Chapter 002 – Page 028

Back at Knothole. Tails is disappointed because he got scared. Sonic is mad at himself for failing Tails.. And Guess what? No more mystery cloaked figure! Thats right! He sure as hell won’t show up at Knothole! HA! Better luck next time! Hilarious!   I know some of you were kinda guessing we wouldn’t show him off but its still great. All your hopes up and BAM! No dice!

So this chapter is just wrapping up now. Only 1 page left. So.. Next week is when you will get the 2 comics in one week. Last page of the chapter on Monday, then the short starting on Friday. So Glitcher.. You will finally see your stuff published.

Onto the news area.. Nothing.  I started a interesting topic in the news section about the 2 Sonic fan films currently in the works. You can check it out by going to the main page and reading the news, or head on over to the forums and read it there too.  Thats really it for tonight. I’m just laughing away to myself cause you don’t know for sure who our cloaked friend is.  Good times.. Good times indeed.

As always, thanks for joining us.  Please post any comments, hate mail, or love letters to myself, bellow in the comment section. Have a good week and I shall see you all again next Monday.

Discussion (58) ¬

  1. Ryan


    Where is the comic Paul?

  2. Paul

    Not here?

  3. whispies


    Just like to say your work is very well written and beautifully drawn. If I were you I’d try and get a series out of this, it’s easily good enough to be in comic stores and better than any other sonic comic I’ve read, similar level of quality as the British sonic the comic at its best.

    Was wondering if you read the british sonic the comic online fan continuation:

    Worth a read.

  4. Paul

    I’ll give it a read. Actually, I have little to do with the creative aspects of this comic. Gojira writes and Salamander draws. I’m simply the editor in chief over all this. As for publishing this comic we have no plans. At least for retail. We do have plans to print off a few copies of each chapter and give those away for prizes, but not retail. Too much copywrite going on for that.

    Although FUS has a second comic coming up that I’m fully apart in. Actually its a creation between myself and John, the other owner of FUS. That comic should be up sometime early next year. Or so we hope. Wanna have enough backlog before we launch it.

  5. soniczfan

    @Paul What happened to the comic? OH and i’m not asking in a bad way just askin.

  6. Paul

    It will be up once we get it up. Salamander is probably still working, and since she lives 200km South of me.. I can’t exactly say what status its in.

  7. dragon

    Asking Paul when the next page will be up is like asking Alvin Earthworm when the next episode of Super Mario Bros Z will come out…

    It will be up when it’s up! Sheesh!

  8. Jimmy

    Does Tails have blue eyes in the fantasy?

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