinking of Alister but that’s not it. I don’t know. Who is it again?

  37. Rosy

    Athair was his name, he was in the Archie Comic too.

  38. natosha

    I love sonic satam! they are sooo awsome and i read your comics every monday and saw the first two seasons on youtube! i hope u make ur next comic awsome!!!

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