Chapter 002 – Page 025

Ohhhhhh  getting closer to relieving who that “someone” is.  Excited? Nervous? Can’t wait? Is YOUR guess right? Well, you will find out another time.

Onto site news.. The Ben Hurst memorial section should be up on FUS today.. Maybe tomorrow.  It’ll have comments from fans, some pictures, and also will include whatever stuff he had planned for Season 3.   I don’t think it will be a huge section but it will be nice.

So only 2 more pages left for this chapter. I think its 27 pages. Either 27 or 28. Its too early in the morning I kind of forget.  6:30am, I’m just about to head out the door to work.

Later gator. See you next Monday!


Discussion (87) ¬

  1. Glitcher

    You misunderstood me. You said your vote was for Sonic’s mom, but you also said it’s Silver. It’s either one or the other, you can’t have it both ways, and narutofan only compounds this contradiction by agreeing with you. But I don’t mind his behaviour. Paul often agrees with me for no reason as well.

  2. Paul

    What am I agreeing to?

  3. narutofan101008

    You should check it up @ Glitcher to figure it out

  4. soniczfan

    I think it’s silver then Ben hurst probally never knew who silver was cause he came out in the games later on. But my explination for silver makes more sense then my explination for Queen Aleena(sonic’s mom). But the mouth’s look like hedgehog mouthes so i vote for silver. @Glitcher sorry if i caused you trouble oh an hi Paul!

  5. soniczfan

    Do any of you guys read the sonic comic sereis by archie comics?

  6. Paul

    The only Sonic comic put out by Archie that Ive ever read is a Ian Flynn autographed one that he sent me randomly in the mail. I guess it wasn’t random.. I got it through connections.. But really I wasn’t aware that I was going to get a Autographed comic by him.. So yeah okay it was pretty random. Lets go with that then. Ian Flynn sent me a autographed comic and that is the only one I have ever read.

    Ive.. been tempted off and on weather to subscribe to it or not (can’t buy them in my town for some reason) but I never have. At least so far. I almost think its too far into the series to just randomly jump in now.

  7. dragon

    @ soniczfan

    I read them, and have every issue except for the #1/4 six-page preview one. All the specials, super-specials, mini-series, all 32 Knuckles issues, all 40 Sonic X, even the new archives! I really do enjoy them, though they’ve had their up’s and down’s over the years.

  8. dragon

    Almost forgot, I’m also missing the one Sabrina cross-over issue (#28 I think?), which was conluded in one of the Super Specials (I really didn’t like that one very much…).

  9. soniczfan

    Well it’s not a problem what’s the title of the comic. Because the comic i read is called Sonic The Hedgehog most way past cool comic! And the same thing happened to me i got to left back i stopped at #146 and then i started reading again at #211 so i missed alot!

  10. soniczfan

    Cool im glad to know there is other fans that also read this comic!

  11. soniczfan

    These comic’s have there own characters as well as from sonic x, sonic games,sonic satAM, and even sonic underground.

  12. Glitcher

    When I started working on my commission, I decided to start reading Sonic comics from the beginning to get me into the groove and sometimes find inspiration in the artwork. There are .cbr scans available of every issue and spin-off if you know where to look. The first twenty issues are pretty forgettable because they follow the style of AoStH more than SatAM. Issue #3 just blows my mind because of the way it introduced Bunnie. She gets captured and roboticized, then when she wakes up later in Knothole she’s like, “Well zip-a-dee-doo-dah, I’m super strong now! Oh, and I want to be your hairdresser, Sally.” Yeah, I’m sure that’s how she’d really react. ¬_¬

  13. soniczfan

    yeah a HATE! aoSTH and yes the comic was stupid in the beginning it made sonic look retarded in his actions. But it changed PRAISE THE LORD!

  14. dragon

    The first issues were basically “satam meets aosth”. I thought they were alright, but not the best. It wasn’t until the 30’s through 50’s that I think the comic really got good. It had darker storylines and “endgame” is one of my favorite saga’s (although having Knothole 3 hours into the future was a bit weird…). In fact, Super Special #2, aka Brave New World, is one of my favorite issues because I felt that is was the closest look we’d get of what Season 3 could have been. That is, until this comic came along… ^_^

  15. Glitcher

    Endgame was good, but I still balked at how Dulcy managed to win Knuckles and Geoffrey’s trust simply because dragons always tell the truth. Conviction does not come that easily. I’m only up to issue #80, but it I had to pick a favourite, I’d have to go for the Princess Sally mini-series. I admit I avoided this one for a long time because it features some of the most pathetically-designed sidekicks I’ve seen in a comic. But the storyline was quite clever and had me guessing right until the end. Not bad for a kid’s comic. It’s kinda funny how Geoffrey’s relationship with Sally felt more palapable than Sonic’s, but his over-the-top accent peppered with “mate” every five minutes prevents me from really liking him.

  16. soniczfan

    in the comic tell me you’re opinions about this would you like sally to be with someone else besides sonic or with sonic in relationships?@everyone

  17. star

    @ soniczfan
    alright a subject i can get into. well frist off it depends on the main writers with the girl people, if they put in anymore girls like amy or someone else then maybe depends who it is, if not and it’s just sally then it has to be her. so you know already, i’m not a big sonamy fan or sonic and sally fan. i know it’s akward but i don’t like amy, for werid yet ok reasons and i don’t like sally for what she pulled in the Archie comics. the show she cool, comics they screwed her up

  18. soniczfan

    Well i think you’re right they screwed sally up. I mean she actually commands the freedom fighters in battle like freaking rambo (girl version) I’m not used to seeing her like that. But as far as relationships go the authors tried to make the comic look more human like instead of the “perfect” type so they made sally go with other boys just like “real life”. But i think i like sonic and sally the most I’m a big sonally fan. NOW! it’s time for the part of the show where you guys tell me witch girl should be with sonic!

  19. the c.w.

    Ben Hurst was going to have another love interest for sally in season 3 and Archie kind of used Geoffrey St. John(who only says “mate” once) to fill that rolebut I think for this comic it will be the dudeinthecloak who I’m pretty sure is knuckles.

  20. dragon



    No, just kidding, lol ^_^

    I have to go the Sonic x Sally route. I just can’t see him with anyone else. Especially after what Evil Sonic (aka Scourge) did…

  21. soniczfan

    @dragon I have to say i agree with you but i actually like sonic x fiona because they could be together if sonic was evil but i guess sonic x sally wins! Also one question for all of you do you guys think sally and khan should be together or not.

  22. sonicdude

    when the “cloaked figure” said he was “a guardian”,you instantly gave it away. if it isn’t knuckles i will smash my head against a wall!!!!!!

  23. dr.awesome

    @ sonicfanz
    sally and khan must never be togther (that about all i know about the comics)
    NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >8

  24. c.w.

    I personaly thought it would have been interesting to see Sally with someone other than Sonic

  25. dragon

    It’s Monday! Where’s the update?!?!?

  26. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    @dragon, wait a bit, if you make your comment at 8 am, maybe they’ll update later in the day.
    You’ve gotta understand different timezones, maybe he’s sleeping or at work.
    For example, I’m writing this at 6:22 pm, but I know that it has to come sooner or later in the day.

  27. Ryan

    It’s 3 in the afternoon, no update
    i am saddened

  28. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    9:27 pm for me, no update yet??

  29. soniczfan

    The cloaked figure is not knuckles it will never be knuckles.

  30. Glitcher

    Ultimate Hammer Bro, you’re a hypocrite. You tell dragon to be patient because there are different time zones, then you write an impatient post that it’s getting late where you are. It’s still midday on the west coast!

  31. sonicblur13

    *eats own face*

  32. Paul

    3:30PM and no update yet!!????? . . . Wait a sec

  33. dr.awesome

    paul where iz update

  34. Paul

    Well it sure isn’t here.

  35. Paul

    Salamander had her Birthday yesterday, and she is still at work right now I think. So.. Id imagine she will have it done up by tonight.

  36. scotracoon

    wow disapointing i was really hoping for the update i hope its there tomarrow or atleast on friday.

  37. dragon

    It’s almost 7 pm where I’m at, so I guess I can be patient for a little while longer…

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