Chapter 003 – Page 025

Laser sword beats everything!

Remember, drink your milk.



Cookies to anyone who gets that reference.




Discussion (11) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    This only deserves one reponse:


  2. Speedcy

    no no no, it’s: “IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR….BWAAAAAHHH!!!

  3. c.w.

    Did NICOLE ever do that in the show?

  4. DLTN

    Naugus: The force is strong in this one…

  5. Star

    “Nicole Laser” HOLY CRAP DOUBLE SIDE A DOUBLE SIDER! 😀 this comic gets better and better every week! an Ultimate Hammer Bro and Speedcy your both wrong! it’s “IMMA FIRIN’ MAH LAZOR!!!!……BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!” …ok so maybe the bwahaha part wasn’t in there but i gotta add that star touch that makes everything funier… 🙂

  6. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Yeah, true, it’s “LAZOR” XDD
    And when I wrote BOOOOM, that’s because I confused it with the legendary WTF BOOOOOOOOOOOM!

  7. Henry

    Freakin awesome. Keep up the good work.

  8. LaserX5

    Smart move, Sally.

    Naugus is not to be trusted.

    Although, this move could backfire somewhat because he is still a very powerful and dangerous wizard.

  9. gojira007

    @c.w.: Yes. Nicole’s laser function shows up in “Cry of the Wolf” when Sally uses it to free herself and Sonic from the rope Snively ties them up in. I can’t remember if it appears anywhere else in the show, though.

  10. Jaden

    Naugus isn’t a very convincing person. His “join me” speech is going to need a LOT more work if he wants to take over the world some day.

  11. MX64

    @C.W. NICOLE did do it in the show, in the episode “Cry of the wolf”. she used it to escape chains, but it came out of a hole in the bottom of NICOLE, not the screen.

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