Chapter 001 – Page 022

Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Gamenoise

    Awesome job… this comic is very well made.

  2. Asher Tye

    Three guesses why Sally seems so distraught in the first few panels. Good job here.

  3. JayFoxFire

    Very nice job

  4. Blaire Fields

    Hmm, now what could be troubling ol’ Sal?

  5. The Rose Duelist

    Sometimes even hedgehogs need to be saved.

  6. Krylancelo

    Epic Work Guys!

  7. playback


  8. SonicFan0706

    Who do you think will voice King Acorn and Naugus in the animated season 3 adaptation of the comics cause I doubt they’ll get Tim Curry to reprise his voice role as King Acorn like he did in Blast to the Past in both parts and The Void.

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