Chapter 001 – Page 017

Discussion (6) ¬

  1. Mr Knockout

    Lol the last pannel makes me laugh for some reason. His neck makes me laugh! xD But yeah, awesome page. I’m anticipating the next one!

  2. Shadow

    That last panel should be a meme

  3. Asher Tye

    And there is Snively’s first mistake. Waiting to ask the location of Knothole second instead of first. Okay really his first mistake was waiting for Sonic instead of just asking Sally but still…

  4. SallyAliciaAcorn

    LOVE IT! JUST LOVE IT! The art is nice, the dialog is perfect, just like the show.

  5. Blaire Fields

    Ooooh boy, this oughta be good.

  6. SoLink


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