Chapter 002 – Page 026

Remember, whenever a stranger hands you random things be sure to read them with a open mind.  Its polite. After you read whats on the paper then you can start yelling “Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!”

So getting closer to finding out who he is for sure. Next Monday will be the last page for chapter 2.  We will be starting the short on the Friday after that, so next week you lucky guys will get 2 updates!  And.. for the next some odd amount of weeks after you will get 2 updates as well. At least in till the short is finished. So yay for 2 updates a week. Boo for me having to update this page twice a week.  Its hard thinking of stuff to say sometimes. I mean, I need to annoy you all somehow? Takes a lot of work..

Alright then onto updates. Uhm..  We started reviewing Sonic Games on FUS. You can find the reviews here for now  eventually I will get to putting them onto the main site.  Originally Gojira, the writer for Sea3on was going to do the reviews but he got caught up in junk so now we have Saber16. So everyone say Yaaay Saber16 for picking up where Gojira left off.

Also Id like you all to wish Salamander a Happy 24th Birthday.  As you all know Salamander is the artist for the main chapters of Sea3on and she works extremely hard on getting everything done and out for you guys to enjoy. She turned 24 yesterday (She is old… I’m only 23) so everyone say Happy Birthday to her.

Right-o, see you next Monday,


EDIT:   My bad.. 3 pages left in this chapter.  So ignore what I said about this twice a week thing starting next week.  It’ll start but.. 3 weeks from now.

Discussion (49) ¬

  1. Bakuda

    Hmmmmm…..very interesting. Again…guardian=knuckles. But the face in this one reminded me of shadow…but I didn’t think I’d see shadow in this. It still could be the face of knuckles though…and knux still has my vote.

  2. Bakuda

    And I know it’s stupid but I have to say it…first post!

    Ok…shutting up.

  3. Bakuda

    But wait…is that a black hand??? Hmmmmmmm………

    Ok….again…shutting up.

  4. Asher Tye

    Either that or a glove. I would note though that while there are no knuckle spikes on the back of his hand seen in the fifth panel, the second panel shows off a thumb and two big fingers. Have to wonder what’s on that scroll now. Be kinda funny if Nicole couldn’t translate it.

  5. star

    ok now i’m getting pumped about the figure but i still say that’s it’s not knuckles, he dosen’t have a six sence like this person, if it’s a whole new person that will be alsome. and i know that ‘strong source’ is the depower stones or how ever you say it. man this is getting alsome, but when will they show the figure!!!!

  6. Bakuda

    I must admit…without knuckles on the hands…combined with other evidense I stated before…it’s definately not knuckles. For the first time in this debate my mind is swayed.

  7. dr.awesome

    i’ll go with shadow
    he has a strange past
    and i guess he had personally in satAM

  8. Ryan

    @dr.awesome …
    you best be joking, Shadow didn’t come out until 2001, long after the shows cancellation.

  9. dragon

    I have the Prima strategy guide for the original Dreamcast version of “Sonic Adventure”, and it says in the bio that Knuckles “has a built-in sixth sense, a kind of radar that begins to glow and beep whenever he gets close to a [emerald] Shard” . Maybe that’s where that line comes from (if it is Rad Red)?

    Heck, with that cloak, all he needs is the metal claw and I’d call him Kragok! ^_^

  10. dragon

    Also, after looking close, you can see a slight bulge in the middle of the cloaked guy’s fist, right next to the finger. Early artwork showed that Knux originally had very short, stub-like knuckles, so it’s possible that he’s been drawn in the old style here.

  11. dragon

    And I’ll be the first to say it:


    And thanks for the awesome Sea3on comic!

  12. dr.awesome

    @ryan i didn’t know i don’t sonic X it lame
    i guess knuckles had the change in personally then he was around in 1994 (the year i was born actally) on more reseach i discover series went down hill 1st satAM then underground and now sonic X F#%$ you dic(k) did anyone else ever notice that) and lack of effort to find good writers

  13. soniczfan

    Yep i go with shadow i knew it would be a hedgehog (up to my knowledge) oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALAMANDER! Second one to say it!

  14. star

    ok i know this is kind of stupid and werid but they showed a eye, i was board and stupid and figured ‘alright end the fighting figure out the eye color and cut people out’ the eye looks red DARK red. so it can’t be knuckles his are purple, it could be shadow. but like Ryan said Shadow didn’t show his face tell around 2000 so it’s not likely him. so who else could it be?

  15. dragon

    Knuckles’ eyes weren’t purple until the character redesigns were shown back when Sonic Adventure was first released (’98 or ’99 I think). That was when Sonic went from black eyes to green (with the ugly red eyes when he went Super Sai- uh I mean Super.)

  16. MistressAli

    It’s Sonic… from the FUUUUTURE!

  17. star

    ok frist before i open my big mouth again this is the frist time i’ve posted three things in one day, wow that’s shocking to me.
    ANYWAY! me being a idiot and finally doing something smart i read the comets before i opened my big mouth. and i found out i’m might be a idiot saying random stuff. turns out with what other people have said knuckles now has a better chance of being the clocked figure then i thought.
    Dragon’s frist post said he “has a built-in sixth sense, a kind of radar that begins to glow and beep whenever he gets close to a [emerald] Shard” instead of emrald it’s the depower stones or anykind of power. and i think what he said again about knuckles early drawing the hand that has the scroll barely has a knuckle showing, you can’t really see it unless you actually look for it.
    so it could be knuckles but i still stand by my frist thing on saying that it probley not likely, but now he has a bigger chance then i thought

  18. c.w.

    I think it’s Knuckles but their drawing him more like his originally design, which is how all the characters look in this comic

  19. Okida

    I wonder… the words of “knuckles” seem to indicate that the Deep power stone (the united two peices) might have been a chaos emerald. If so that idea rocks

  20. RedAuthar

    Purplish eyes? Guardian? I am pretty sure it is Knuckles at this point. It would seem that once again I failed to predict what was going to happen next, interesting.

  21. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I was expecting to see the cloaked figure’s face and they give us AN EYE?
    OMG I can’t wait till the end of the chapter, but if the stranger has run away in this page, I don’t think we’ll discover his identity in three pages 🙁

  22. sonicblur13

    ok ill be the third to day it happy birthday salamander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):)::):

  23. True Blue Sonic Fan

    Happy birthday Salamander!
    I would like to thank everyone who is involved with making this sea3on comic, it is very very good and I like the way you are going with it.
    As to the mystery figure, it has to be Knuckles. I mean he’s a guardian, he’s mysterious, and they plan to bring the chaos emeralds into the story.

  24. Saber

    Ok, I’m leaning towards Knuckles now… and if it is, this is a pretty interesting take on him.

    Ah, and Happy Birthday Salamander. May party your ass off.

  25. Glitcher

    “EDIT: My bad.. 3 pages left in this chapter. So ignore what I said about this twice a week thing starting next week. It’ll start but.. 3 weeks from now.”

    You’re just doing this to torture me, aren’t you Paul?

    Oh, and we get to see more of Rotor’s face on this page. Can’t wait until he pulls back the hood.

  26. Paul

    “You’re just doing this to torture me, aren’t you Paul?”

    Why yes. . . Yes I am!

  27. LaserX5

    It does look like Knuckles when I really see his face.

    Although, I don’t know see why he’d have to wear a cloak to disguise his appearance.

    Guess we’ll have to wait and see what’s coming next.

  28. soniczfan

    ok are you kidding me? no one except 4 people wished Salamander happy birthday?

  29. Glitcher

    The rest of us wished her well in the forums.

  30. narutofan101008

    Happy Birthday

  31. soniczfan

    ok i might not of known this so forgive me :-(.

  32. Tikhaos

    “Zonic,what izz zis mysterious object?
    My prinzess,pleaze don’t open i–OOO-OWWW!(Antoine screaming)”
    My guess for page 27

  33. Tikhaos

    Happy Birthday Salamander 🙂

  34. Ryan

    “who in the heck’re you?”
    “a guardian”


  35. star

    Happy brithday Salamander, well Happy LATE brithday, or you can consider it early, it dosen’t matter to me 🙂 sorry i didn’t say it earlyer to cut the explaining i’ve had a crappy week and my computer now dosen’t want to play nice sometime, so when i wanted to say it my computer wouldn’t let me.

  36. Glitcher

    “my computer now dosen’t want to play nice sometime, so when i wanted to say it my computer wouldn’t let me.”

    That’s funny, you didn’t have any problem posting any of your earlier replies. <_<

  37. star

    @ Glitcher
    its called technical difficlautys, and besides i’m lazy so i didn’t want to get up turn on my computer wait, log on, wait again, get on the internet wait, and then start typeing, so instead i grabbed my brothers laptop while he was still sleeping, but i couldn’t type much because he grabbed his steel toed shoes and was going to smack me with it. 🙁 i have issues yes i do.

  38. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Monday right now!

  39. Glitcher

    Oh Lord, are we going to go through this every single week? Where’s the next page? Where’s the next page? It will be ready when it’s ready.

  40. Rosy

    Happy Birthday Salamander (Sorry for the late wishes, have been having internet issues whenever I had time to get online)

    I still say my best guess is Knuckles, even in Sonic Adventure he has a ‘sixth sense’ when it comes to Chaos Emeralds. And now with seeing his eye, it’s shaped a bit like Knuckles if you ask me, I always thought the mouth was drawn like his. As for his knuckles, well the way it’s drawn the first time they could had been there the way his hand was angled they might not had been seen. The second time the cloak could have hidden them.

    And it would make sense for him to be drawn old-style with smaller knuckles, after all had Knuckles been in Season 3 of SatAM it would had been that style, Knuckles was fairly new to the Sonic Universe at the time.

  41. Sweeple

    *Waiting for the next page all like this*: :O

  42. Fanman

    The face in the cloaked figure looks a lot like Knuckles. But he was never in SatAM. So I is confused… :/

  43. Marble Didymus

    It will be ready when it’s ready, huh? :p

    Always bet on Season 3, eh Glitcher? XD

  44. Paul

    It will probably be up when Salamander gets back from work. And just so everyone knows, we update Mondays.. Not any specific time on Mondays, although we try for midnight. Also myself and Salamander live on Coastal BC. So we use PST time, if you live in Aussie land or Europe… It might look like Tuesday to you, but not us.

  45. dragon


    I think Knux was going to be introduced during Season 3, but I’m not sure. Sonic 3 (the game) was out at the time if I remember right.

  46. Ryan

    *refresh page*
    *refresh page*
    *refresh page*
    Yea- uh, nope…
    *refresh page*
    *repeat every 10 seconds*


    Can’t wait for the next comic, and happy birthday Salamander ^w^

  47. Paul

    Salamander hasn’t been online today. So I imagine she is either stuck late at work, or working hard to finish up the page. I did have her doing a lot of stuff for the website this weekend so she was busy.

  48. Bakuda

    Don’t worry about it…I know what it’s like to have a long hard day. She gets to it when she gets to it, besides, it builds the suspense…….

  49. Quickster

    So you DID sacrifice Gojira after all…

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