Chapter 002 – Page 024

. . . Sick with the flu -_-  At this moment I’m huddled in my bed trying not to talk or cough cause my chest is just killing me.

Anyways, yeah still no identity to mystery man. I can at least tell you we are getting closer to revealing him though.  I know Ive been slacking on my witty comments to bug you and any news updates.  I think I had one or two to say but I’m too sick to properly think right now.

As always, thanks for sharing your time with us.


Discussion (26) ¬

  1. MarbleDidymus

    Dun dun duuun. The plot thickens.

  2. Asher Tye


    It pays to be a night owl.

    But now I can’t think of what to write. Obviously its going to be interesting with Sonic and Antoine explaining their new friend to Sally without scaring the wits out of her. By the way, Naugus with the earpiece looks awesome. I have to wonder how much longer Snively’s going to get away with talking down to the old sorcerer supreme. Hey is there any chance Naugy’s gonna keep those wrecked up robots as some sort of personal transport? Like a mobile throne?

    Until next week.

  3. Asher Tye


    missed it by that much

  4. Ryan

    I was not expecting this to be up at 5 in da morning when i wake up, but damn, you never fail to impress me.

    now i gotta go to school 😐

  5. RedAuthar

    GAH! You guys are hiding the identity on purpose just to hold interest! I will eat your face as revenge!

  6. star

    hey if you eat pauls face you’ll get sick to RedAuthar!. and Paul! try and stay in bed, i’m fighting off a cold to but it probley hit me more than you, i keep sneezing and i feel like i got drunk when i’m not. but off that subject, how dare you guys not show us the clocked figure yet, and i still say it’s not knuckles but at this point with me being sort of sick i can’t even tell if i’m looking straight. well good luck paul with your cold and i have to head to school, even thought i’m sick yeah 🙁

  7. dragon

    This comic is getting better with every page! 😀

    Hope you get well soon, Paul!

  8. Bakuda

    I’ve given up on your revealing who the mystery man is. I believe your waiting for the last page of the chapter to do that…it would make a good chapter ending.


    feel better soon

  10. Darkruby

    Grrr we still don’t know who the cloaked person is.
    Anyway great work as always.

  11. MarbleDidymus

    Why exactly do I have a dog face as an icon?

  12. Glitcher

    Because you’re a bi–…. Um, I don’t know.

  13. c.w.

    I think it’s probably Knuckles though I think Ben Hurst was originally going to introduce him later in season 3, but this is a more creative way of bringing him to satam (if it is Knuckles).

  14. soniczfan

    Look! is the mystery man floating in mid air or is he jumping down? Because if he’s floating that’s not knuckles knuckles can’t float or fly. He only uses his strength to push himself in md air he glides.

  15. soniczfan

    Oh Paul I almost forgot Feel better my freind.

  16. star

    that soniczfan looks like he just jumped down, he’ll porbley fly a bit later. and with knuckles not floating, he can, in the games he kind of fell, but with style. sorry sort of sick still but getting better. but like i said befor and i still stand by it, it’s not knuckles, it can’t be

  17. soniczfan

    Yes star i agree with you it’s not knuckles knuckles may have some patience but he’s not this calm. Also some other hints make me think it’s not knux

  18. star

    yeah for once someone is on my side with something, i got the idea it wasn’t knuckles from the minute the figured saved tails, the arms looked like wings, and unless sega changed knuckles in the games, he dose not have wings or his arms do not look like wings, to glide he needs them in frount.

  19. soniczfan

    @star one hint that gave me the idea it’s not knuckles is his face, I mean look at it it’s not knuckles face. In the last comic they showed his face.

  20. soniczfan

    or part of it the mouth part

  21. Glitcher

    It’s Friday. Where the hell is the update?



    yea theres a flu goin ouround up here in canada too

  23. Paul

    Thanks guys. I’m better now, although I still have a bad cough.

    Also I am Canadian IAMAWESOME.

  24. star

    @Glitcher, i was going to same thing to about today being friday, but then i remembered after i got hit in the head at school that it updates mondays now.
    oh and paul that makes the two of us fighting the flu, i’ve gotton better to if you paid attention to the other posts i’ve done, even though they might just take up space ^_^;;
    well i think i’m done bugging you for the night. see ya

  25. soniczfan

    HEY PAUL! glad you’re feeling better!

  26. skillfox93

    hey guys its dont judge by the name its the same sonicblur13 just a different name i figured eminem has like 5 names i figured i could have 2 so you can still call me sonicblur13 sometimes i will comment as sonicblur13 and sometimes as skillfox93 it really depends how i feel just wanted to give you a heads up. by guys 😉 ps i know i have not been delivering my usual daily comment you know my usual storyline idea , witty comment or just telling you about my day

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