Chapter 003 – Page 013

…And now we toss in some Tron.    You gotta ask Saber on that one haha.


I would make some big post about bugging you all but.. I figure I did enough damage last week. Anywhoo I do love how this page turned out. Saber did some good work here, although the bugger changes his inking style every 2 weeks. I swear he has artist ADD.


As always thanks for joining us.



Discussion (29) ¬

  1. LaserX5

    Whoa, that Chaos Eye looks really threatening.

    Nice idea whoever came up with that one.

  2. Flyboy1945


  3. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Now what is it exactly tracking? It can’t be the Lake of Rings because it appears to be in a building.
    Maybe Knothole??
    Or maybe a…CHAOS EMERALD??????

  4. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    P.D: Note the over-the-top reaction.

  5. MistressAli

    It’s tracking Nagus XD That’s why he’s got the tron effect.

  6. Star

    i agree with flyboy1945 but wouldn’t you think it would be funnier if after the malfunction everything turns off from a black out…that would take a while to get back from 🙂

  7. TheSonicZfan

    lol wow tron

  8. Kage Kitsune

    As a fellow die-hard fan of SatAM; I must say, that this comic, beyond any doubt; is truly living up to my personal expectation of a 3rd Season. I only discovered it two hours ago; rewound back to the start, and devoured every single page up until the current.

    The writing is excellent; wholly capturing the very essence of each character as portrayed in the show, to the point that any fan could easily mentally project each character’s voice actor from it into saying the lines here (which, I might add, gave every reference back to the show that ‘lil bit extra ^^ [‘Sonic’s Nightmare’ -wink-wink-])

    So far; my personal favorite Short was “Me and my Shadow”; throughout which I loved the ‘mirror’s image’ idea portrayed quite cinematically and effectively via the broken glass. Took me back to the days of “Spaz” it did ^^

    Keep it Way past cool, guys ^^ You’ve got another permanent reader here ^^

  9. LegacyElite84

    @Kage Kitsune
    Welcome to the party.

  10. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    @Kage Kitsune
    Yeah, and don’t take Paul seriously.
    If he says in the next update that Sea3on is over, it’s not over 😀

  11. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    @Kage Kitsune
    Yeah, welcome, and also a tip for you: don’t take Paul seriously.
    If he says in the next update that Sea3on is over, it’s not over 😀

  12. Kage Kitsune

    Thank you kindly ^^

    @ Ultimate Hammer Bro
    I caught that XD The whole “And then ____ Dies” bits made me chuckle XD

  13. Wireball

    It’s not apparent how to get to the first page on the comic. I mention this because I arrived at this comic via a banner ad on another site – it might be hard for your new readers to get started.

  14. Paul

    Ah yeah thanks. I’ve actually been wanting to get out of this set up for some time. It was originally just a temp thing that kinda got stuck with us. There is a really crappy Archive over on the left hand side.

    I am hoping that within the next few months we will have a better system set up for this, but e shall see.

  15. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I’d suggest a similar layout to that of the online comic Dragon Ball Multiverse.
    It’s well organised, and it’s easy to access to any page.
    Also it would be a good idea to include a cover for each chapter, as if it were a real comic.
    Saber’s new (and hopefully last) style could do well, even with the first two chapters by Salamander.

  16. sonicblur13

    hey guys they got osama bin laden lets all rejoice people are going crazy in my town the streets are full of celebrating people and we didnt even have school today. what about you guys how are the people in your town reacting

  17. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I haven’t seen much reaction here aside from the news, even though I’m in something like a bank holiday. All the news programs celebrated it and talked about the people who died, both in the 9/11 and a bomb Al-Qaeda put in a train station a few years ago.
    But I suppose that the reaction would be a lot bigger in the USA.

  18. Paul

    Please refrain from talking about rejoicing over someones death in here.

  19. sonicblur13

    @paul – but paul hes public enemy # 1

  20. Star

    @sonicblur13 it dosen’t matter if he’s enemy number one…ask yourself this…dose he deal with anything related to sonic?

  21. Paul

    And the thousands of innocent people killed in mistake bombings, attacks, etc etc trying to kill one man? Its a simple request Sonic Blur. I don’t want any talk about rejoicing over someones death on here. No matter who they were.

  22. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Sorry, Paul. You’re right.
    It felt a little odd when I saw images from the US with people celebrating his death.
    Here, the news just interviewed some people who had died in 9/11 or in 3/11.
    I don’t know. If the US forces could finally approach him and shoot him in the head (or at least that’s what the media say) they could have captured him.

  23. sonicblur13

    @star- of course he is he sold nukes to robotnik

  24. HellAshes

    I started reading this last week. I’m pretty impressed with how the writing has been, the the art work is very nicely done. I wasn’t too terribly sold on the whole Sonic “I need to slow down to think” thing, because it seemed slightly OOC imo. Still, loving the storyline, and loving how Nagus was brought into the mix here.

  25. Paul

    @HellAshes If you are referring to the first short we did (based around Sonic) I wasn’t too sold on that myself. It was mostly just a test demo thing at the start. We had someone write up a few shorts scripts based around characters. That one was first in line and.. I wasn’t too fond of it myself either. However I’ll just lay full blame on John (the other guy who runs this.. You just never see him) because he runs the shorts. Chooses what scripts get through etc. I just manage the main chapters. So yes. Blame John. 😛

  26. TheSonicZfan

    WE BLAME YOU JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. LegacyElite84

    @ Paul
    Just got an easy modification to the page, just put right under browse archieves, “Se3son, The Beginning” or some other crafty m=name you could come up with that directs people to the first page.

  28. John


  29. Kate Vunza

    @Paul: This one thing I will say: when WE killed innocent people, we did it by ACCIDENT, as part of our efforts to stop Osama bin Laden from killing innocent people on PURPOSE.

    There. I’ve said it. I’m off my soapbox. I’m terribly sorry to derail the subject, but this honestly HAD to be said for the sake of clarification. You are just as welcome to your beliefs as I am to mine. [/intentional potential double meaning]

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