Chapter 03 – Page 017

Go Go Bunnie Arm!


We have a facebook page now.  Members can see rough drafts of our comics, designs, among a lot of other neat things.   Also you can get more FUS and Sea3on news updates.  So join us on facebook



Discussion (19) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Wow, this page is great.
    And now, back to the effects of the Chaos Eye!
    I’m just impatient to see what happens…

  2. LaserX5

    Oh, now you tell them Rotor…

    Brilliant job, man!

  3. LegacyElite84

    I have a theroy. Saber is just a group name for 26 or so individual, amazing artists each doing their own page. So whichever of the 26 or so artists who already did one of the pages, I say fantastic job. And Paul, just…I’ll think of something witty to say later to you.

  4. Star

    i agree with legacyelite84 it looks like a completly new person did it…well who ever did do it congratulations!

    na i’m kinding Saber i know you did it but it looks like someone else did but still good work 🙂

  5. Saber

    Not one page is alike :I

    XD Thanks for the comments guys, I’ll stick to one style eventually!

  6. LegacyElite84

    Saber, I think this different art style every week you got going is working amazing. The Swatbots look absolutely bada** in Panel 1, and the Freedom Fighters also look stunning. Great work.

  7. Paul

    All of the drawing is actually done by hand now, including the inking. Saber has started using a proper inking pen to ink everything in before scanning. From there he colours and does the rest on the computer. For those awesome enough to join the facebook page you can check out the B&W version of today’s strip here

  8. sonicblur13

    hey guys i just had my first cup of coffee anD fOR some wiers reason I FeAl kinDa wierd i CanT SleeP aNd i fEel kinda JITTery

  9. Star

    @sonicblur13 -__-; sonicblur are you one of the few people that AREN’T ALOUD to have coffee?

  10. sonicblur13

    @star- yeah i dont know why do you know?

  11. Paul

    I drink so much coffee in a day that its ridiculous

  12. Star

    @sonicblur13 how i know is actually simple, a few of my freinds are like that, they always have coffee in the morining and durring the day there running around like there on a suger rush. i’m one of the odd balls that don’t drink coffee, i just drink water, that’s how my freinds feel all the time… and usally i pay for it because they always run around me asking stupid questions -__-;

  13. sonicblur13

    @star- i have another Question i was really awake and alert but now im sleepy why is this happening and what should i do?

  14. LegacyElite84

    @sonicblur13 Me being an oddball who dosen’t drink coffee, I take it coffee is just like an elongated sugar rush, and what you have is the crash at the end of it.

  15. Paul

    Seeing as you are young and haven’t had coffee (or much caffeine by the sounds of it) before I would say its normal. You are just experiencing a caffeine crash. Caffeine is a drug after all.

    In all honesty its probably better not to drink coffee at a young age. The only reason why I go through so much coffee myself is the fact that I start work anywhere between 3 and 7am depending on the day. Then I always work to 3pm. So I can be going through a 12 hour day at work with only having a few hours of sleep the night before. There for I drink a lot of coffee in the morning normally. Sometimes in the afternoon too but rarely.

  16. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    If you don’t want coffee, drink Coke or any other thing with caffeine.
    I do after I first tried coffee and I couldn’t stand it.

  17. Paul

    Coffee is a acquired taste. You really have to drink it enough times before you love the taste of it, Its the same way with beer. First few times drinking beer it tastes like butt. But after a few times you grow into liking the taste.

    There are a few other drinks (and even foods) that are a acquired taste to most people.

  18. Star

    @sonicblur13 it seems my freind you just finshed a sugur rush like everyone else has said while i have been doing a bunch of work at home…trust me i wanted to check this place out but i was to busy sadly -__-; i get thouse all the time, well not in the same way, what i do when i’m really sleepy is give myself something to do that i like and that keeps me awake and alret, like for me it’s rather my sonic chronicles dark brother hood, or music usally wakes me up, but’s that’s just me, for you if you don’t drink coffee get something that has a lot of sugur that’ll do it easy ^^

  19. Bakuda

    This may be way insignificant for the story…but I love the Bunnie silhouette in panel 2. Don’t know why…just do XD.

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