Chapter 003 – Page 010

Hey guys, Saber here. Sorry about last week’s lack of an update, but at least something good came out of it. Great work on the April Fools page, Mew!


About todays page.. well… could be worse? I dunno. If anyone has some advice, feel free to let me know! I’m all ears.


As for updates… I don’t know, nobody tells Saber anything 😛


Hope you guys like the page and have a good weekend!

Discussion (14) ¬

  1. Fanman

    I thought Sonic was gonna break something with rage in panel 4….

  2. fluggylumps

    idk why but when she asked rotor when it would be fully operational it made me think of star wars

  3. Star

    i agree with Fanman about pannel 4, i was waiting for a fight to break out… i don’t know what to say saber, all i know is this thing better change in aplot soon or the freedom fighters are going to end up slaves for naugus and snivley…. wait a secound, just read it over again, i think sonic stole my idea but was cut off to short

  4. KePo

    Your art is growing already, I can see it.

  5. soniczfan

    @fluggylumps Sonic The Force Is with YOU

  6. Fanman

    First: RoBUTTnik
    Now: Snotley

  7. soniczfan

    um i have a question does anyone know where to download sonic videos like the intro to Satam for example (video) like that anyone know plz tell

  8. soniczfan

    nvr mind i found something =D

  9. LegacyElite84

    Saber, I got a feeling like you have a different person each week do a page, the art style is different every week. And that’s pretty awesome.

  10. Flyboy1945

    there is a very easy way to utterly destroy electronic devices i.e.Snively’s machine


  11. LegacyElite84

    @Flyboy1945 They live in a forest. They have nowhere near the technology or the materials to make an EMP and definately not enough time.

  12. Saber


    You noticed, huh?

    Yeah… I’m trying to lock down on one specific style. Sooo… I’m going to quit trying find my own art style for this thing and instead make it closer to the show.

  13. c.w.

    a rocket ship? so I guess there will be a Chaos Emerald hunt 🙂 & why are they worried about Snivly tracking the power stone? isn’t it gone?

  14. Star

    @c.w the power stone isn’t gone unless you mean the depower stone, yes there is a diffrence, the depower stone left us at the ending of season two how sonic and sally took down egg man’s gaint thing that he biult but the power stone makes the power rings, the power stone was split into to but that can still lead snivly to Knot hole and well….something tells me it will go down hill from there unless sonic comes up with an idea that works

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