Chapter 003 – Page 024

BEFF – Best Enemy Friends For Ever.   AAAWWEEEEEEeeee




Alright so on words to page 24.  Good stuff?  Sure why not.




Discussion (15) ¬

  1. Star

    I SO CALLED IT I KNEW BUNNIE LOST IT THANKS TO NAUGUS!! 🙂 wait…somethings very wrong then…i was right for once….OH MY GOD THE END OF THE WORLD!! 🙁

  2. TF Junk

    Dang. I thought the problem was Rotor and Bunnie had already caught on that he was possessed.

    Ah well…

  3. c.w.

    I like the plot twist. It’s good to see Naugus acting like himself rather than Robotnik with magik; makes him more interesting than Robotnik too.

  4. LaserX5

    Wow, this is a twisted plot.

    Bunnie was indeed controlled by Naugus, but is also defecting from Naugus at the same time.

    The question is though, Why?

    Why not just rid himself of the Freedom Fighters first and then Snively?

    I dunno, just a thought I had.

  5. LaserX5

    Sorry, I meant to say defecting from Snively. Typo

  6. LegacyElite84


  7. Madame Kiki

    I think you, Paul, meant BFF, “Best Frenemies Forever”.

  8. Paul

    Well that one sounds better doesn’t it? Although saying BEFF is just cool.

  9. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    BEFF sounds good.
    Also I was expecting Naugus to betray Snively, but not so soon…

  10. Amanda

    Ah, now this is interesting. I was finding myself going, “Why is Naugus suddenly a bad guy when he didn’t really seem that much so in the one episode he was in?” But now it seems we will be getting an explanation as well as some exposition to make the transition far more believable. 🙂

  11. dragon

    Naugus still will be the main baddie eventually, won’t he?

  12. Flyboy 1945

    PLOT TWIST!!! this story is getting better and better everytime I read it

  13. sonicblur13

    guys i need your help halloween is in three months and im going as tails but i cant find a costume so everybody please could you all give me ideas please consider this the question of the week thanks for your help 😀

  14. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Have you tried buying it online?
    I suppose that there have to be costumes for sale.

    If not, I think that some furry material and, for example, a bear costume pattern (if you or someone you know can sew (I can’t XD)), conveniently modified could do.

  15. Star

    @sonicblur13 a costume of tails? hmm…haven’t heard of halloween costume like that since my brother was way younger and went as sonic…i agree with Ultimate Hammer Bro try finding one online and if not try and make your own…that’s all i got for advice…sorry if it isn’t much

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