Chapter 003 – Page 26

“Auuuuggghhhhh Steam! My only weakness!”



I dunno if I will be here next week so… Saber will be uploading the page.  If its late I give you all permission to lynch him.



Discussion (14) ¬

  1. sonicblur13


  2. Speedy

    Ah, the steam, it burns….it burns

  3. Star

    AH MY EYES!!! MY EYES!! THEY BURN!!! XD great page saber! and don’t worry just to make paul mad if the page is late next week i won’t lynch you….unless something bad happens that day and i depeneded on the page to make me happy…..give me tell the middle of the week and i’ll give you a clear answer of if your dead next week

  4. LaserX5

    Bold move by Sally.

    Still, how’s she going to get out this is beyond me.

    Maybe this is where Sonic makes his dramatic entrance. LOL

  5. Saber


    Otherwise, I’m really liking the progress I’m making in the drawing. Pages are more consistent in design, the backgrounds are looking better… I need to work on the shading though :/

  6. Paul

    Good thing SOMEONE bought you that new tablet huh?

  7. Saber

    Yeah. I owe that person my soul now :I

  8. John

    The red flames bleeding off panel actually has a nice affect to it (affect? Effect?).

  9. Flyboy 1945

    Improvised smoke/flash bang grenade, brilliant move Sally also some lyrics from His World (Zebrahead version) sound real appropriate for the SatAM series (i.e. “Where life is strong, Where compromise does not exist, Never fear the fall, Every step meets the risk.”) just thought I’d point that out since at the time I’m writing this comment I was listening to His World. One last thing to Saber, dont worry I’ve got World of Tanks to keep me entertained until the next page comes out

  10. Bakuda

    Nobody actually knows something like that is a mistake until you point it out Saber. I thought it was supposed to be that way. Like John said…it adds to it. Nagus’s rage is so great it extends beyond the panel!!! I’m really loving your art…especially how you drew Sally in the last panel.

  11. sonicblur13

    hey guys i just went school shopping and i got a whole bunch of clothes mostly blue jeens and tshirts and some running shoes that look alot like son’s shoes so i call them power sneakers and i got 2 really cool shirts in particular a pokemon that has pikachu on it and it says ”PIKACHU” under the picture and i got a blue shirt that has modern sonic’s face on it and i got a black shirt that has 9 different pictures of classic sonic on it i cant wait for school to start so i can where all my cool shirts with my sonic hat by the way this years going to be my first year of middle school

  12. Star

    @sonicblur13 your going into middle school?! dude your going to love it, your lucky, rather be back in middle school then highschool -_-;;

  13. dragon

    It’s Friday! Where’s the next page? Just kidding… ^_^

  14. Flyboy 1945

    @sonicblur13 AND Star
    enjoy it while it lasts trust me cuz when you Graduate sure its all party and things like that but then you hit by REAL LIFE trust me I wish I was back in High School

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